Final Fantasy Thread


Active Member
Just beat the new hunt in FFXV. it was pretty fun and fair despite the usual flaws with useless partners, crap lock on etc.

And that long ass reply you made kasumilover was one of the worst things I read on this board. I'm now going to bleach my eyes cause of it.


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And this says "Dissidia arcade update" even though it has nothing to do with dissidia arcade because....?
Sorry about that. I'm so used to typing it that it's become second nature.

But even so, there's a strong possibility some characters featured in Dissidia Opera Omnia may see a future appearance as a playable character in Dissidia Arcade down the road, if not before console release.

This theory can also be backed up with the fact that Team Ninja plans to feature over 50 playable characters by the end of the game's cycle.


Active Member
Sorry about that. I'm so used to typing it that it's become second nature.

But even so, there's a strong possibility some characters featured in Dissidia Opera Omnia may see a future appearance as a playable character in Dissidia Arcade down the road, if not before console release.

This theory can also be backed up with the fact that Team Ninja plans to feature over 50 playable characters by the end of the game's cycle.

So your theory is FF characters may be in a FF mixup game cause theyre FF characters?

Yeah, i agree with that...i guess.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Just beat the new hunt in FFXV. it was pretty fun and fair despite the usual flaws with useless partners, crap lock on etc.

That is one of my grudges with FFXV actually. The party member AI are not at all spectacular because they have actual attacks that leave them in a vulnerability state upon finishing attacks. Gladio and Prompto are big examples of this. I am unsure if this was to create some sort of realism to it or some type of difficulty change in making Noctis your sole DPS. (Which in actuality, he really is your DPS guy.)

Prompto trips when firing from a certain angle, Gladio swings horizontally and does this step back while doing a taunt (completely unnecessary), Ignis has this issue where he continues to try scanning a enemy Daemon that can't be scanned. (Flaw that has yet to be fixed). The game however is beatable with manageable party members, which has been proven already since everyone can beat it.


Well-Known Member
Also who here completed FFXII because as fabulous as Fran is goddamn that game kicked my ass at every turn!
I did, can't wait til July when the remaster comes. I've been holding off on replaying it waiting for this damn game to hit PS4

Same with FFIX, I mean it has to come to PS4 at some point after going to steam


Well-Known Member
If it's 50 characters by the end of the game then I hope there's like 45 characters at least when the game releases, Could you imagine If there was only 30 and the other 20 were dlc... Anyway I'm looking forward to when the obvious characters are revealed so we can get to characters Like Tifa, Yuna etc being revealed. ( And Fran to be added but for now I'll just hope for Yuna )

Hell add Ariana Grande to Dissidia since she's an official character now! :p


Premium Donor
Just beat the new hunt in FFXV. it was pretty fun and fair despite the usual flaws with useless partners, crap lock on etc.

And that long ass reply you made kasumilover was one of the worst things I read on this board. I'm now going to bleach my eyes cause of it.
Love you too Hajin, your cynical attitude is one of the worst I've seen on the INTERNET :-D I'm now going to drink bleach because of it. Just kidding, I'm not gonna take my life or harm myself all because of one ignorant comment from rude wart like yourself.

But I'm definitely gonna do some looking eventually for the older titles Chap mentioned.


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Standard Donor
So your theory is FF characters may be in a FF mixup game cause theyre FF characters?

Yeah, i agree with that...i guess.
Most characters may have four characters representing each mainline FF game, save for a select few.

Others may be from side games to compensate for the mainline games that won't have four characters. So far we have one for Tactics and Type-0.


Active Member
That is one of my grudges with FFXV. The party member AI are not at all spectacular because they have actual attacks that leave them in a vulnerability state upon finishing attacks. Gladio and Prompto are big examples of this. I am unsure if this was to create some sort of realism to it or some type of difficulty change in making Noctis your sole DPS. (Which in actuality, he really is your DPS guy.)

