Final Fantasy Thread


Premium Donor
What's hilariously interesting is that in Crisis Core he has Paparazzi over him and has a fan club dedicated to his life style or something if I remember. A fan club girl member in Crisis Core found out that Sephiroth uses a whole bottle of shampoo. How they found out? no idea. There's three fan clubs that Zack can join in. Sephiroth, Angeal, and Genesis. Genesis actually has two fan clubs but he's the least most popular for obvious reasons. (Their reason for Genesis is that he can be an asshole towards people approaching him even from his fan clubs, my reason is that he's incredibly bipolar and incredibly lame.) He's there for the edgelords and emos put together but that's just me being generous on description.

Sephiroth (actual in-game description at the bottom):
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That's alot of hair product for one guy XD imagine the hell of maintenance he would have to do if he had NATURAL AFRO hair XD

Jackie Chan Fan

Well-Known Member
I knew that Team Ninja is the perfect developer for this game. Aside from the fighting game experience, they make the perfect-looking ladies. Just look at Ultimecia and Cloud of Darkness. hahaha


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So according to an interview on Eurogamer, Hajime Tabata says he wants to bring FFXV to a climax next year. I swear if it's more pointless/gamebreaking additions I'm gonna shout....

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
So according to an interview on Eurogamer, Hajime Tabata says he wants to bring FFXV to a climax next year. I swear if it's more pointless/gamebreaking additions I'm gonna shout....
l0l you already know how this will turn out. They'll just add more lame customizations that nobody wants (ex: power ranger rip-off costumes, more looking ugly hats and shirts, etc.), as well as chapter DLCs that should've been in the game from the get-go.


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So far each of the story/lore additions has either been indeed pointless or they have actually been "Verschlimmbesserungen" as we say in German (which is a compound of the words for improving and worsening). They had good intentions of improving the game or story while actually making it worse. :/

For example the recently altered train ride scene with Gentiana, in which she reveals herself as Shiva and in which Luna and Noctis wrangle with fate.
In the update they severely watered down a simple yet powerful scene (the first powerful personal scene for Noctis in the game imo) in an attempt to also cram in info about the astral war and an attempt to really push Noctis' and Luna's love to the foreground.
The info about the astral war is nice and all, but it is really cheaply done with old concept art slides.
Noctis cowering on his knees, shivering from head to toe and almost freezing, while repeatedly asking Shiva to lengthily explain the astral war, seems a bit out of place as well.

The biggest problem I however have with the second and third part of the altered scene.
Luna now gets more screen time crying, then talking to Gentiana how much she loves Noctis and Gentiana promising to relay that message in the case that Luna dies.
This meme perfectly sums that part up:




Also, mobile phones...

Before, the focus in this scene was on Luna sacrificing herself for Noctis and the good of the entire world. She mentioned that she missed her and Noctis' time together as kids on a more personal note, which was very relatable.
In the new scene it is all about crying for their lost and frankly incomprehensible love. Who cares for the fate of the world, who cares for being a strong female character anymore, let the girl cry because she couldn't be together with Prince Charming. Because that is all D̶i̶s̶n̶e̶y̶ Square Enix princesses care about.

Noctis' scene afterwards they butchered and made a joke of too. In the old scene Noctis admits he wasn't able to save Luna and that he was sorry for that. He didn't mention any love though, he was just genuinely sorry. He additionally was sorry for himself, for everything being "so hard". Especially for Noctis, who was pretty closed off and almost apathetic before, that too felt very relatable. This scene was also really well directed and acted.
Now that they made their love the focus point, Noctis too is simply crying for their lost love. And the swelling music that they now added...jeez...
It's just so cheesy and melodramatic and at the end of the day it completely falls flat, because no one really cares for Luna or their love anyway. Neither Luna is properly characterized in the game, nor has there ever been explained why/how the two actually love each other. They didn't interact in the game once. Just in flashbacks, when they were kids and with one-liners in their dog messenger travel diary.

