Recent content by JKe SMoker

  1. J

    What would you change about DOA?

    Manny was the champion though. Your saying that the person who took that "random game" and won the most money on it by getting 1st in several tournaments just happened to be amazing at rock paper scissors? Only when the skill-levels were very close the game would get kinda random but that goes...
  2. J

    What would you change about DOA?

    Top players in DOA4 were consistent. Can you explain how that happens in a random game?
  3. J

    Dead or Alive 5 Team Battle mode for DLC: Yes or no?

    Oh you mean team battle offline or online? Offline i'd be ok with it but online it was never really a success and it could get pretty laggy with 4 people on each team.
  4. J

    I think DOA players need to see this.

    But the in-stun adaption game is what makes DOA .. well DOA right? I mean I get it it's more random if you can hold out of a stun but there's a good chance you screwed yourself over doing that. There was always the option to just launch them instead of letting them play that guessing game it...
  5. J

    I think DOA players need to see this.

    Well yeah I think reading your opponent requires more time than what you have on small or smallest. I don't think your a better player just because you hit someone first. I can agree that "normal = normal and that's how the game is supposed to be" even though I would like bigger life bars for...
  6. J

    I think DOA players need to see this.

    All it does is punish whoever gets hit first. That's not what DOA is about and that's not what I like about this game. I like the longer games where you learn to read your opponent. Just imagine you playing vs a noob. With small life the noob has a way bigger chance of beating you than in...
  7. J

    I think DOA players need to see this.

    Again why does making lifebars smaller and more guaranteed damage make a game more competitive? Why nerf counters if it's only a 25% chance to hit and it puts you at risk of getting huge damage? Oh right because on the lifebars that we CHOSE it did alot of damage. With the lifebars all I can...
  8. J

    Dragon Kick

    Turns out pai has a dragonkick which is unblockable.. Gotta steal Janns moves.. It´s whatever hers is way easier to sidestep. I hope Pai players don't read Jann Lee subforums :D
  9. J

    How important is a game's story to you?

    I can relate to Jann Lee.. He likes cheeseburgers.
  10. J

    What would you change about DOA?

    I would delete parries from the game and provide the characters that have them with whatever tools they need to be balanced again. It's lame that you can base a whole strategy on a 50% chance parry mixed up with high crushes.
  11. J

    How important is a game's story to you?

    I kinda hate story.. I wanna play a game not watch a movie.
  12. J

    I think DOA players need to see this.

    So why did we nerf the guessing/reading game if we all think it's what defines DOA and we don't care what people think? Needs more guaranteed damage guys or else this game won't be respected herpderp.
  13. J

    Your Accomplishments During Your DOA4 Career

    I understand it can be frustrating to deal with those people on a regular base and that would put you off from going online. But even the people that beat you once and feel the need to shove it in your face should be seen as potential offline players. Maybe even more than others because of the...
  14. J

    Dead Or Alive 5 Patch Changes

    From dashboard>settings>system>console settings>language and locale>locale. There are no more specific options for coasts as far as I know, you can check if it worked on the leaderboards.
  15. J

    Dead Or Alive 5 Patch Changes

    Patch note: Changed default ranked grade-filter to 2 grades higher than your own. Changed default ranked region-filter to "Same". Gotta admit I'm finding matches quicker in ranked, then again I put my region on USA because the filter pisses me off too much.