Prompto trips when firing from a certain angle, Gladio swings horizontally and does this step back while doing a taunt (completely unnecessary), Ignis has this issue where he continues to try scanning a enemy Daemon that can't be scanned. (Flaw that has yet to be fixed). The game however is beatable with manageable party members, which has been proven already since everyone can beat it.

Yeah Noctis is sole dps but if your partners stayed alive they would help a lot. I have limit break on link strikes and have them each equipped with the friendship bond so being able to trigger that 10k to 20k damage with teammates would be helpful if it wasnt for the fact that theyre always dead.

I just wish we could give them simple retreat or assault commands at least. In the dungeon where you couldnt use items you had to fight a dragon that telegraphed a massive aoe attack. I would always retreat out of danger and just watch my idiot partners keep slashing waiting for their deaths.

Love you too Hajin, your cynical attitude is one of the worst I've seen on the INTERNET :-D I'm now going to drink bleach because of it. Just kidding, I'm not gonna take my life or harm myself all because of one ignorant comment from rude wart like yourself.

But I'm definitely gonna do some looking eventually for the older titles Chap mentioned.

Not worse than Brutes. Hes my goal. I get youre trying to be good nature but some of your things do come off very jarring especially when they display a very shallow sense of judgement and "FIRST I SAW HER HEELS AND WAS OMG WHO IS DIS AND THEN I SAW DEM LEGS AND WAS LOOKING POWOWOW DIS GONNA BE THE BEST CHARACTER EVAH" hits the nail on the head. But I digress, keep calm and heel on I guess *shrugs*
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Well-Known Member
Yeah @Chapstick I was wondering If the remaster had came out yet or not, Guess it hasn't. There's a couple of old school FF games I've got my eye's on for what I'd like to play but I think for now I'll wait until VII's remake comes out whenever that may be.


Active Member
Most characters may have four characters representing each mainline FF game, save for a select few.

Others may be from side games to compensate for the mainline games that won't have four characters. So far we have one for Tactics and Type-0.

Well heres hoping more unused characters like Eiko appear. i would enjoy a Rydia or Rinoa over another sword swinger anyday.


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Friendship bond believe it or not, isn't really worth it (at least from what I hear). Going behind their backs will trigger most blindslide tag animation if they are within the vicinity. Magitek Suit V2 3x on each party member is the ultimate thing since they get the bonus+stats.

I just wish we could give them simple retreat or assault commands at least. In the dungeon where you couldnt use items you had to fight a dragon that telegraphed a massive aoe attack. I would always retreat out of danger and just watch my idiot partners keep slashing waiting for their deaths.

Now you speaking my language. The AI doesn't function in dire necessity when you want to protect the party. Getting hit by a huge AoE attack with you only able to dodge is pretty saddening. They could learn a thing or two from Star Ocean or even Tales series in that department or simply give them better priority with less recovery on each individual swing/shots from their attacks.

Not even kidding here, It takes Gladio 3 minutes to kill a level 15 enemy when he's 120. Clearly something is amiss here if you take that long to kill a slow moving scorpion.


Active Member
Friendship bond believe it or not, isn't really worth it. Going behind their backs will trigger most blindslide tag animation if they are within the vicinity. Magitek Suit V2 3x on each party member is the ultimate thing since they get the bonus+stats.

Now you speaking my language. The AI doesn't function in dire necessity when you want to protect the party. Getting hit by a huge AoE attack with you only able to dodge is pretty saddening. They could learn a thing or two from Star Ocean or even Tales series in that department or simply give them better priority with less recovery on each individual swing/shots from their attacks.

Not even kidding here, It takes Gladio 3 minutes to kill a level 15 enemy when he's 120. Clearly something is amiss here if you take that long to kill a slow moving scorpion.

I prefer the friendship bond especially when I trudged through the end game dungeons. I tried it with it and without and it was more effective. When I would fight multiple tough enemies, like those skull flying sorcerers thing and there were three in a room, I could trigger the link strike with a character way on the other side of the room. Seemed more beneficial to get it since you couldnt tell them who to fight and I didnt want them to dictate who I fought. I wouldn't ever bother putting V2s on the bros. V2s help for post game fights and I solo all of those. Whats the point of a v2 on a dead man?


