Looks like the game is available at select retailers.


Active Member
And from just about EVERY tournament player out there that is now hyped for the changes brought forth by DOA 5.
considering there are technically so few actual tournament players for DOA, you'd think that would be an alarm bell ringing to hear that Team Ninja has attempted to craft a game to suit the tastes of few, while expecting it to be popular with many.


Active Member
considering there are technically so few actual tournament players for DOA, you'd think that would be an alarm bell ringing to see that Team Ninja has attempted to craft a game to suit the tastes of few, while expecting it to be popular with many.

There's more to the FGC than just us here. People on Shoryuken, who were otherwise repulsed by DOA 4, want to play DOA 5 because they see the changes being made.


Well-Known Member
Again, I must reiterate, DOA4 was actually good - because it inspired Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken 6. If it was bad, then AM2 and NamcoBandai would not have imitated certain aspects of it. DOA4 was actually a good game. The only opinion of it being a bad game is in this website.
DOA4 was good as a game, yes. As an installment of the DOA series, it was very bad, and that is how it is judged. Relatively, not seperately.


Well-Known Member
You guys are all being dumb. Let people have their own opinions. If you don't like it. Ignore them. That's why there's an ignore button.


Active Member
DOA4 was good as a game, yes. As an installment of the DOA series, it was very bad, and that is how it is judged. Relatively, not seperately.
So what you're saying is that a few people were mad that it wasn't DOA3.3?
DOA3 had some broken physics and was wandering awfully close to Tekken territory with the relaunchers and extended air juggles. I loved DOA3, but I wouldn't play that game competitively, and don't know why anyone would considering Team Ninja released DOA2U just a while later, followed by DOA4 - both of which actually had community connecting competitive measures in the form of Online play.
If you loved DOA3, what you really want is a DOA game where there is no competitiveness. (or Tekken)


Well-Known Member
So what you're saying is that people are mad that it wasn't DOA3.3?
DOA3 had some broken physics and was wandering awfully close to Tekken territory with the relaunchers and extended air juggles. I loved DOA3, but I wouldn't play that game competitively, and don't know why anyone would considering Team Ninja released DOA2U just a while later, followed by DOA4 - both of which actually had community connecting competitive measures in the form of Online play.
If you loved DOA3, what you really want is a game where there is no competitiveness.
You're calling DOA3 an uncompetitive game? REALLY? It is probably the most loved DOA in the entire community, and is by far the most balanced. The triangle system is still there and very much present, but it heavily rewards players that know what they're doing with very good guaranteed damage and amazing flashy juggles. I've had just about enough of you. Do not state your opinions as blatant fact. You are not the majority of the DOA community. Neither am I. Do not treat either of us as such. I try to be tolerant, I do, but I'm completely sick of you. You are the only face here bashing DOA5. You say you're a fan when you're out to make the rest of us hate DOA5. Just, go away. Ignored.


Active Member
The site is lagging really bad now, I don't know whats going on
Ok or ignore me lol
but I actually think that this site, being purely a forum, doesn't benefit from an "ignore" feature. It seems childish, and it's not like there are spambots on this site that are posting PENIS ENLARGEMENT PILLS GO TO THIS WEBSITE WWW.HONKYDONKY.COM or whatever, ya know? That's what an ignore button is for, not for simply denying conversation. That's just undemocratic.


Well-Known Member
The site is lagging really bad now, I don't know whats going on
but I actually think that this site, being purely a forum, doesn't benefit from an "ignore" feature. It seems childish, and it's not like there are spambots on this site that are posting PENIS ENLARGEMENT PILLS GO TO THIS WEBSITE WWW.HONKYDONKY.COM or whatever, ya know? That's what an ignore button is for, not for simply denying conversation. That's just undemocratic.
There's a difference between denying conversation and denying those that refuse to listen to others. You're free to speak your mind, but don't expect any of us to pay any heed.


Active Member
I'm speaking facts like "DOA4 was praised in the actual 'Developers of Fighting Games' community, because both Tekken 6 and Virtua Fighter 5 were inspired by DOA4 and benefited because of it"

You're the one simply stating opinion.
Don't even compare yourself to me, man - we're two different leagues.


I am the reason why you are here!!!
Staff member
The purpose of this site is actually for people who like DOA, as a whole or in part. I think the only real reason I even joined this site was because I was browsing the forums and reading really horrible garbage about how "doa4 was this unanimously agreeable shitty game" when never in the past 7 years had I heard a single living soul complain about it. DOA4 was a great game and a true sequel to DOA3. It shames me on a deep level to see that FreeStepDodge is mentioned in the credits of DOA5, as if anyone here had anything worthwhile to actually share with Team Ninja when most of the well-known members here shit on DOA4. Think about it, you're here making a game and then aim for some community outreach and what do you get? "Your last game sucked for no reason and we're losers and herpderp"
-If you have not competed in the Doa tournament scene for the past 10 years, you will not have any understanding to the reasoning why Doa4 was not a competitive game and why it failed so horribly. Maybe it have escaped you that Team Ninja Came to this site, because it was proven by said tournament players that the game was not up to snuff, and that changes were needed. I am not saying that you cannot enjoy Doa4, and think that it was the most beautiful fun game there ever was, but it was proven to be a horrible game at competitive levels.

DOA4 was a fast paced game, and it was balanced. Some characters weren't as great as other's in all departments, but that doesn't mean they were impossible to win with. I must also reiterate that DOA4 actually inspired games like Virtua Fighter 5 and Tekken 6. DOA4 was a good game, and that is the actual fact of the matter. It could have been better, but DOA5 doesn't improve on the areas that DOA4 needed improvement in.
-Once again I must ask, where are your credentials? Saying something is great just because you like it do not make it truth. Like I have stated above, Tournament players did not like the game, Team ninja is making a competitive game, so they are seeking those with Tournament experience.

So really, I joined this site cause I was reading lies about DOA4 from people who assumed they were speaking for any collective that actually mattered. I just joined to make my voice heard as an actual fan of DOA.
-The tournament scene is the collective Team ninja was looking for. If you are not in this group of players who have a high understanding of the mechanics of the game, than you was someone they were not looking for.


Active Member
I'm pretty sure the only reason a few people here didn't like DOA4 is also the same reason I don't like football.
"I don't understand it."

That's not to say I hate football, I just don't follow teams or go to games - though I understand the real pride and fun of being a spectator for football comes from sitting in the bleachers shouting your collective support with other fans of your team. I'm sure actually understanding how the game is played with being able to identify all the varying playbook strategies also adds to the enjoyment. I'm also sure that having learned and played football in the past, perhaps through school - adds even more enjoyment.
That's also not to say that I wouldn't subject myself to getting more interested in it, if only I had someone who does actually understand the topic to explain it to me.

I'd hope you'd take the time to actually understand every aspect of DOA4 before simply writing off your opinion on it as "dumb."
I actually can't name another single 3D fighting game that has survived as long as DOA4, so it obviously stood the test of time.
Can you name another 3D fighting game that has survived 7 years?


Active Member
Im really hoping that the Best Buy where i preordered the game at screws up and sells the game early doubt it though.