Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol tbf though FFVII is majourly flawed, when the game is so easy that grinding is not needed once or when it's so flawed that you can exploit the crap out of it then you have a problem... not to mention every character is unlikeable and dull, the only characters I can stand are Yuffie and Tifa.

Cloud is the worst of them all though, why everyone has such a huge boner for him I will never know. Zack was a much cooler and more fun of a charcter than Cloud ever could be, he's just a poser.

THEN there's VIII that has a system that lets you exploit it so you can pretty much one shot almost everything for a good majority of the game because it's leveling system is dumb and extremely flawed FFVIII is probably the worst FF I have ever played.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
THEN there's VIII that has a system that lets you exploit it so you can pretty much one shot almost everything for a good majority of the game because it's leveling system is dumb and extremely flawed FFVIII is probably the worst FF I have ever played.
Worse than Mystic Quest?


Well-Known Member
Final Fantasy VIII and VII are WAAAY WORSE!

I feel like you're lashing out because the FFXIII series is always getting bagged on and I'll forgive you for that

I really doubt they'd just announce this port (they're literally sticking the PC version on PS4 that's it, it's not reinventing the wheel or they lost all the coding or some shit) then just be like "oh everyone's mad we trolled them nvm" when this is an incredibly easy cash grab. I heard somewhere one year at E3 they were like "HEY FFVII IS AVAILABLE ON PS3 NOW" which must have been one of the years I wasn't paying attention. Their conference is on a tuesday, It's totally plausible they'd do it again. June 16th is still spring and they said it'd be released spring 2015.

What I'm really hoping for is FFXII zodiac HD for PS4. *crosses fingers* ):


Well-Known Member
Not just lashing out though FFVII/VIII are my least favourite Final Fantasies, they're awful games and I'm pretty certain it's just nostalgia goggles that makes everyone get such raging erections for them.

As someone coming into them playing the other better games first VII didn't live up anywhere near to the hype and neither did VIII although the gameplay and how the system works is what shys me away from VIII, VII was just really uninspired with dull unlikeable characters(except Yuffie and Tifa) and a story that takes over 30+ hours to actually get anywhere after the events of Midgar.


Well-Known Member
What? they ARE bad though... compared to FFIV, VI, IX or even X, VII and VIII are terrible.

EDIT: I'm not saying XIII is the "bezt gaem evaaaar1!!1" in fact quite the oppsite actually XIII 1 and XIII2 are really poor and grating games to play, LR is the only one that's actually any good but relies too much on the previous games for people to jump in on.


Well-Known Member
Why do some people hate FFVII? I know the fanbase can be annoying sometimes, and me being a fan of the games it is one of the most successful Final Fantasy games to date even if some think it overrated and can be somewhat true.

Some will say FFVII is bad, some will say FFX is bad, some will say FFXIII is bad. If some of these games weren't as popular people's views would probably be way different I think.


Well-Known Member
What? they ARE bad though... compared to FFIV, VI, IX or even X, VII and VIII are terrible.
/: Well, I respectfully disagree that they are "awful games." They did something new with VII setting it in the modern age and it was the FIRST 3D game in the series. I liked the characters except Cloud, it had a good powerful story and great music. I liked messing around with materia and coming up with links that worked well. Not having to grind isn't a terrible thing.

FFVIII had good music, from what I remember the story was overly complicated but I liked it. The battle system was fun using junctioning and getting better magic to improve stats. I enjoyed leveling up summons and teaching them abilities. The leveling was stupid I agree.


Well-Known Member
Why do some people hate FFVII? I know the fanbase can be annoying sometimes, and me being a fan of the games it is one of the most successful Final Fantasy games to date even if some think it overrated and can be somewhat true.

Some will say FFVII is bad, some will say FFX is bad, some will say FFXIII is bad. If some of these games weren't as popular people's views would probably be way different I think.
Tbf FFXIII is bad, I honestly can't stand to even play it most of the time but I love the world and the story, X is alot better than VII though even though it does get dull after a good few hours .

VII itself just has too much hype to it, personally speaking I went into VII thinking it was gonna be a groundbrreaking and awesome experience, what I actually got was a game that was too easy except for the later optional bosses, and probably THE MOST ANTI CLIMACTIC ENDING EVER you win the final battle by pressing X ONCE I was hoping to face Sephiroth properly without Omnislash but nope you're forced to one shot him and that is sooo lame.


Well-Known Member
Calm down guys, everyone has their own opinions and the diversity is one of the best things if people know how to appreciate it.

