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Well-Known Member
I honestly think they knew she was in danger, but they ignored because of various reasons. If you saw DOA:Dimensions story mode, Lisa threatened Kasumi as gunpoint, so Kasumi probably held the grudge the past two in game years, and she didn't seem to happy with Lisa at all. Then there's the disturbing fact that the ninjas didn't speak directly to her during Phase 4's introduction or during the course of the three part battle. They just ignored her the whole time...

Kasumi and Ryu at least probably hate her but they should have saved her anyway just because its Lisa.


Well-Known Member
Honestly I just want the story to doa6 to start where the story to doa5's ended with Kasumi standing on the Freedom Survivor. And then I want Lisa to suddenly walk up and punch her in the face

I want the story mode for 6 to be nothing but the cast taking turns slapping/punching her in the face. With so many clones, I think this is totally possible.


Premium Donor
Lol. @KasumiLover69 likes Kasumi though so I won't wish that on her.
Yes, I l♡ve Kasumi. That's why my FSD name is what it is. :-D The story of DOA6 should be where every fighter gets pissed at Donovan and they all decide to kill him and take over the MIST Ziabatsu for their own agendas. Only one fighter's story will be canon, and we'll have to wait until DOA7:Fated Sexualization to see who is the head of MIST.


Well-Known Member
Yes, I l♡ve Kasumi. That's why my FSD name is what it is. :-D

I never would have guessed it :eek:!!!!! MY MIND IS BLOWN!!!

Back to the topic of dlc costumes; how does this new batch look in motion? I personally haven't had the chance to see vids or get some for myself.


Well-Known Member
Fine, I actually would rather have the story be about Jann getting his ass beaten anyways, that bastard deserves it way more. Seeing as they hinted he would play a bigger role in the story, I REALLY hope they kill him off...

I don't like Jahn so yeah this sounds fine.

Yes, I l♡ve Kasumi. That's why my FSD name is what it is. :-D The story of DOA6 should be where every fighter gets pissed at Donovan and they all decide to kill him and take over the MIST Ziabatsu for their own agendas. Only one fighter's story will be canon, and we'll have to wait until DOA7:Fated Sexualization to see who is the head of MIST.

I'm honestly wondering when the ninjas will finally do something with Donovan because he's the cause of most of their problems.


This game needs anti-aliasing badly

Wow. It didn't even click in my mind at first that this is Rig! I thought it was Jahn when I first saw it until you posted the full body shot in the photography thread! And yeah it does need anti-aliasing.

Also @P2p1mbs the ones I bought look fine in motion.


Premium Donor
I'm so used to bald Rig, but it's a...unique look for him. It makes me feel better about my natural afro hair at least :p His style looks too high maintenance

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
Let's be honest if Lisa did die they'd probably bring her fighting style back with her pale Asian "18yo" anime moe little sister Himiko.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I want the story mode for 6 to be nothing but the cast taking turns slapping/punching her in the face. With so many clones, I think this is totally possible.

Really Kasumi? If anything, it's LISA who needs to be slapped(her or Miyako) considering that they are STILL helping Donovan despite the fact he keeps on going with this nonsense.


Standard Donor
I guess I have to be proof to the old adage that you can't please all of the people all of the time. I... just... don't... really like this pack that much (I'm sorry). I tend to prefer the slightly cute and silly costumes and this pack just feels way to similar to the ninja packs. I do like that everyone got a costume (except the guests) and I also fully acknowledge that they have done a very good job with these costumes, just something about them doesn't make me smile in the same way I do from some of the other costumes, I also wish they were breakable.

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
I guess I have to be proof to the old adage that you can't please all of the people all of the time. I... just... don't... really like this pack that much (I'm sorry). I tend to prefer the slightly cute and silly costumes and this pack just feels way to similar to the ninja packs. I do like that everyone got a costume (except the guests) and I also fully acknowledge that they have done a very good job with these costumes, just something about them doesn't make me smile in the same way I do from some of the other costumes, I also wish they were breakable.

You sir are insane.


Well-Known Member
TN said before that they plan on supporting DOA for a while, so I don't think it'll end anytime soon.

Hopefully there will be another new character down the line too. I love Naotora, but hopefully a brand new face this time.

Anope. We will get another cutesy moeblob skipping and singing and apologizing and crying and she will also have Marie's face.
I'm not so sure, myself.

They tried harder to make an impactful story in DOA5 than in any of the past games, and yet it turned out to be the worst one yet.

Until they stop focusing ONLY on the ninjas, that won't change.
Rig needs a haircut badly.

Nah this is his best look yet lol. At least now he's not just "generic western action guy".

On the pack itself...honestly its not that the pack itself is so good, but that its the lesser of two evils.

I'll support and buy this because its leagues beyond more generic fetish packs, but to be honest I would rather have more fan designs or casual outfits, rather than more bikinis or collab packs.

Like these sw outfits look cool in pictures but like the other collabs they look wildly out of place in game to the point I rarely see them actually used.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Until they stop focusing ONLY on the ninjas, that won't change.
The non-ninja cast was shoved down my throat more in DOA5's story more than any other game in the series and frankly their segments were every bit as bad (if not generally worse) than the ninja ones. I'd take whatever bullshit was happening in Kasumi's "stories" than Kokoro's, for example.

Ninjas have nothing to do with it. Crappy writing is crappy writing, regardless of ninjas.

Nah this is his best look yet lol. At least now he's not just "generic western action guy".
I'll take "Generic Western action guy" over "Formaldehyde Nightmare" (or "Generic moe-punk girl" for that matter).


Well-Known Member
The non-ninja cast was shoved down my throat more in DOA5's story more than any other game in the series and frankly their segments were every bit as bad (if not generally worse) than the ninja ones. I'd take whatever bullshit was happening in Kasumi's "stories" than Kokoro's, for example.

Ninjas have nothing to do with it. Crappy writing is crappy writing, regardless of ninjas.

I'll take "Generic Western action guy" over "Formaldehyde Nightmare" (or "Generic moe-punk girl" for that matter).

Nah I've always hated rig for how utterly nondescript he is so I love his new hair lol.

But on story yeah 5 is just bad writing in general but my point is that they should actually bring the rest of the cast in on the mist conflict or at least make the tournament the focus again. With 5 it was just either ninjas and Bayman vs mist or the rest of the cast fucking around in slapstick daily life.

Whereas at least 4 and 3 and 2 had everyone building up to and facing off against the big bad guys because everyone was invested in the tournament equally for different reasons. Arcade is different from a proper story mode yes but the point still stands. 5 had just certain characters doing anything and everyone else essentially sitting around with their thumbs up their asses.
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