DOA5LR DEAD OR ALIVE 5 Last Round Tokyo Game Show 2014 stream


Well-Known Member
I guess I'll top this off with the 100th post.

Danger Zone looks dope, but with all the emphasis on the girls and breast physics that's going to be the obvious focus of this particular even and showcasing of the game. Any potential balance or system changes will probably be revealed later down the line (particularly TFC when we crack the game open for ourselves).

For now, we should just focus on and anticipate any form of new content, IE Stages and whatever the new characters may be. I'm feeling more anxiety than hype at this point. Trying to stay positive but prettier effects and faster breast movement is not exactly swaying me at this point.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
It took me several secs to figure out Marie wasn't actually a physical person.

So, looking at that pic, you were like:
Hey, cool, there's even Marie Rose at TGS, checking out, how she's looking on the next gen consoles. Oh, wait...Marie's not actually real!



Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
that's honestly the reason i didn't like either one i wasn't sure who to thank XD

its not like i could like both post, likes are a precious resource you know


Well-Known Member
Am I the only one who is hopeful that since the stream is through mad catz, it will contain more than boob info? TGS hasn't shown us anything new at all except for the mystery characters and stage boxes... It's looking great, but sadly I was expecting more. Shame on me I guess.