Dead or alive 5 Last round designers challenge 2016


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Standard Donor
Yeah, so? Marriage is perfectly fine in the eyes of god, I'm not the one sinning here.



Premium Donor
15 - 1 (27).gif

....This is me on my bed, everytime you respond, just stop. You can't marry a digital creation, I'm sorry to shatter that misconception. All you're doing is being a troll, an annoyance, and a hindrance to everyone else in the forum. We'd appreciate it if you could kindly stop and go away.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I'll let you be the judge.
He's not the only one sick of seeing your posts getting reported. Time to hit the brakes and just be productive. I don't give a damn if you want to tell people about how you married an idea rendered into digital form. I also don't care if you want to post everywhere and somehow piss off some of the most low-key and quiet members of the forum.

Last warning before @Brute and I have a race to hit the button.

Edit: @Brute won.


Premium Donor
Good riddance XD. I like that design too, it's a shame it wasn't chosen, but that one Marie costume where she was dressed up to look Arabian and a few others from that fan design pack were also supposed to be Halloween designs...maybe TN will use some of the non winning Halloween ones in a future fan pack? :-D


Well-Known Member
Good riddance XD. I like that design too, it's a shame it wasn't chosen, but that one Marie costume where she was dressed up to look Arabian and a few others from that fan design pack were also supposed to be Halloween designs...maybe TN will use some of the non winning Halloween ones in a future fan pack? :-D

Yeah In like season pass 6 I could imagine another design contest pack. ( I think last year it was November that a design contest pack was released as dlc? ) And more outfits could be apart of that dlc.


Premium Donor
Yeah, plus the fan design pack didn't even have a theme, some were casual, fantasy, etc. There's a good chance that virtually anything could be in it. @Chisa that could definitely happen too, TN likes to swap outfits they feel will suit another character best, that or just modify the design so that it can be used for another character, like 2014 halloween Ayane and Kasumi.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
I wonder what they plan on doing in DOA6. They can't just throw literally thousands of costumes and ideas away and then start new costume contests as if nothing happened. Or can they? ;)


Well-Known Member
I wonder what they plan on doing in DOA6. They can't just throw literally thousands of costumes and ideas away and then start new costume contests as if nothing happened. Or can they? ;)

I hope a few of the default outfits will be design contest outfits. :) I'm sure there was enough casual looking outfits, Also I hope they keep them all just for dlc for doa6 as well.

That Ayane design still may get into the game. Remember all designs can be swapped on different character. That already happened three times (Kokoro -> Helena, Kasumi -> Rachel - Rig -> Bayman).

Yeah actually so I hope it gets in for someone!


Premium Donor
I'd hope they wouldn't throw away any designs, they'll probably wind up just resing up the LR and Ultimate DLC and selling it again in DOA6, but there's over a hundred designs just waiting to be used and that people would instantly buy over collaboration or fetish ones.


Well-Known Member
View attachment 21581
....This is me on my bed, everytime you respond, just stop. You can't marry a digital creation, I'm sorry to shatter that misconception. All you're doing is being a troll, an annoyance, and a hindrance to everyone else in the forum. We'd appreciate it if you could kindly stop and go away.


1) set them to "ignore"

2). I can't see her without remembering she was in a digimon game and this was her chosen monster


It attacks by throwing its own poop.

I find this hilarious.

Moving on.

As for them not using/throwing out designs,
Keep in mind a ton of the submitted designs were essentially just bikinis. Even my own designs are guilty of this (largely because I gave the fuck up on decent designs making it in)



This time around I just had like no inspiration at all so...whatever.


Well-Known Member

1) set them to "ignore"

2). I can't see her without remembering she was in a digimon game and this was her chosen monster


It attacks by throwing its own poop.

I find this hilarious.

Moving on.

As for them not using/throwing out designs,
Keep in mind a ton of the submitted designs were essentially just bikinis. Even my own designs are guilty of this (largely because I gave the fuck up on decent designs making it in)

View attachment 21582

View attachment 21583

This time around I just had like no inspiration at all so...whatever.

Did you send in the Mila design one that was like a poker dealer again?


Premium Donor

1) set them to "ignore"

2). I can't see her without remembering she was in a digimon game and this was her chosen monster


It attacks by throwing its own poop.

I find this hilarious.

Moving on.

As for them not using/throwing out designs,
Keep in mind a ton of the submitted designs were essentially just bikinis. Even my own designs are guilty of this (largely because I gave the fuck up on decent designs making it in)

View attachment 21582

View attachment 21583

This time around I just had like no inspiration at all so...whatever.
Yeah...I don't do well ignoring, it doesn't do much for me, I retaliate. But he's banned anyway, so hey, at least he and his "wifey" can spend some time alone in solitary. :-D

I like those designs, you say they aren't decent but they're pretty well done in my eyes, especially the spider one now that I see it with color. And lol at your fingers at the top of the first pic. XD