Soul Calibur Thread


Well-Known Member
That's the thing I've been most excited for apart from the old characters finally returning. Given how awesome SCIV looked from the jump from SCIII, I imagine SCVI is going to look phenomenal on current gen hardware. I wouldn't mind if details like sweat and dirt were added as well (that can be turned off, of course), just to show the engine's power (and show off Ivy and Taki's hot bodies). Given the fantastic art direction SC has, I'm sure that combined with the power of current gen they can make some truly breathtaking sights.

They'll be able to use the assets to allow more stuff too. For example, why limit to just 50 character slots when you can have, say, 500? I know I constantly have to delete things to make room, so it'd be appreciated. They could add all sorts of features now that they have much more space to work with. Bring back museum, have more character customization options like facial hair, hair lengths, and body types, have single player modes, have a music mode with all the OSTs from this game and past games to customize the experience. God, so many possibilities.


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Soul Calibur 6 however I hope they'll do a massive jump graphics wise, soul calibur 5 exceeded SC4 in terms of stages and stuff but character models didnt change as much, just better rendering, better poly and skin textures and shaders and textures but on ps4 they can do a mega jump g graphics wise. I'm so excited!!! ^.^

You better hope for a different development cycle than Tekken 7 then. If Soul Calibur 6 is like Tekken 7 developed and optimized for more powerful arcade/PC hardware, then they will again have to significantly downgrade it graphically for consoles. Leading to blurry resolutions and missing or downgraded effects.
If the game is developed for PS4 and Xbox One first however, then those versions will look as good as possible, while the inevitable PC version will look even better. Everyone wins in this case.


Well-Known Member
I love Sophitia, Amy/Viola, Ivy and Setsuka but I don't see any of them as main. Hopefully SC6 will provide that.

(a classy MILF like Helena)

I wish I could go to Paris Game Week..


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I'm so excited to see SCVI in 4K, that will be incredible.

I guess you want to play it on either the PC or Xbox One X then?

I'm glad when the game hits at least full 1080p on my PS4 Pro. Tekken 7 had terrible resolutions on the base consoles. Imo indefensible. But that's what you get when you don't optimize properly... And then there's Unreal Engine 4, which scales poorly on weaker hardware, especially in 60fps.


Well-Known Member
I guess you want to play it on either the PC or Xbox One X then?

I'm glad when the game hits at least full 1080p on my PS4 Pro. Tekken 7 had terrible resolutions on the base consoles. Imo indefensible. But that's what you get when you don't optimize properly... And then there's Unreal Engine 4, which scales poorly on weaker hardware, especially in 60fps.
Yep, got my Xbox One X pre-ordered and ready to pick up at launch.


Premium Donor
You better hope for a different development cycle than Tekken 7 then. If Soul Calibur 6 is like Tekken 7 developed and optimized for more powerful arcade/PC hardware, then they will again have to significantly downgrade it graphically for consoles. Leading to blurry resolutions and missing or downgraded effects.
If the game is developed for PS4 and Xbox One first however, then those versions will look as good as possible, while the inevitable PC version will look even better. Everyone wins in this case.
Look Tyaren... I don't know if you haven't taken the hint but I want you to just abstain from talking to me, please. You've ignored me multiple times for petty reasons, came at me with very disrespectful remarks and you've called me dumber "than you thought which showed your true colors about what you feel about me all because i defended myself. I would assume that if I'm "dumb and that if everyone else including you thought my posts were "stupid" you wouldn't go out of your way to talk to me. Unless you apologize I would think it's best for you to leave me alone, otherwise you'll just insult me again and my opinion of you will sink even lower. Thanks

I'm so excited to see SCVI in 4K, that will be incredible.
4K!!! ☆.☆ Imagine how it'll look on pc, especially with that new photo mode!!!
I love Sophitia, Amy/Viola, Ivy and Setsuka but I don't see any of them as main. Hopefully SC6 will provide that.

(a classy MILF like Helena)

I wish I could go to Paris Game Week..
Nice choices, I love Sophitia since she's the epitome of a strong, determined mother and Amy because she's my spirit animal

I love everything about her, she's way better than viola imo, and she shows that you can be 9 years old and be strong, dark, determined and cold and callous and sadistic. Definitely one of the best characters in the whole series. Ivy I like because she's a bitch straight up, plus she could kick and whip my ass any day, I wouldn't break:cool:

I hope they make some bonus characters into main characters like Feofan, he was so cute ♡.♡


I also loved the shopkeepers, Lynette was my favorite!


