Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • F2P Genshin Impact makes 250$ million dollars in it's first month, and that's just on mobile devices O_O ppl really out here whaling for waifus lol
    playing MK11 again after a super long hiatus, dawg, why does it feel even slower than it did the last time I played???
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    probably an after effect of being heavy on that airdasher tip but guudness gracious, feel like im wading through molasses trying to play MK11!
    out of all the "problems with modern fighters" videos, this one offers a unique and interesting take beyond complaining about lowered execution
    MK's a good example with all of its distractions for casuals. Doesn't tarnish the core experience tho with their safe spaces. I liked it, even like 11 years ago when I could pick a character and feel unique in what I found and who I played. Same character could be played diff bc of how we learnt ourselves. Makoto was cool because she broke the habits of players, is why I chose her even in 3S but worked better in 4
    Worked better since there was less universal shit but also, players were new then. Karakusa if they refuse to make a decision plus axe kick bullying n overhead. I didn't find another Makoto except a Canadian player. We shared tech n everything. Those moments are lost 4ever w/new approaches to FGs.
    With all the issues pertaining to modern fighting games, I can't help but feel like SFV is a culprit. Dumbed down mechanics and skimping out on the very important offline content for engagement. Just like with SFIV in gen. 7, SFV is the "trail-blazer" of gen. 8 FG design. Every ArcSys FG released since 2018 has been dumbed down and wouldn't be surprised with GG Strive.
    Nobody acts like they have neutral more than Rig players I swear
    When your low jab pushes back and has more range and speed than most mids, you get the privilege of pretending you have fundamentals.
    All Rig players have neutral? or is this a character thing?

    I'm late as this must be a DOA6 thing, but I suppose it would make sense the character to be the most neutral heavy for DOA6, which wasn't the case for 5 (despite it was pretty good in 5 as well).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's a player thing, what im talking is how 99% of Rig players will pointlessly waddle and whiff a bunch of 8p's midscreen, acting like they're trying to bait you into a whiff, when you know dam well they're just gonna 6kk or dragon kick their way in when they get bored
    Playing Pokemon in the age of DLC is brutal; you spend all this time collecting the little bastards just for Nintendo to pop up every 6 months going "There, you got 200 new ones to catch"
    Hold up, so Mileena gets to keep her classic moves that are a part of her identity meanwhile Sindel loses half of hers? the favoritism is real
    While I don't think the Uzaki anime is great, I hella appreciate the fact that it's an anime rom com takes place in a college and not a high school
    if you're a fan of early 3D platformers checkout DoubleShake, it's what you'd get if you took Mischief Makers, Klonoa and Sonic Adventure and put it all in one game
    when you have +3 restand setups but your characters' frame data is too ass to take advantage :(
    As both a DoA and VF player, my brain was confused reading this because Restand Bound is a term for a type of combo tool in VF whilst you described it as, "Force Techs"
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Been playing hella MK as of late so I was just used the term restand, but we all know what were talking about at the end of the day
    Really wish Honoka could just go into her Hissatsu stance from neutral instead of it being locked behind back to back stance transitions that only work on hit
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I assume this was done for balancing but considering characters like Rig and Helena can enter their stances from neutral and can even transition into them block while being plus/safe, seems like a bit of a gyp
    fun fact, back in the 2000's Capcom debated releasing a HD port of 3rd Strike with updated graphics, balance changes, and fixes, but ended up scrapping the idea due to the abysmal reception of 3S in the West
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    I have to agree. 3S wasn't popular until it came out on PS2. I played it in the arcades when it came out, no one was playing it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    funny how that works out, game get practically ignored at the arcade yet people claim to remember it so fondly, I remember when I was a yung boi and I would go the arcade to play VF, those cabinets were always empty, everyone was too busy playing SF, Tekken, Marvel, and MK
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    @Camel with 2 thumbs LOL same thing happened to me too. I went to VF, no one is near those cabinets. I was in the Tekken crowd and I had my fair share, not to mention beaten Tag 1 twice ;)
    dawg, tell me how i've played Genshin Impact since launch and im just now learning that you can level up Talents, I actually feel like an idiot rn guudness gracious
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    manz out here struggling with lvl 1 everything when I could of been upgrading, gaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaahhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!1
    When an American player uses C-assist in DBZF he's a scrub, when a Japanese player uses C-assist in DBZF he's a genius, classic FGC never missing a chance to brown nose the land of the rising sun
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's funny cause I remember another tournament where Tokido was fighting an Abigail and he was comboing him in the corner, the Abigail was near stun so if Tokido finished the combo properly it would of it stunned him and the follow up would of killed, but Tokido dropped the combo and Abigail lived, after dropping the combo Tokido uppercutted and won
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    While it looked like an obvious drop to everyone watching, over in the commentary they're going wild yelling "TOKIDO INTENTIONALY DROPPED THE COMBO CAUSE HE KNEW IT WASN'T GOING TO KILL AND OPTED TO GO FOR A RESET! WHAT A GOD!"


    Secretly, no matter how silly the situation is, us Americans will find some way to be a sucker for JPN gameplay even if it's pure random.


    Daigo (streaming): Oh shit that worked, I dunno I just guessed lmao

    "WOW, AND THAT WAS JUST A GUESS. Lord Daigo we are not worthy to be in your presence for that one situation".
    I'm of 2 minds when it comes to Caggy, not a fan of her visual design in the slightest but her gameplay ticks all the boxes for me (luv me some trap setplay characters), so annoying :/
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