Yellow, black, and white color symbolism for Leifang in her main outfit and bikini in DOA6.


New Member
At first the red quipao was always going to stick to Leifang as her primary outfit but it turns out that by the time DOA6 rolled did she get a main outfit and a bikini that has yellow, black, and white colors.

What do you see in Leifang when it comes to the symbolism of yellow, black, and white colors?

When I see Hitomi donning the white trims in her black and pink tank top in DOA6, it seems to me that there is a meaning between Hitomi and Leifang's relationship when it comes to their colors that I mentioned. Black and pink symbolizes Hitomi as a lovely, friendly, and powerful fighter and black and yellow symbolizes Leifang as a sophisticated, energetic, and powerful fighter. Where Hitomi is friendly, cheeful, and energetic, Leifang is spunky, prideful, and intelligent. Though the yellow and pink colors do not contrast, the yellow colors has aspects such as danger, jealousy, and betrayal that foils to that of the pink colors having aspects of approachability, friendliness, and innocence.

Based on the colors, I wonder if Leifang will betray Hitomi to pursue her goals especially after Jann Lee? What will Hitomi do to repair their friendship? It is hard to speculate but all I can say is that Team Ninja is heading in the direction where they are at least putting focus in their relationship especially through colors.