Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • the kof update while making the game look more detailed, also made some characters look horrifying (looking at you sylvie)
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    I use Kensou, Tung, Meintenkun, Mai, and possibly coco and I'm pretty happy with their new looks, they could've worked on hair a bit more though, especially the shorter ones. I hope they continue to update it tho, it's a decent start
    Don't worry.... You'l get used to it.
    "laura won KIT, therefore laura is op" OR maybe wolfkrone is a good player who put in the time t- "NO, LAURA IS OP!" I luv the sf5 fanbase
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i see it more in sf than i do in most other fanbases, or that might just be because the sf fanbase is so large they eclipse every1 else, but just as an example, you don't see any1 crying about bayman being op after winning nec
    You love the sf5 fan base because that certain a character is OP or a the fanbase is neglecting the fact that a constant online rage quitter won the tournament?
    I do see alil bit of that here (I'm not naming names) but I'm glad we and some other FG Communities have got a pretty good lid on it.

    Still though... its funny when people think Tier Lists need to change only when a character wins but never after a Balance Patch.
    what is with the spike in eliot usage as of late
    I wonder if more people playing Eliot will lead to some Anti-Eliot Tech.... I think a big part of why he's been doing so well is because of People being unfamiliar with the Match Up.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    the only significant eliot buff i remember is the 46p at the end of most his strings being +2, but i don't see any1 using it, was there some other major buff im forgetting about? or is this just a case of "X character is doing well in tournaments, therefore x character must be good"
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    There was an undercover buff that changed Eliots 4T from i10 to i7 just like his 6T. Combining that with his Guard Break buff and you have a whole new set of issues to deal with when going up against Eliot. If his position on the tiet list was uncertain before.... now its practically unknowable. 0_0

    You can see the affect this had on the Match up in Summer Jam X.... its such a good change for Eliot
    the pushback on gen fu's 214pp is bonkers, AND it's only -4 on block? sheeit...
    LoL.... Thats fine by me.... I don't want to be right next to Gen Fu even at at -4.

    Bump it up to -7.... then we'l talk. :)
    injustice is such a weird game, it's clearly made for a casual crowd, but it has such a heavy emphasis on zoning and keep away
    Nier Automata reminds me "Blades of Time" something fierce, lone sexy girl with swords and projectiles going through ruins fighting
    well you play as 2 other androids also, tbf
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    you play as the rival chick in dlc with BoT, yeah i was way more into that game than i had any right to
    When Robert Greene gives life advice I swear it sounds like he's giving tips on how to play fighting games
    of course i drop sfv right after they buff the shit out of my character lol
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    naw, buffs aside, im still probably not going back to it, i've reached that point in sfv (and mkx) where im like, i've been playing this game close a year, and im still not enjoying myself, maybe this game is not for me
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    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i usually stick with fighting games for a while b4 i officially drop them, since sometimes it takes a while for things to click, and things have not been clicking with both those games
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    Wow.... I'm so proud of you. You've shown amazing Resolve in the face of Temptation. :)
    well, officialy done with mkx and sfv, just tekken, injustice, and doa for me now, and of course all 3 of my mains are women with wings :/
    does anyone bother with replying games to get all the endings? or do y'all just watch the endings you didn't get on youtube?
    I was going to say the same thing on game dependent. If it's a game that's repetitive and requires an absurd way to get X ending, I'd probably watch it on Youtube unless it's part of a trophy or something. Most cases, I'd watch a bit of the ending on Youtube to see if it's not too similar to another ending that you'd see regularly.
    It is game dependant really, but not only that, ending dependant, like, even if i really like the game, and enjoy it, i'll avoid "bad endings" or stuff like that, i don't like failing.But i'll go for the good and true endings if i care about the game.
    It's based heavily around how engaged I was with the game and how much of a time investment will be required for alternate endings. I got all the endings in Heavy Rain because I enjoyed the experience and could just replay chapters to alter the endings. If I'd have to do a complete playthrough every time; fuck it.
    being on a diet during the christmas season sucks x_x
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    Reactions: ChaolanLegacy
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    I don't care for bioshock, but i do like that idea, although if i could alter my dna i'd probably do something cooler than rid myself of hereditary health conditions
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    I feel the Bioshock's whole success is mostly people liking the idea of it.

    In terms of execution theres definitely room for improvement.

    As for your Health.... perhaps you just need a Sponsor.
    My parents both have diabetes and my uncle seems to be dying of it rn so I probably should watch my sugar and carb intake tbh
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    you know, never really cared for kingdom hearts, but gosh dammit "Simple and Clean" is a bumpin' ass song!
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