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I prefer the friendship bond especially when I trudged through the end game dungeons. I tried it with it and without and it was more effective. When I would fight multiple tough enemies, like those skull flying sorcerers thing and there were three in a room, I could trigger the link strike with a character way on the other side of the room. Seemed more beneficial to get it since you couldnt tell them who to fight and I didnt want them to dictate who I fought. I wouldn't ever bother putting V2s on the bros. V2s help for post game fights and I solo all of those. Whats the point of a v2 on a dead man?

Well for the simple fact that you don't necessarily have to worry about anything else really when using it really. The thing with Friendship Bonds from what I heard in FF forums is that it doesn't stack for increased range. Same as Moogle Charm where I once thought having 3 equipped on "one" character will triple the EXP earned for that one character, but when I tried it out it didn't increase it at all. I can see Friendship Bonds pulling a number on earlier parts of the game or having damage cap passing 9999, though that extra slot could be enhanced for vitality or more attack.

I mean, you have the option to continue using it. I don't see why not since FFXV isn't particularly hard in terms of getting your damage in. Most of the difficulty kicks in when Noctis takes the most hits, or when your party members are fading and 'then' Noctis takes the hits. Doing blindslides in general leaves you invincible until the attack it's done and can be useful on really open maps, so it's not necessarily bad per se, but I can see why most wouldn't really use Friendship Bonds since you can trigger it in general up close.


Active Member
Well for the simple fact that you don't necessarily have to worry about anything else really when using it really. The thing with Friendship Bonds from what I heard in FF forums is that it doesn't stack for increased range. Same as Moogle Charm where I once thought having 3 equipped on "one" character will triple the EXP earned for that one character, but when I tried it out it didn't increase it at all. I can see Friendship Bonds pulling a number on earlier parts of the game or having damage cap passing 9999, though that extra slot could be enhanced for vitality or more attack.

I mean, you have the option to continue using it. I don't see why not since FFXV isn't particularly hard in terms of getting your damage in. Most of the difficulty kicks in when Noctis takes the most hits, or when your party members are fading and 'then' Noctis takes the hits. Doing blindslides in general leaves you invincible until the attack it's done and can be useful on really open maps, so it's not necessarily bad per se, but I can see why most wouldn't really use Friendship Bonds since you can trigger it in general up close.

Stacks? I only have one on each character. Unless you're implying, one friendship bond increases the link strike for all 3.


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Stacks? I only have one on each character. Unless you're implying, one friendship bond increases the link strike for all 3.

'That' I'm not sure, I don't use it either so I couldn't really dig on the exact range. Game has no numbers to determine it. It's mostly from what I've gathered in the forums. I think the complaint for it mostly is that blindside triggering is not consistent and can actually have characters miss their tag attack due to the player pulling them from extreme distances, whereas up close they have a better notch on timing attacks (Noctis+Ignis tag miss chances).

Course, if it continues to work for you, I don't see why not. It's what I heard is all.


Well-Known Member
I've seen lots of stuff about that Opera Dissidia game on twitter, Is it similar gameplay to dissidia? I guess it's exclusive to Japan I'm just waiting for them to get onto dissidia characters that are party members.

Also I decided to look at gifs of Fran -


She's look so good in HD! Why do the characters I like always have to be the underappreciated ones...? Also look how good she looks even though this was on ps2.


Active Member
I've seen lots of stuff about that Opera Dissidia game on twitter, Is it similar gameplay to dissidia? I guess it's exclusive to Japan I'm just waiting for them to get onto dissidia characters that are party members.

Also I decided to look at gifs of Fran -


She's look so good in HD! Why do the characters I like always have to be the underappreciated ones...? Also look how good she looks even though this was on ps2.

No its an android game that plays like a turn based rpg.