Injustice 2


Well-Known Member
This means Injustice 2 sales were enough to outsell many other well established games in half the time, beating out the likes of The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild,


From what I've seen though It does look good so congrats to it.


Premium Donor
Her winpose is perfect....i could watch it on repeat all day, she's a boss bitch and her win pose is what boss bitches do ☆.☆


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Finally! Some good footage, is she officially out yet or is this just a prolonged edging session to hype us? XD

I actually don't know. I think season pass/special edition owners will get her soon-ish and for everyone else it's a week or so later. It was like that with the other characters.
I think I'm going to get Starfire as the first DLC character that I buy. Game needs more pretty girls. ;)


Well-Known Member
Skip to 6:16 xD her interaction with my girl Power Girl is the funniest one I've seen in a while

I watched a different version of the vid, but
most of those are really bad because the mix and match lines dont even make SENSE lol.

Also first time seeing Zoom's dialogue. Sounds like they just could not decide which zoom they wanted him to be. Say he's Thawne, and has regular flash powers like Thawne, but then he's talking about hero's flaws and tragedies and going after Wally, which is all Zolomon.

Really good job on Star's hair, though.

.....I still wanna get this to try Cheetah though. Always liked that character.


Premium Donor
I watched a different version of the vid, but
most of those are really bad because the mix and match lines dont even make SENSE lol.

Also first time seeing Zoom's dialogue. Sounds like they just could not decide which zoom they wanted him to be. Say he's Thawne, and has regular flash powers like Thawne, but then he's talking about hero's flaws and tragedies and going after Wally, which is all Zolomon.

Really good job on Star's hair, though.

.....I still wanna get this to try Cheetah though. Always liked that character.
Yeah that annoys me ever since mortal kombat x, for every new character there's alot of reused lines from characters that either don't really make sense(I cringed when I watched her cyborg interactions, especially when she offered pizza) or that you've heard before already. In terms of trying characters out, I wanna try Harley, Power Girl, Aquaman, Cheetah's premium skin, Beetle, Starfire and pretty much almost everyone else since everyone pretty imo plays a role in adding something to the game bar a few premier skins that seem added just cause


Well-Known Member
Yeah that annoys me ever since mortal kombat x, for every new character there's alot of reused lines from characters that either don't really make sense(I cringed when I watched her cyborg interactions, especially when she offered pizza) or that you've heard before already. In terms of trying characters out, I wanna try Harley, Power Girl, Aquaman, Cheetah's premium skin, Beetle, Starfire and pretty much almost everyone else since everyone pretty imo plays a role in adding something to the game bar a few premier skins that seem added just cause

my problem is the gameplay. Only time i've ever enjoyed playing Mortal Kombat was Sheeva in MK9, but I skipped over MKX and Injustice because there hasn't been a character who suited my playstyle that well ever since. Can't find anybody I actually like playing in the later games.


Premium Donor
my problem is the gameplay. Only time i've ever enjoyed playing Mortal Kombat was Sheeva in MK9, but I skipped over MKX and Injustice because there hasn't been a character who suited my playstyle that well ever since. Can't find anybody I actually like playing in the later games.
That's the same with me, I like mileena and kitana in MK9 but I've never actually had someone in the more recent games I could call my main. Tbh i prefer MK during the Deadly Alliance, Deception, and Armageddon era, lots of blood, the combat was 3D and simple and I died of laughter watching blood hit the ground(You could actually hear it hit the ground back then), impaling characters and watching blood gush out in Deadly alliance, and of course the death traps.... back then I used Mileena and Li Mei and almost all the girls, and I've been thinking of buying Armageddon since I like Sareena

As far as Injustice I think I'll mainly use Harley and Aquaman if they're simple enough to use


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Fighter Pack 2 will be revealed on Gamescom:


I still haven't bought any of the DLC characters... :/


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Hellboy is coming to Injustice 2! O:

Didn't see this coming from the silhouettes.
The others are Raiden and Black Manta.


Well-Known Member
I'm quit disappointed with these new additions I have to say. All guys and not that great. I like the Hellboy movies, but besides that I don't care much for the character. Excited about the reboot coming though!


Premium Donor
I'm kinda hoping for some more female characters, like maybe the Enchantress, I loved her in Suicide Squad(My mom didnt XD)


Such a beautiful and dark character...


Premium Donor
Heck yeah! That would be awesome. She'd have some sick animations.
That and she would likely have some bad blood between Harley Quinn too since she's ultimately what led to her demise in the movie with her wounded surrendering sheep trick XD i can bet you their dialogue will be like:

Enchantress: So...... the Joker's harlot turned anti hero...

Harley: L-look Tressy.... we can talk this out right??

Enchantress: FOOL! I shall not fall for the same farce twice! Prepare to DIE!

That would be so awesome!!


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For the record, the release date for Black Manta's gameplay reveal in the trailer was an error.

We won't be waiting 9 months for those characters. It's on August 27, not next May.