"You are tearing me apart, Lisa!" The Lisa Strategy thread


Well-Known Member
Yeeeaahhhhh better not touch her with the nerf paddle TN lol

I've been messing around with 9P a bit and its pretty effective from full screen (if they arent expecting it). I've gone about using it to transition into BT and Back Dash back to Normal Stance and mixing in some 8P for shenanigans.

It looks weird to do but it helps open up some attack/mixup options by keeping you mobile which i feel is how lisa keeps up momentum, by constantly being in motion and transitioning from different stances and trying to incorporate her 9P into some of those mobile options.

I believe Tones mentioned something about Lisa getting a floored OH opportunity if she gets hit out of the 9P the right way?
I think what you may be referring to is her wakeup OH? If you are on the ground, face up, with your head towards your opponent, you can press Throw and will get a wakeup OH. It works reliably, mostly since most people have no idea about it, and i think it even tracks too (most people wont sidestep against a grounded opponent, but still it's nice to have :))


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I think what you may be referring to is her wakeup OH? If you are on the ground, face up, with your head towards your opponent, you can press Throw and will get a wakeup OH. It works reliably, mostly since most people have no idea about it, and i think it even tracks too (most people wont sidestep against a grounded opponent, but still it's nice to have :))
yeah the wakeup. I love that move lol. beast when it hits, rage inducing when its ducked :(


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It's set up if you get hit out from her jumping attacks from BT. Meaning it's an open invite to throw out things like 9p/8p/1pp p+k/p+h when you really not at any advantage or don't have anything to gain. http://www.twitch.tv/shadowloohq/b/344286742 Check the 5:49:30 mark, I used to win the game match.

She has a lot of tools, I don't care if she looses 1 or 2 things.


Active Member
So what are her 50/50s now then.
Apologies for the late reply, these are the ones I know of...

:6::P: - (During stun or on CH) :6::P::8::K: is Lisa's best launcher for height and damage. :3::F::+::P: for the low hold punish.

:9::K: (Oki) - Most, if not all Lisa mains know this one. BT :P::+::K: is your go-to choice for potential guard crush and then guaranteed :6::P: for another 50/50 :). I like to use QCF :F::+::P: as the alternative since it will catch side steppers as well.

:3::P:/:6::P::P: - (During stun or on CH) Deja Vu and :3::3::K: will be your 50/50 after this.

QCF :K: - You can launch with BT :4::P: after, for the hold punish it's possible to cancel out of BT and land a :4::F::+::P: but BT :F::+::P: is safer. QCF :K: becomes unshakable during stun and while it doesn't create a true 50/50, will most certainly force a hold out of the OP.

I think that's it for now. Most of her lengthy stuns allow her lots of choice to force holds but if you want to pressurize the OP into a 2 way situation those are the moves to go for.


Well-Known Member
I just wanted to add, and i picked this up in some other Lisa vids, that you can actually use Don Vulcan (low OH) from BT. You hold 3 a little to force Lisa to turn around then quickly press OH; it's a lot easier than it sounds to pull off. Because of the OH's quick speed, it is pretty legit at punishing people that love low holding against BT, even with the added frames of turning around.

It's just like using QCF Oh from BT.


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I just wanted to add, and i picked this up in some other Lisa vids, that you can actually use Don Vulcan (low OH) from BT. You hold 3 a little to force Lisa to turn around then quickly press OH; it's a lot easier than it sounds to pull off. Because of the OH's quick speed, it is pretty legit at punishing people that love low holding against BT, even with the added frames of turning around.

It's just like using QCF Oh from BT.
DUDE! I totally thought that I was just imagining that happening one time. I always forgot to test it out after it happened online X_X

Edit: Hey guys try this out for me right quick (you guys are better at finding options and stuff than I am). See if rapidly transitioning from BT(8P) to Ducking Forward(Hold 3 during BT Transition) is of any use or if it opens up any decent options.

So far I have 3P(P) and 33K and of course as Batcommander mentioned the Don Volcan (3T)


Well-Known Member
DUDE! I totally thought that I was just imagining that happening one time. I always forgot to test it out after it happened online X_X

Edit: Hey guys try this out for me right quick (you guys are better at finding options and stuff than I am). See if rapidly transitioning from BT(8P) to Ducking Forward(Hold 3 during BT Transition) is of any use or if it opens up any decent options.

