Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • In mk9 Scorpion had to fight to defend his hatred towards teddy bears, in mk11 he hugs a teddy bear during his friendship; what a great character arc
    so, Sheeva, Fujin and Robocop huh, alright, not the best but not the worst either, i give it a 7/10
    Nah, the Fujin fanboys are screaming: "FINALLY!!!" after the leak in MK9.
    Not sure if you can count Robocop as a horror flick kharacter like the others in mkX. Whateves at least we got something new then.
    Can't wait for EVO grand finals and we get to see XxXKillaKrazyXxX vs BawsB1tch69 on a glorious 3 bar connection
    Japan what is your obsession with tanned girls with white hair, jeez louise...
    @Camel with 2 thumbs Yeah. Though what's strange about it is the the old Brad Burns is part of the new Vanessa in some moves. There was another Brad that got his moves changee from a swap and that was Brad and Bryan in Tek. Now, Josie is new Brad. Kickboxing oriented styles are hard to differentiate in game beyond grabs which is the case irl too
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    @ChaolanLegacy Well, honeslty alot of anime (even older anime) have their token tanned skin white hair girl, my thing is why is it that combination of skin and hair color so popular? is it an artistic choice? a Japanese preference? like what is the deal?
    Thats a good question, to which I have no idea what the answer could be. They might just simply like the combination and thats it?
    I can count on one hand the amount of Diegos i've run into since he got nerfed, i didn't think the 236p change was that serious but apparently it was :/
    One trick ponies. Remember not everyone likes to relearn stuff esp. Considering if they weren't fond of learning anyway.
    Assassin's Creed Viking Edition eh? that's...unexpected
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I have no beef with the setting, its just the idea of a Viking assassin is one my brain has a hard time visualizing, if anything it'll be interesting to see how Ubisoft will tackle it
    True, Vikings are some of the least "stealthy" warriors haha. It worked with GOW because Kratos is very in your face and doesn't give a fuck.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Ubisoft need to stop bullshitting and make an assassin's creed set in Japan with NINJAS, how the hell is this still not a thing lol
    Despite the swap from dry RTS to dry 3rd person hack and slash, Shin Sakura Wars feels like a Sakura Wars game through and through, 100% would recommend if you liked the originals
    Been playing hella umv3 and marvel infinite lately, and I have to say, starting games with X factor was an incredibly suspect design choice, glad that got dropped
    man, Sekiro becomes a 1000 times easier when you stop being a punk and just learn how to perfect parry everything
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    my thoughts as i hit the halfway mark through my no upgrade hard mode no Kuro's charm run, play perfectly or get fcked, those are literally your only options lol
    If you live in a state that's trying to reopen at the end of the month, just use your own judgement and do the smart thing that won't get you killed
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Don't run off and catch that 'rona because your governor/ mayor is on that " this is americuh, we don't do quarantine" nonsense, just be logical
    The protests I've seen make my head spin. Do some people not understand why there are lockdowns in the first place? It's like some people lack common sense.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    yeah, i don't get them either, and this real fcked up to say but if those idiots want to get themselves killed cause they believe the rona's not real? they should go for it, Darwinism in full effect
    V-tubers, I don't get it :/
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i'll admit, Kizuna Ai was cool when it came out, primarily cause it was well done, but the rest of these girls, it looks like half baked digital puppetry with cute voices
    So, Danganronpa's 10th anniversary is this year, and Spike Chunsoft is teasing something big in November, think we're getting a Danganronpa 4?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    After the way 3 ended I would be very, VERY surprised if we did, but if they can find a way to squeeze out a sequel out that would somehow make sense with the continuity of the games, I would like to see it

    or maybe we'll get some UDG type spinoff, except it's in the V3 universe, which I wouldn't mind either lol
    Final Danganronpa VII Remake
    Dam, my ps4 controller is doing the broken :( can't order a new one or even replacement parts, guess it's time to get creative
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    thankfully my PS4/Xbox 360 converter still works and so does my 360 pad, guess i'll be using that for now
    honestly, after DOA5 and DOA6 i wish they'd just dump the whole sidestep mechanic and just buff sidewalking so you dodge linear attacks by just walking into the back/foreground
    you know what's great about NOT being a fan of a long running franchise? you can just enjoy new the shit w/o being shackled by the conventions of older titles
    Same with RE3 Remake and all the hate it's getting. I enjoyed it for what it was. Sure, it changed LOTS of things, but I think it is a nice game for what it is, and the classic game will always be there. Idk it's such a waste of time to cry about these things :nyotengu:
    Yeah, that's a shame for literally every person that played fighting games Pre-SF4 and Pre-SFV like pretty much everyone in the FGC that's not a 16er wouldn't understand because they DO want shit to be simple or just go against tradition like meterless DPs and SC Ringouts being harder to do.
    Can go on about this all day in voice. I am somewhat jealous people can feel that way but I like having an identity and being part of a group that knows the truth and isn't all Happy go lucky about playing everyone's fighting games, instead of actually sticking to 1-2 games and mastering it and nurturing it. People scream for nerfs w/o context then go to the next trend. They're making games for those ppl now. Not us.
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