Final Fantasy Thread


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I don't even know, what I am so excited for. XD It's just a patch, probably just barely noticeable... I want the full game. ;__;


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I thought it was going to be a whole other version, basically a new demo and not a patch.
They were changing the gameplay a bit, fixing some framerate issues, and adding another quest right?
They want to fix some technical issues, like framerate and bugs\glitches. They also want to improve camera, lock-on, add team moves, another dodging technique and there will probably be some new small quests. They said, the party might even split up for them. The rest of the demo will stay the exact same.


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Let us be glad they are not releasing another FF13 again and milking Lightning for giggles again. With the side of things, Square Enix has a few idiots in the back who are releasing games for the 3rd time (FF10/X-2) on current gen. Yes, let us waste our time with these for absolutely no reason at all. Oh yes, it worked rather well for the PS3, we even have the international version for the extra features and bosses...but to release it for the PS4 just to see the jagged edges of the characters and more noticeable pixels surely gives it a reason as to why this is important.

But who am I kidding. FFX fans are too dense and have too much balloon air inside that skull. Short story:

Enough of FFX
Enough of FFXIII


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Honestly the FFX HD Remaster PS4 Port is sooooooooooo fucking DUMB. FFX & X-2 are my favorite out of the series but honestly.. there was no point. And it's $50 compared to the PS3/Vita versions which were $40. Like, I'm paying $10 more for a slightly prettier game of a slightly prettier HD Remaster that came out only a year ago.


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Duscae patch 2.0 was moved back to early June according to the official Final Fantasy Twitter:

It was moved, as SE decided, to add a little something to the EU-patch, to thwart allegations of sexism and to accomodate minorities:


Only France is protesting and went to strikes...but when are they not? >.>'


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Japanese fans got their change for Moebius and European for Cindy, this seems to me pretty fair xD


By the way there are many examples in FF of heroines with outfits much more sexy, I don't understand why to change just Cindy... oh well. I'm curious to see if the redesign will regard only the EU version.


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She's not even playable in the game. These changes for Cindy are not that important, they clearly seem to have forgotten that the entire party squad is consisted of dudes. They made it seem as if she is getting massive screentime, she is to what people call...The NPC that has a better character model and graphics than your standard NPC.

What I need to know is the villain. I want to know if this man/woman is a badass and has the determination to eliminate the entire world for the craziest shit. Similar to Kefka, Sephiroth or Ultimecia. Yes, we now have the graphics in raw capacity as we enlighten us to what FF was about, the damn "story". Also include Gilgamesh in there as one of your optional superbosses like before, we need the warrior from the dimensional void to provide these 4 characters a true challenge and see if they can truly survive.


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Even though it was via paid DLC its something XIII-2 did right, it was awesome seeing bosses from classic 8-bit and
16-bit FF as optional bosses, even better when you could capture them as allies.

I'm sad they didn't bring legacy boss dlc back for LR but definitely hope it returns for XV


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The've done it as well in XII and previous games except there were no DLC at that time. The Gilgamesh there on FF12 was on one of his prime. What they could do is create an Arena in the game so that the heroes of FFXV can face off against the mightiest warriors as cameo appearances. You can encounter great dialogue and provide exciting challenges to the players, don't you want to see these heroes face against a challenge that is far more powerful than them? I sure as hell do and I want to win, even if it's non-canon.
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Um...guys, I was just kidding. XD Cindy will stay the exact same and she will definitely not wear a burqa. XD