So far I have 3P(P) and 33K and of course as Batcommander mentioned the Don Volcan (3T)
I don't think there is anything practical from it really, even the low OH is not necessarily practical, it's just there lol. You have better attacks in BT that will come out faster than trying to cancel it into ducking. Both 1P and 4P duck and crush highs from BT, the low OH is just a punishing option if one feels like it.


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I don't think there is anything practical from it really, even the low OH is not necessarily practical, it's just there lol. You have better attacks in BT that will come out faster than trying to cancel it into ducking. Both 1P and 4P duck and crush highs from BT, the low OH is just a punishing option if one feels like it.

hmmm....you have a point there....


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Has anyone tried H+K after a blocked BT P+K and followed up with one of her offensive holds?


Well-Known Member
Has anyone tried H+K after a blocked BT P+K and followed up with one of her offensive holds?
Is FK the move where she does like a jumping roundhouse kick(cant remember atm, its late lol)? If it is, i would not recommend it after the blocked PK.

Blocked PK gives you +5, this is enough to make your 14 frame mids be able to beat everyone's fastest attacks.( You can try jab, but they can high crush you out of it.)

Ideally, it is best to mixup with 6P, 6K, or throw after landing a blocked PK.


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Is FK the move where she does like a jumping roundhouse kick(cant remember atm, its late lol)? If it is, i would not recommend it after the blocked PK.

Blocked PK gives you +5, this is enough to make your 14 frame mids be able to beat everyone's fastest attacks.( You can try jab, but they can high crush you out of it.)

Ideally, it is best to mixup with 6P, 6K, or throw after landing a blocked PK.
BT P+K leaves lisa at +17 on block and gives and can open up for an OH or Counter Hit. Set Kasumi or Christie to guard all and hi punch on reaction and test it out.



Well-Known Member
BT P+K leaves lisa at +17 on block and gives a guaranteed roundhouse (18 frames) and can open up for an OH. Set Kasumi or Christie to guard all and hi punch on reaction and test it out.
my bad dude, i thought you were talking about blocked PK, not BT splash lol.


A great tool is her nalgada tecnica BT:4::P+K:. I use it to cut distance and its effective to those characters that got good spacing tools (i.e. Ayane, Leifang and Jann Demigod Lee).


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I love to bump that booty. Fun move to spam.

What's that? It's i12, safe on block and it's evade on counter? Why I believe you are right.


Well-Known Member
Just to add on what Tones said, if fellow Lisa players didn't know, the frame data in game is incorrect.

You must add 2 frames to every attack, and 1 frame to every throw. The recovery data is correct, however.

Everyone was informed about this not too long ago, bout a week or two, so its relatively new to most ppl.

You can use the letter "i" (which stands for "initial startup" or sometimes "impact" depending on how its used), to denote frame data, such as i12, i14, etc.

Additionally, it takes 5 frames to turn around and block, so when you use leap frog throw and irish whip throw, and it says +10 on the screen, you are really getting +15. It's also why only the i12 moves will work, but not the i14 moves (12+2=14, 14+2=16, etc).

It is also why you cannot land some attacks after blocked body splash; you get +17, so technically you should be able to get knee launcher, which is i16, but it won't work (16+2=18).

And oh yeah, booty bump is good. Sometimes i bait people by standing at range in BT, then booty bump to stuff approaching players.


Well-Known Member
Was playing around with body splash today. A few things:

The farther you land a guard break, the more advantage you get. This goes for all her guard breaks, and it probably works for other characters i'm sure. Landing the splash so that the legs hit the opponent can land you up to +23. :eek:

Blocked :P+K: and :6::F+K: can get +7 at the right distance. This does not work for :2::F+K:, which will only give a +6 guard break up close; from farther away, it doesn't guard break and leaves you at -12.

To get the most of your +17, free cancel the splash by tapping :h: as she is falling. Doing so will allow you to land a counter hit :1::P:, upping your damage potential.

If you don't free cancel, the game will register any backwards input as :4_: , and will put you in BT stance, which only gives +7.

Yeah I realized after the fact :oops:

But still try it
While you can't land the hop kick, you can land :4::P::6::K: (one of Lisa's forgotten moves, lol) , which does the same thing. You need to free cancel to make it work.


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yeah man I was messing with her guardbreaks lately also which is why im presenting all of these random setups and whatnot xD

gotta help out my fellow lisa mainers with ideas and expanding.

btw is 6H+K her only move that can guarantee a FT? ive been messing around with her moves and that seems to be the only one so far.

Added to that. you can FT with 2P, 2K for +17 after landing the 6H+K