DOA5 Are you satisfied with the game's content (quality and quantity wise), over 5 years now? - Poll

Overall, how satisfied are you with the game's content?

  • Very satisfied.

  • Undecided.

  • Not satisfied at all.

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Now TN is ending DOA5LR DLC support, are you satisfied with the game's content overall?
What expansion, balance patch, DLC, etc, do you wish you had seen?

Also should DOA6 go down this road as well, content-wise?
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Premium Donor
No. The content was good but they've could've done alot more. Tom Lee mentioned before LR release that they would likely offer different things besides costumes and characters as DLC.... What ever happened to That?

-5 vanilla had 5 new characters added total, Ultimate had 8 added total(3 as DLC) and LR only had 4(two as guest DLC characters). Them adding Mai literally a year before they'd discontinue DLC and support of the game imo was silly and pointless, like they could've just waited till DOA6 to add her.

-Only three total stages besides the added Crimson and Danger zone were added in the 3 year time span.. That's kind of sad imo when compared to other games.

-They could've added additional story DLC for the new characters and they could've further balanced some characters so they would be better up to par with the rest of the cast

-They could've added more hairstyles, glasses etc. since the new UI for editing details and hair on costumes was a good foundation for this. They could've also done more graphics wise since the game basically only had better boob physics and a better skin shader slapped on ps3 last gen models. They could've also patched in the soft engine 2.0 and made the girl bodies on par with how they were in X3. Hairstyles that were exclusive to set costumes could've also been made to be universal.

-Story mode content such as the subway car, freedom survivor, destroyed lab, Rig phase lab and the inside of the Taylor Bar could've been made into new stages, including that cut transition that would have happened in depth. That Kasumi alpha 152 boss costume could've been used on phase as a new costume.

Basically in general no, DOA6 should not go down this path. I get they probably d idnt wanna do much more since LR is basically just a PS4 port of last gen DOA5 with additional effects and skin shaders slapped on ps3 assets but it could've done more. Since DOA6 will hopefully look way better than DOA5, Nioh and X3 they'll be able to pull out all the stops so they can continue to support it even longer. DOA5LR was a good game but they still could've done ALOT more, both content and looks wise


Well-Known Member
I'd would give mediocre not terrible but not impressive with that 90% unless, I totally loved costumes mashup with KOEI-TECMO franchises it's pretty great opportunity to be appeared as the cameos. Besides, it's time to move and improve to a new era of DOA, I'd actually want to see DOA6 with fully enchanted visuals, beautiful designs and memorable, and fighting - action blockbuster vibes.


Well-Known Member
Content wise? I could say that it is way more than enough, i will go as far to say that the retail version of DOA5LR gives already way more content than most fighting games nowadays.

It could use more stages? Probably.

I couldn't care less about cosmethics, each character having between 10 ~ 20 costumes is more than enough, and it was roughly what every character had day 1 in the retail version of DOA5LR.


Well-Known Member
I'm happy about the content as of now, but most of it was added through DLC.
So I'm scared that DOA6 Vanilla will be empty. TN knows the core fans won't care... this is bad news for DOA6.

Now if we speak about DOA5 Vanilla, well, the content was disappointing (missing modes, characters, stages, story chapters, etc.)

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor

No. The content was good but they've could've done alot more. Tom Lee mentioned before LR release that they would likely offer different things besides costumes and characters as DLC.... What ever happened to That?

-5 vanilla had 5 new characters added total, Ultimate had 8 added total(3 as DLC) and LR only had 4(two as guest DLC characters). Them adding Mai literally a year before they'd discontinue DLC and support of the game imo was silly and pointless, like they could've just waited till DOA6 to add her.

-Only three total stages besides the added Crimson and Danger zone were added in the 3 year time span.. That's kind of sad imo when compared to other games.

-They could've added additional story DLC for the new characters and they could've further balanced some characters so they would be better up to par with the rest of the cast

-They could've added more hairstyles, glasses etc. since the new UI for editing details and hair on costumes was a good foundation for this. They could've also done more graphics wise since the game basically only had better boob physics and a better skin shader slapped on ps3 last gen models. They could've also patched in the soft engine 2.0 and made the girl bodies on par with how they were in X3. Hairstyles that were exclusive to set costumes could've also been made to be universal.

-Story mode content such as the subway car, freedom survivor, destroyed lab, Rig phase lab and the inside of the Taylor Bar could've been made into new stages, including that cut transition that would have happened in depth. That Kasumi alpha 152 boss costume could've been used on phase as a new costume.

Basically in general no, DOA6 should not go down this path. I get they probably d idnt wanna do much more since LR is basically just a PS4 port of last gen DOA5 with additional effects and skin shaders slapped on ps3 assets but it could've done more. Since DOA6 will hopefully look way better than DOA5, Nioh and X3 they'll be able to pull out all the stops so they can continue to support it even longer. DOA5LR was a good game but they still could've done ALOT more, both content and looks wise
♫♫ Oh weeeelll, too late noooow. Time for DOA6 ♫♫


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Even if I didn't get the one costume for Christie that I really wanted, I am very satisfied with the combined content spanning the past 5 years for DOA5. It helps that I have the option to choose which individual costumes I want to buy as opposed to being forced to buy an entire set or a season pass (most of the time).

All I can hope for now is that they take what they learned from this and make better quality content for the next sequel. Particularly better, more exciting stages.

*equips flame shield just in case*


Active Member
As a casual fan more interested in characters and there story, nonstop dress up didn't do it for me.some stages were nice additions but it seems fighters nowadays just prefer to churn out over priced doc outfits instead of story, new scenarios and modes.


Well-Known Member
I like that there is a lot of DLC, but I went for unsatisfied, as they went for a quantity over quality approach (just my opinion) with colour swaps and repetitive designs (once again, just my feelings on it, not everyone will agree and thats 100%).

I would have liked to have seen content updates, such as multi tier, detailed stages, additions to story mode, new "fun" game modes (just add the XBV game as DLC and include the guys - mini games - simple) and maybe new features like a limited, but enjoyable customisation mode.

I got bogged down that I couldnt afford all the DLC I wanted, and it made me (as a collector in games) feel fatigued with the game as a whole.


DOA5LR's latest version is now 1.10B.
Technically, could the monthly updates of the game have come with something like new poses, tag throws or even stage upgrades once in a year?