Day 10 of IPL's 12 Days of DOA: Game Play Footage Set 1

Day 10 of IGN Pro League's 12 Days of Dead or Alive 5 has arrived. Today they bring a few game play matches from their staff of players who have had some time with the August game build.

The characters in battle are Ayane, Bass, Eliot, Hayate, La Mariposa, Jann Lee, Lei Fang, and Rig. We also get to see the new stage "Home" and the tigers are finally shown off in "The Show". Personally, the tigers don't look anywhere near as annoying as Dead or Alive 4's cheetah because they are triggered by hitting the wall danger zone and the ring master announces their departure. You be the judge. All the matches from set one are on display below, but be sure to check out more info from My personal favorites are the Jann Lee & Hayate matches, and any match that has Bass winning. What can I say? I'm a pro wrestling fan. I just wish I could have seen his F5.

Edit: in 0:20, Brad kicks 3 times after DoA 4, the last kick never hit as i remember; long knockdown threshold?

The ground game has been altered slightly. I believe only strong kicks and punches will force tech someone up, unless it's light attacks in succession. Not sure really, but it's definitely different from DOA4.