Well-Known Member
I was wondering how many characters they should have on the roster? They have to have room for the old characters, the new characters, and the inevitable guest character which might be multiple as well. Say there's 30 characters. SCIV had 26 on the roster (not counting the Star Wars guests). Would they bring everyone back, and leave us with three new characters and one guest character? Or would they have some SCIV cuts on unpopular characters (like Rock and Algol) to make room for more new characters? And that's assuming that no one from SCV returns. Honestly, I can see Pyrrha coming back at least. Hoshino seems like her for being an Alexandra girl, which he wants to promote. Complicated, but the prospect of DLC characters eases this a little.


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I honestly don’t get why people get hyped up for a game that’s not even confirmed to be announced, don’t create an expectation when it’s based on rumors.

Anyway if SCVI becomes a thing, I hope they bring back the old characters, SCIII was so far the best SC game I’ve played, i miss Talim, she was a really good character that’s very interesting. If SCVI gets guest characters I hope that Kasumi will be a guest, it would be interesting to see how she would fight with her sword in that game.


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Because of the prospect that it's real, it feels like we're much closer than we ever were.
It’s still not confirmed though so it has no use getting your hopes up. It’ll only result in you being disappointed.


Well-Known Member
It’s still not confirmed though so it has no use getting your hopes up. It’ll only result in you being disappointed.
If it isn't real, yeah. But I feel like this is true, and my patience will finally be rewarded.
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Well-Known Member
Trust me, NeoGAF leaks have a higher chance of being real than 4Chan or Reddit "leaks", because they enforce strict rules on top of being hard to get into to begin with. If he's lying, he's going to get banned, it's generally not worth it. Plus, he just looks a lot more genuine than past leakers.


Well-Known Member
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Trust me, NeoGAF leaks have a higher chance of being real than 4Chan or Reddit "leaks", because they enforce strict rules on top of being hard to get into to begin with. If he's lying, he's going to get banned, it's generally not worth it. Plus, he just looks a lot more genuine than past leakers.
If you say so.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I don't know, but that post over on Neogaf (why would that forumer lie?) or that mention by Maximilian (why would he lie or that voice actor?), including all the other stuff we know (like them asking for the most popular characters, them continually hinting at SC returning or Tekken 7 the in-house rival finally being out of the way) really gave me hopes that we will see a SC6 reveal by the end of the year.
And as I already mentioned elsewhere: If I was SC6 or DOA6 I'd scramble to get my 3D fighter out as soon as possible, since there's only Tekken 7 and 3D fighter market share is up for free grabs right now. This can boost a 3D fighter franchise for many years to come. They just have to be quick now.

Look Tyaren... I don't know if you haven't taken the hint but I want you to just abstain from talking to me, please. You've ignored me multiple times for petty reasons, came at me with very disrespectful remarks and you've called me dumber "than you thought which showed your true colors about what you feel about me all because i defended myself. I would assume that if I'm "dumb and that if everyone else including you thought my posts were "stupid" you wouldn't go out of your way to talk to me. Unless you apologize I would think it's best for you to leave me alone, otherwise you'll just insult me again and my opinion of you will sink even lower. Thanks.


Yes, you may put this in your signature again, if that is possible. ;)

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
You better hope for a different development cycle than Tekken 7 then. If Soul Calibur 6 is like Tekken 7 developed and optimized for more powerful arcade/PC hardware, then they will again have to significantly downgrade it graphically for consoles. Leading to blurry resolutions and missing or downgraded effects.
If the game is developed for PS4 and Xbox One first however, then those versions will look as good as possible, while the inevitable PC version will look even better. Everyone wins in this case.
Somehow I doubt they'll ever do an arcade version for Soulcalibur VI, considering the state of arcades in Japan. So there is a possibility that they'll just develop the game on consoles (that, and players won't have to worry about Japan/Korea getting 2+ years of play before the rest of the world).


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Why are you here if you have nothing positive to say?
Because it’s a online forum and I can go where I want to.

I don't know, but that post over on Neogaf (why would that forumer lie?) or that mention by Maximilian (why would he lie or that voice actor?), including all the other stuff we know (like them asking for the most popular characters, them continually hinting at SC returning or Tekken 7 the in-house rival finally being out of the way) really gave me hopes that we will see a SC6 reveal by the end of the year.
And as I already mentioned elsewhere: If I was SC6 or DOA6 I'd scramble to get my 3D fighter out as soon as possible, since there's only Tekken 7 and 3D fighter market share is up for free grabs right now. This can boost a 3D fighter franchise for many years to come. They just have to be quick now.


Yes, you may put this in your signature again, if that is possible. ;)



Well-Known Member
The last time an arcade version of SC was released was SCII, right? There was SCIII: Arcade Edition, but that came after SCIII came out. Since then, there hasn't been any arcade SCs, and if one for SCVI came out then it would come afterwards I'd imagine like DOA5. Which is good, I don't want to wait three whole years after it comes out for arcades just to play it at home.