Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • Number 1 ranked Nyo on PS4 just rq on me after losing one game (slow clap)
    Which kind of counter hold do you prefer? Scaled utility holds that lead to a gaurenteed stun/launcher or non-scaled holds that do big dmg but simply knock you down?
    The Izuna drop.
    I'd prefer any hold that gives guaranteed setups to have advanced inputs and not stupid easy parry setups (looking at you Leifang)
    Screw flying cars, mf's can barely drive on the road >:[
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    Reactions: illninofan
    Let's not forget we would have air traffic jams too. That would be a enormous nightmare. Crossing the Harbour Bridge to get to work in the morning is hard enough. I cannot imagine trying to hover there either.
    Though, once 5G hits us proper, driverless cars should start to really take off (no not literally)
    I know Kasumi is supposed to be the CQC queen, but zoning ppl out with 3k and 4p is the most fun to be had with her lol
    She's the Everything Queen. She does pretty much everything better than pretty much everyone.
    Apparently Nintendo's gonna start banning Amazon users from selling their games used, so if there's some old Nintendo games you were thinking of buying I suggest u snatch 'em up quick!
    • Angry
    Reactions: SaihateDYNAMO
    I want to see them try that shit. That is highly illegal.
    @Goarmagon It should be right? However, here in NYC you can't sell loose cigarettes to people, even if you make it out to seem like a favor for a favor. The ones in the store are different but it makes me think they'll use a defense like that.
    Ever get hate mail from someone after a ranked set and you're not even sure why they're mad :/
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    Reactions: illninofan
    You faced a Raidou? D:

    I faced a kid using voice chat yelling about losing. I was just glad to know that the new generation was getting into DoA. Kid wasnt too bad too (but then again he was facing me, lol). Another person said "whtever Tina is lame". Otherwise nothing.. just one or two disconnects out of like 500 matches. 99% of players are nice actually (some too nice)
    Oh, and once I won a match and shut down because i had something to do. When I got back on I got a message from the person I beat saying "afraid to run it back smh" lol.

    Your case sounds like a simple case of sour grapes. After winning the 1st they were probably hoping to come back on you in the 3rd match and have the last word.
    Salt. They're just salty. You're better and it makes them cry. :cool:
    Now that Nioh is the free ps plus game for the monrh, guess I'll give a replay. I beat it once years ago and I remember feeling very 'meh' about it, time to see if those feelings remain the same
    Why would you have "meh" feelings about it? Unless you just don't like Soulsborne games in general.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I like soulsborne games, Remnant: of the ashes and Code Vein are some of my favorites, but for some reason nioh just fails to grip me, can't remember why though, i just remember finishing it and feeling like "that was okay, not great but not bad", that's why I'm gonna play it again, to see if my feelings are different this time around
    Weird. Don't like Samurai hack n' slashers?
    Yo, let an American player do 7 wake up flash kicks in a row in grand finals, he'd be labelled a scrub, but when Daigo does, he's da gawd, I see you fgc
    Does anyone know what the patch notes mean when they say "adjusted damage timing"
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    The frame the damage is calculated. In this patch for Bass' case, they made it so when he does his air throw into a red barrel on Forbidden Fortune that it actually does damage now. Before, you'd only get the 10 points of wall damage and none of the air throw itself. Bug still exists for his 1H on low kicks into the red barrels though.
    I'm adding the description from Matt to the front page story.
    since they changed the hit status of Nyo's SSSS string (3rd hit ground bounces now) she now has easier access to her Hiten-no-mai options off a grounded launch, that is an awesome buff!
    So who's the frame data in T7 for? anyone who's serious about T7 has already ripped the frame data from the game, uses frame counter, or visits rbnorway, and any1 who plays Tekken casually doesn't give 2 shits about frame data, so really benefits at the end of the day?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I wouldn't say damn near every other game gives that information out, DOA, MK, Injustice, VF, and SF are the only ones that i recall that do
    Alot of games are still missing in game frame data like sc6 , bbtag etc. It's japanese devs and their pride not to include it day 1. In 2019 ggpo should be the standard for most fg netcodes but it isn't only a few selected games like mk,inju skillgirls oh and sfv.
    I don't get the love for GGPO. The roll back always irritated me and I honestly don't see it ever working on a 3D fighter.
    playing through sigma 1 for the first time and it's so weird, it's like im experiencing revisionist history first hand or something lol
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    Reactions: DestructionBomb
    Sigma 1 is probably a much better game if you're not already intimately familiar with Black.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    im actually playing on PSNow with a free trial, not the most ideal way to experience it since it's streaming so it does chug every now and then, but it's playable
    Based off my play-time experience with Black I want to say the AI was much better in comparison to Sigma, but if you are just playing for the first time ever Sigma is totally worth it. I'm trying to remember if Sigma had some absent areas - pretty confident there were a few. I enjoyed most of the additional content. Liked Sigma 2 and played it more frequently than Sigma.
    Looks like Code Vein got an update, bunch of QoL changes and some cosmetic stuff for Halloween, Naisu
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    Reactions: Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    Pictured Mind
    What's there to do after completing the game? Last time I played I finished all the depths stuff.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    getting all the endings or playing the game on a higher difficulty with NG+ are pretty much it, of which i've been doing both, ive already got 2 endings and im enjoying the NG+ cause while the base game is fun it's a bit too easy
    even after the patch it feels like Forbidden Fortune and Chinese Festival get picked WAY often more than any other stage during "random" select :/
    Project Bokuho
    Project Bokuho
    Did you (or your opponent), by any chance, messed w/ the stage filters?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    mine is 100% random, dunno about the opponents, but is that factored during lobby/ranked matches?
    I don't think it applies during ranked, but in lobbies, I'm almost certain that it uses the random filter of whoever selects the stage.
    Randomly rewatched gangnam style and I have to ask, wth was the internet smoking when they made THAT song a hit in 2012?
    The same shit that is smoked for most "popular" songs on the radio haha. The question is, what were people smoking before they started dancing to Gangnam style?
    What is the internet smoking in general though? That's the real question to which we haven't received any answers yet.
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