Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • So if you're one the five ppl who played "Lords of the Fallen" you'll be happy to hear that the game is getting a sequel/reboot, which will also be called "Lords of the Fallen"
    it's as confusing as it sounds lol
    the 2D fighting game enthusiast has so much to look forward to, New SF, New MK, bunch of old games getting rollback and updated re-releases

    and what does the 3D fighting game enthusiast have to look forward to? T8 and....absolutely nothing else :,(

    oh the disparity...
    Tbf, there are far more 2D games (the popular ones that had recent releases ofc) than 3D. 3D has like, what, Tekken, SC, DOA, the upcoming EX Layer update/new version (maybe) and MAYBE Bloody Roar but the latter is already a stretch meanwhile 2D has a ton of them. Although, if you count in the arena fighters as well, then you also have a few games to look forward to when it comes to 3D fighters.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    meh, I count arena fighters as their own thing

    yes they are in 3D and yes you do fight in them but i;m not about to put Naruto Ninja Storm next to Tekken and act like they're comparable lol
    This does not change the fact that in Antarctica there are 21 million penguins and in Malta there are 502,653 inhabitants. So if the penguins decide to invade Malta, each Maltese will have to fight 42 penguins.
    The Battle Hub host from SF6, Eternity, is a character that flabbergasts me, on one hand I really like the voice actress and the direction they went with the acting, but on the other hand his visual design makes my eyes wanna puke :/
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    then again I've never been a fan of those extravagant, over the top jojo-esq designs, and this mf certainly wouldn't look out of place standing next to Jotaro and Dio lol
    When I first saw the character, I immediately said, "this character is a trans."
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    When I first saw the character, I immediately said, "oh snap lil nas x is in SF6"
    • Haha
    Reactions: Derock
    Went to the hospital yesterday to get some surgery done, thankfully it went off without a hitch, BUT what doctors don't tell you is that once you wake up and the anesthesia runs out, all the pain from the cuts, needle pricks, and cauterization just hits you all at once and your body just starts shaking from delayed pain, t'was quite the unpleasent discovery
    • Sad
    Reactions: Awesmic
    If you'll forgive my ignorance, I have two questions:

    1) Are you okay at present?

    2) How did you end up in the hospital to begin with?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Oh I'm fine now, ty for asking, and as 4 how I ended up in this situation, long story short I had some bacterial infection that was spreading from my heart, lungs and eventually would have gone to my brain, so the docs had to lop off the infected parts and drain my infected blood to stop the spread
    Welp, looks like the latest MK rumor is that the next entry will not be a sequel to MK11 but instead a reboot titled "MK1" :/
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    Reactions: TPosePhobia
    Tbf it does make sense since Fire God Liu Kang literally resets the timeline in MK11's canon ending but this is a big rip to anyone that mains kombat kids or any other MKX-MK11 newbies though cuz they are most likely gone. Also man what is NRS' fetish with constantly remaking MK1??? they need to be stopped lol
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    honestly, the best case scenario, this is a return to basics ala klassic MK, which I would luv (even if klassic MK is overdone at this point), worst case scenario this is just MK11.5 but with a klassic MK roster, which would be awful imo, we'll just have to wait and see

    but yeah, big rip to anyone who liked the kombat kids, especially Takeda and Kung jin, those dudes were too cool to be in only 1 game
    I just really could not get into MK11 at all compared to 9 and 10 (no idea why, just couldn't), so this sounds refreshing.
    Mildly spicy take, GBFV is a much better game when you say 'eff it and just play with casual controls (i.e 1 button specials)
    • Wow
    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    Tbf, the 1 button specials have their uses, since they can make up for slower reaction times or giving players an option to react quickly to something with a 1 button dp, or in other instances it shows knowledge of the game's mechanics, like with Djeeta's deadly rave.
    Since the more hits a combo has the less damage your attacks are doing which means that there isn't much difference in damage if you input the commands properly or if you use the 1 button option for that. Also, this option also takes care of the casual fanbase and their fanbase that wants to play this game but don't necessarily want to get better or even to learn a fighting game properly
    Sylvie Paula Paula is clearly a favorite over at SNK;
    she was one of the few characters who got an extra costume in KoF14, now she gets one of the longest character trailers AND is being released with her classic outfit along with her amazing redesign
    dam, it just hit me that Manon is the genderswap replacement for Abel in SF6, given that they're both French Judo practioners with blue and white color schemes. This makes it the 2nd time Abel's spot in a SF game has been supplanted by some new shrink wrapped lady character (the first being Laura in SF5)
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    The only newcomer from SF4 that didn't make me want to vomit playing as.
    That's probably the intention. Then the story throws a curve ball that Manon's not only adopted, but a former Shadaloo doll (most likely Fevriere) who was taken in by Abel, which explains why she's so multi-talented.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    what a twist!

    but yeah there's too many similarities between them for there to be no relation, fellow students? student and teacher? friends? rivals? related? who knows, guess we'll just have to wait till the game comes out

    but even with the addition of Manon i'd like to see Abel in another SF game and hear his iconic "I SAW THAT!" a million times in one round lol
    Modern controls in SF6 will be all fun and games until some 10 yr kid who only knows Ryu as "that guy from Fortnite" bursts on the scene and starts whooping everyone's ass with 1 button reversals and supers :/
    while I was never the biggest fan of PB's and PL's, offensive mechanics give you new ways to interact with the environment are truly the best fit for DOA, so id like to see PB and PL return in some fashion
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    Reactions: samuraihachi
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    preferably w/o the half life restriction and no need to charge it up; have it like a cancelable special you can tack on any string (think Mai/Kula special cancels but more flexible), but you'd still restricted to once per round, that'd be balanced, i think? if not balanced it'd at least be fun lol
    Project Bokuho
    Matt Ponton
    Matt Ponton
    I don't disagree
    Honkai Star Rail looks dope, and that latest Arknights trailer actually piqued my interest,

    Unfortunately I can only afford one gacha obsession at a time so imma skip both of them =,(
    Star Rail's a lot of fun, they managed to make their turn-based combat fun to the point where 4-stars also feel almost or just as strong as 5-stars of the game (though obviously every character has a specific role in the team).
    Rewards, farming and qol-wise they seem better than Genshin (kinda the same model banner and shopwise) but this is the first patch of the game, Genshin was also quite generous during launch, so it might end up being as ungenerous as Genshin in the long run so if you're not a fan of how the latter team handles their game then I'd say wait with Star Rail if you want to try out the game in the future.
    Ed Boon out here teasing MK12 for the 103993289432th time :/
    So when will the start making their violence "more realistic" (aka with violence inline with MKvsDC and taking blood & gore away aka their selling point through out 30 Years) just to appeal countries like Indonesia, Japan, Malaysia, Ukraine, & Uzbekistan for examples? I'm more curious if Warner Bros Discovery plan on selling the MK franchise to EA? (these guys know how to handle their developers)
    this might be too early to call but the Drive system in SF6 isn't as intrusive as I thought it would be

    Yes the mechanics that the system enables are strong, but the fact that you get punished for overuse and you can't reliably build D-gauge outside of auto regen is a good balance
    Trinity Trigger; the game you play because Square is taking it's sweet time with the next Seiken Densetsu and you need something to tide you over

    that aside it is a very comfy action JRPG and I highly recommend it
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