Personally I've to confess that I got just very recently FFXIII and FFXIII-2, and currently I'm in the middle of the disc2 of the first game. While I'm really excited to play Final Fantasy my first impact was far from being one of the best: while I really like the structure of the world and the characterization in itself, so far many of the events or the dialogues seemed a little silly or unrealistic: I got the impression that the writers made a good job with the events of the story and the reason for making allow them, but the execution was poor (of course my judgement remain temporary until I don't complete it). The death of Hope's mother on everyone, while the event has a precise role in the development of him and indirectly on other characters of the party, seemed to me something truly forced and without pathos. Immediately I made the comparison with the old FF games and in particular VIII that I loved, but I also started to ask me if maybe that great impression that I got from the past game was just the effect of me being a child with a different vision and focus on the game. Indeed at least one of the things that at the time appeared to me pretty singular in VIII as the discovery that all the party was actually related in thier childhood, nowadays it would be very likely considered a forced development even from me.

So it's in the end a mix of personal opinions tied also to the personal experiences made: not only people have different tastes, but even playing something in different ages can bring different outcomes. All of us become naturally more critical toward the things, and personally I envy people that are able to work behind the concept design of products addressed only or also to young people, just because they are surely able to keep part of that amazement and admiration that people naturally end to lose aging.

Why do some people hate FFVII? I know the fanbase can be annoying sometimes, and me being a fan of the games it is one of the most successful Final Fantasy games to date even if some think it overrated and can be somewhat true.

Some will say FFVII is bad, some will say FFX is bad, some will say FFXIII is bad. If some of these games weren't as popular people's views would probably be way different I think.

I agree, and in particular I consider very true the last sentence. For me the worst thing that can happen to a work is not getting critiques not unanimously good, but to get few attention or care. I believe that between the modern numbered offline FF games, the one less talked or discussed is not the XIII saga but rather FFXII (that actually got even a sequel). I admit to not know the game and so I can't judge it, but this alone make me think as it could be effectively the one considered most unsuccesfull or less memorable.
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Well-Known Member
Okay, okay. I'll just judge my personal pros and cons about VII and let it go.

-Materia system is fun and unique
-Arguably the best soundtrack in the series
-Zack, Tifa and Yuffie
-Midgar is one of the most interesting locations in the game
-Date scene with Barret and Yuffie
-The play part of the date is the best scene in the game
-PC Mods make replaying the game fun especially with difficulty mods

-Not enough Midgar
-Dull characters with barely any or uninspired development(same with XIII I must admit)
-Sephiroth's final battle, it's supposed to be epic but the fact you don;t actually fight him is just so anti-climactic.
-Cloud is way too OP, literally have to use one party throughout the entire game to get anyone near to that.
-Only plays Tifa's theme once (ok this one is a joke sorta)
-Death scene of a character I couldn't care less about because she was poorly developed and had no real connection to you.
-Too easy, I like games that are challenging especially in RPGs if you just going around obliterating everything it gets really boring. (this ties in with my Cloud too OP complaint)
-Throughout most of the game unless you have a guide it's really difficult to even know where to go... honestly I found the Golden Saucer scene completely by accident. I just though I'd check it out, had no idea it was actually where I was meant to go next. The game suffers fom this more than once actually.(although this problem is a recurring theme with most early FFs)


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that no one but me played ff7 crisis core.
Never got a PSP.
the one less talked or discussed is not the XIII saga but rather FFXII (that actually got even a sequel). I admit to not know the game and so I can't judge it, but this alone make me thing as it could be effectively the one considered most unsuccesfull or less memorable.
FFXII HD seems to be highly requested so I don't think that's the case.


Well-Known Member
I'm guessing that no one but me played ff7 crisis core.

I didn't play it but I heard that it's a good title and definitely one of the games with the best graphic on PSP.

Never got a PSP.

FFXII HD seems to be highly requested so I don't think that's the case.

Like I said mine it wasn't a critique to the game because I don't know it (and popularity is not always a measurement of goodness); I was just talking for personal experience, it's possible that I got a wrong impression.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Crisis Core was good. Very fun to play, badass music, and delivered a hell of a lot more story and emotion than the main title (FF7). If you get a chance and like Zack it's definitely worth a buy. Naturally you already know what happened to him provided you played 7 and the end of the game is ridiculously tear jerking in how they just delivered Zack's character. Zack is easily in the top five most badass FF males in the series, Cloud has nothing on him.

This made Zack my favorite FF7 character.


Well-Known Member
Crisis Core was good. Very fun to play, badass music, and delivered a hell of a lot more story and emotion than the main title (FF7). If you get a chance and like Zack it's definitely worth a buy. Naturally you already know what happened to him provided you played 7 and the end of the game is ridiculously tear jerking in how they just delivered Zack's character. Zack is easily in the top five most badass FF males in the series, Cloud has nothing on him.

This made Zack my favorite FF7 character.
Fucking perfect.


Well-Known Member
Couldn't really get into crisis core, the core gameplay was just too bleh for me. Shame cause I'm a big ff7 fan.

I really do hope they announce a ffXII izjs sometime soon, it really does enhance the original game a lot.