Camel with 2 thumbs

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  • that achib-97213 guy is something else, dude hasn't learnt a dam thing with momiji and somehow got himself to S+ rank
    Does Momiji require too much knowledge to use successfully tbh
    and here I thought I was the only one to encounter the guy. does so many overkills during his rounds but never works out for him at the end.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's not even the overkilling that get me, it's the fact that this fools' gameplan has not evolved in the slightest since i started running into him almost a year ago, i.e. doing random hops in neutral, mashing kk out of stun, when he finally lands stun will go for the same combo EVERYtime (9k into p+k, which isn't even guaranteed but he don't care, he'll do it every time)
    everytime i wanna pick up and play raidou again i remember that i cant consistently electric for shit :(
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    both methods work, trust me bro, though i find it works better if you tap the inputs rather that roll them cause when i roll i get 236p sometimes
    look at the buttons history in-game for any successful EWGF. They always include 2 at some point
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    well, since you HAVE to press 2 to get 3 on ps4 pad (no diagonals and all) , it can work if you just just do 6[3], hence why both methods work
    that moment you find a really cool tech trap, but then you run into ppl who never tech up :(
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i refuse to believe they know, people just being stubborn and not letting me use my awesome new tech :mad:
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    it's funny cause i was trying this stuff out while i was running a set with this phase 4 player, but the dude was just not teching, which is fair enough, if i don't give you a reason to tech up why would you? so i started hitting him with the psudo force techs, putting him in real crappy situations for not teching, and 10 games later HE'S STILL NOT TECHING, ppl are stubborn -_-
    that's why always try to make an option select setup which takes care of both the situations but those things require extra work. those things are better than any UH or FT.
    hmm, tekken 7's solution to not providing in game frame data but letting you know what's plus or minus on hit/block is...interesting
    ^ That sounds so dumb lol.
    Frame data not being in the game is actually one of the reasons I just play the game "casually". Though it would be still nice to know how fast/slow a move is.
    Like I never understood the whole idea off it. I feel like Harada needs to look at the bigger picture and see that if the players could learn frame data, the game will still be not easy to figure out because they have to apply their own fundamentals to even apply this sort of thing. He should just turn it on. Hell even MKX has it now.
    If he turns it on, it can be used as a reference or convenience to help others who are not connected to sites (or like at an event or local) or even help new players right there off the bat with move details.
    saints row 4 is the best open world sonic game i've played
    Well, it had to succeed at something, I guess.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    oh it fails spectacularly at being a saints row game, but as a sonic simulator where you're rolling around at the speed of sound? 10/10 experience, hell sega should just let volition make the next 3d sonic, it'd be better than the on rails nonsense they spew out these days
    i know skinny pretty girls are where the money is, but i still wanna see a fat as hell sumo wrestler join the DOA roster
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    or just make taka arashi DLC, GIMME SUMO!
    Taka has his own weight class I believe. I don't think him and Shun Di are compatible with DOA. (That's just my guess, I could be wrong don't know).
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    DOA has had ultra heavy weights before (DOA2 tengu 4 example), i don't think TN would go through the trouble of re doing characters throw animations that only applied to taka, but i can see him working in DOA. just make him heavier than bass and you're set (a character heavier than bass, that's a scary prospect)
    every1 online complains about overkilling yet every1 online overkills, the hell sense does that make?
    sometimes people in SF4 think I'm teabagging while I'm actually buffering ultra lel
    It's seen as chucking salt into the wounds, since playing online is a frustrating experience in itself without the added disrespect. Doesn't help that you can't see the opponent's disposition when they're doing it, as opposed to offline where you can stare someone in the face if they disrespect you after a round. Not a big deal though, but yeah, the TL;DR is: Salt.
    I prefer pepper. Not as much cholesterol...
    the first 5 mins of "the surge" just makes me want a videogame where you play a guy in a wheelchair
    Killer7, my dude.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    i've only heard stories of this Killer7, how it's an indefineable game that was on the gamecube, a console that nobody owned, at least no one i knew
    Indefinable is nothing short of what it is. Context and realism are non-existent in that game. It was also on the PS2, which is where I played it.

    In regards to your thoughts though, Killer7 lets you play with Gehrman, the first Hunter, using a 20mm rifle, while on a wheelchair, so yeah.
    is it just me or is comboing into b3 really inconsistent in injustice 2?
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    guess i must be doing something wrong cause i can't land b3 after ground bouce or MB launcher to save my life. and it sux cause alot of the characters i like kinda need to land it in order to do damage, black canary, poison ivy, wonder woman. thank goodness for supergirl and firestorm, just stick fools to the ground dash up and b3 away
    How exactly are you doing it? Certain moves their a certain timing due to recovery after move. With Joker and darkseid it easy to do.
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    Camel with 2 thumbs
    during the animation of the ground bounce or MB launcher, i hold back and double tap 3 to get it out as early as possible
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