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  • Anyone watching Blade Runner Black Lotus? I'm only 4 eps in, and the story, characters, and style seems ok so far, but man.... I'm starting to think I'm never gonna like 3D animation as much as 2D animation. I'm glad they at least didn't got for pixar style exaggeration, but they should have tried to go for a way more realistic look. I keep imagining every scene done like GitS SAC and making myself sad, lol.
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    Has anyone here played this? I'm a huge Vanillaware fan and love all their games, but I was turned off by this one at first because I'm tired of stories about teens/students and wasn't into the gameplay (plus, PS4 ded), but all word of mouth about this being ppl's GotY, best Vanillaware game ever, best story ever put into a game, etc. and now on Switch.. I gotta try it.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Im curious about this one as well, cause I love me some visual novels but at first glance this doesn't really do it for me, mecha and high school settings aren't really my thing, but then I hear about it being nominated at the game awards and I hear nothing but praise when ppl talk about it so it must be good, right?
    It's not even awards or anything, plenty of games I don't care for get awards all the time. But here we have my fellow Vanillaware fans, people who love Dragon's Crown, Muramasa, and Odin Sphere, saying this is Vanillaware's masterpiece and "the best writing ever in a video game". If I do get it I'll have to try to ignore that stuff though or my expectations might be too high, lol.
    It's really too bad that Indian Dancer character planned for DOA2 didn't end up a reality, because then I'd say I found the perfect person to be her live action version, lol.

    If you think that title sounds too awkward, don't worry, it's been renamed to Ladki now (pronounced Lud-key, means 'Girl' in Hindi)
    Wth, this even got advertised on the Burj Khalifa... I didn't know that was possibe, rofl :O That must be the biggest Bruce Lee image ever shown.

    So, anything happening on Friday for the 25th anniversary? Does anyone have any personal plans to celebrate the occasion or anything like that? I'll be playing all the DOA I can, that's all I can say. I'm surprised I haven't seen anyone already announce that they'll be doing an anniversary stream or something.
    I 99% don't think KT/TN is going to do anything else or make any announcements today or tomorrow, and even if they are I'm sure no one knows right now but them. I just posted this to ask what my fellow fans are doing.
    Have they ever announced an upcoming character like this for XVV before? I'm just going to pretend that announcement didn't happen until they show some actual images/footage. I REALLY want this to be true (even if I don't plan on playing the game) but I've given up hope sonce it's been so long...
    Woah. I've been following @EmeryReigns on YT for 2 or 3 years now, especially since DOA started going through rough times again, but I honestly did not think any DOA vids, either from him or anyone else, would ever hit 1M views these days, and from DOA4 even:
    I totally understand the complaints about randomness in DOA4, but at the same time, you gotta admit, that game is crazy. There's no other FG like it. Getting hit by a car or dino might be the stupidest thing ever for a pro, but I think most people see that and still get hyped. That said, even with danger zones off, these stages make most of DOA5's and 6's look boring, and stair throws show them off nicely.
    • Wow
    Reactions: Chaos
    Today is the 30th anniversary of one of my top 5 favorite games of all time, The Legend of Zelda: A Link to the Past.


    It's also the 20th anniversary of Smash Melee.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    30 years huh, dam, thinking back I've never actually finished a link to the past, I've started it a bunch but never played it to completion, which has happened with alot of Zelda games for me lol
    Damn, that's too bad camel. It feels really great to make it to the end of a lot of Zeldas. Link to the Past, Ocarina, and especially Wind Waker. Was it just a case of getting stuck somewhere too long? (damned Water Temple in Ocarina, somehow I came to the false conclusion that I missed something import and restarted the whole game for no reason, lol)
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    usually it's a combination of getting stuck and losing the drive to continue playing, as a result the only Zelda games i've beaten are Link's Awakening, Ocarina of Time, and Breath of the Wild, meanwhile NES zelda, Link to the past, Seasons, and Majora's mask remain unfinished for me
    It's too bad DOA never had Tag-team endings, kinda like KOF has various team endings. Even if it was just text with 2D pics and most of it was silly and they only did it for certain pairings, it'd still be cool to see. I guess it was unlike to happen since tag isn't integrated into the tournament story like KOF's teams are.
    Someone can correct me if I'm wrong but iirc Street Fighter x Tekken used to have individual and tag endings as well and special in-game rival cutscenes that you were able to see only if you played a specific tag team. It would have been nice to see something similar in DOA1-5 but I'd rather take the sick tag throws over tag endings tbh.
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    • Wow
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    Wait... they're reviving the X-Men cartoon?!
    That's what it looks like. The 90s cartoon did end in 97, after all... but it just seems so weird that they'd be doing this, it's hard to believe, lol. Why name it 97? They expect newbies to binge the whole old series and then start watching the new eps? Fine by me, but still hard to believe. Sticking close to the comics in terms of looks, let alone story, seems impossible these days.
    Heads up for anyone who stopped visiting the DOAX thread or never did, KT has been taking fan input again (though only in Japanese), in case anyone here is interested

    They also had these earlier but I think they've ended:

    Man, we're really getting a KOF anime from Oobari Masami, eh? It's really happening!


    After seeing his more recent Gundam works, I'm a lot more hopeful about this one. I almost thought he lost his touch after Gravion and the Angel Blade series.
    @Awesmic - Yeah, from what I've seen of and read about Build Fighters, it's really good. What did you think of Super Robot Taisen OG Saga: The Inspector?
    Some more old Xbox/360 games might finally get added to the MS store for the Xbox 20th anniversary this year on Nov 15. Well, if not added then at least announced. Couldn't be a better time than that. Hopefully if it happens it'll include a DoA, or at least Lollipop Chainsaw. MS actually said as recently as this year that they want to add more, it's just getting harder to do it now (for some reason).
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    It has been a while since MS added some more Xbox/360 games to the Xbox backwards compatibility list. Would be really great to see DOA3, DOA2U, DOA4, SCIV and SCV added, though licensing issues would generally be the thorn in the side.
    What do you guys think?

    So, 3D when? lol

    I dabbled with GGPO back in the day, but I never got around to checking out Fightcade.
    Oh wait, someone in the comments said that DOA2 is on Fightcade with rollback.... would have been nice to see that in the video.
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