I really hope they don't do more stunts like this. It's not making the game any better. :(
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Well-Known Member
Yeah...Luna and Noctis' love truly is Disney levels of getting married and falling in love over virtually nothing. :I ... And they haven't even like what...spoken! In a decade or so. Luna could've been such a good character but instead she's killed off way to early after we barely see anything of her and she's pretty over the top about her love for Noctis.

...And like whats been said...Girl...literally just phone him, Problem solved. Does face timing not exist in the XV world or something?


Premium Donor
Yeah...Luna and Noctis' love truly is Disney levels of getting married and falling in love over virtually nothing. :I ... And they haven't even like what...spoken! In a decade or so. Luna could've been such a good character but instead she's killed off way to early after we barely see anything of her and she's strangely over the top about how much she loves Noctis etc.

...And like whats been said...Girl...literally just phone him, Problem solved. Does face timing not exist in the XV world or something?
Don't blame her for that, who couldn't love Noctis? XD the fact they never spoke and she still loves him is goals for me

And it's not about face timing these days, it's about sending nudes and eggplant fridays:cool:


Well-Known Member
Don't blame her for that, who couldn't love Noctis? XD the fact they never spoke and she still loves him is goals for me

"Luna and Noctis are soon to be wed, They haven't spoken in over a decade since they were children. Luna will be brutally murdered as an entire city is destroyed moments before her husband to be gets to her to finally speak to her......." ...omg relationship goals! :p


Premium Donor
"Luna and Noctis are soon to be wed, They haven't spoken in over a decade since they were children. Luna will be brutally murdered as an entire city is destroyed moments before her husband to be gets to her to finally speak to her......." ...omg relationship goals! :p
Seriously it is, so depressing yet sudden and surreal...its BEAUTIFUL!!! *Sobs*


Well-Known Member
I just saw something about If Luna joined the party and that would have been so cool. Like once you got to Altissa, Luna actually helped Noctis fight Leviathan and then joined the party after that and Luna and Noctis truly got to develop alongside each other and fall in love. And then they'd defeat Arydn in Grac..gralia..whatever that cities name was and then they'd get married at the end. It wouldn't be nearly as dark but I think It would be nice and there wouldn't be that 10 years of darkness thing.


Well-Known Member
I really want to like FFXV, and it is genuinely a good game for a decent portion of it its just...

Tabata and co. Have made some REALLY questionable decisions post launch and added things that literally do the opposite of what most players want(western players anyway).

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
I really want to like FFXV, and it is genuinely a good game for a decent portion of it its just...

Tabata and co. Have made some REALLY questionable decisions post launch and added things that literally do the opposite of what most players want(western players anyway).
Better unleash your inner Hitomi Quan and pray for the better l0l


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Standard Donor

Mark your calendars for October 24. There's going to be a bombshell of newly revealed information you don't want to miss! From a summary of the game's story, to a detailed explanation of the single and multiplayer features, there is a lot to potentially be excited for.

Keep it locked at the usual - Square Enix's official YouTube channel - and set a reminder for the stream if you can! Don't miss it!


Active Member
Cloud had so many cool weapons in FFVII but Amazon's preorder bonus is Cloud's nail bat...his nail bat. I guess its a cool preorder bonus if you like silly shit or creepy shit. I guess you can beat Kefka to death with a bat now.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Cloud had so many cool weapons in FFVII but Amazon's preorder bonus is Cloud's nail bat...his nail bat. I guess its a cool preorder bonus if you like silly shit or creepy shit. I guess you can beat Kefka to death with a bat now.
It's times like this I wish Kefka had a crowbar.


Well-Known Member
It makes me wonder what alternate weapons of characters will have.

Lightning as of console release will have 3 costumes and weapons, but has literally hundreds of both to choose from. Good choices IMO would be her XIII Ultima Weapon and Chaos' Revenge(if they don't add Caius, if the do then the behomoth blade would be a good one).

I'm assuming Ultima Weapon will be an option for most of the cast