DLC Character Discussion


Premium Donor
Oh my FUCK!!! THANK GOD OK, I'M GONNA RANT REAL QUICK. So I wasn't picked up early from school because the bus driver lied and said she would be running early buses so I had to call my mom. she them blames me and tells me to be quiet all because I was tryna tell her it wasn't my fault. She over hears me use the word "bullshit" and then takes my phone, calls me ungrateful and acts like my grades aren't all from my effort and says it was all HER prayers...dammit, I was so mad. I'm glad she gave me my phone back, although I would've probably not been on anyway, I was already not in a good mood. Anyways that is why I was gone. sorry

But yeah, Lili would fit in DOA, I already have her movelist in my head


Well-Known Member
Oh my FUCK!!! THANK GOD OK, I'M GONNA RANT REAL QUICK. So I wasn't picked up early from school because the bus driver lied and said she would be running early buses so I had to call my mom. she them blames me and tells me to be quiet all because I was tryna tell her it wasn't my fault. She over hears me use the word "bullshit" and then takes my phone, calls me ungrateful and acts like my grades aren't all from my effort and says it was all HER prayers...dammit, I was so mad. I'm glad she gave me my phone back, although I would've probably not been on anyway, I was already not in a good mood. Anyways that is why I was gone. sorry

But yeah, Lili would fit in DOA, I already have her movelist in my head

Nah it was definitely her prayers that got you good grades Kasumi jk.

That sucks though that that happened, And on topic I'd like Lili though If there is more characters or guests then I'd like maybe Vanessa or something. It would be strange if they added a SK one with the doa art style.


Well-Known Member
Oh my FUCK!!! THANK GOD OK, I'M GONNA RANT REAL QUICK. So I wasn't picked up early from school because the bus driver lied and said she would be running early buses so I had to call my mom. she them blames me and tells me to be quiet all because I was tryna tell her it wasn't my fault. She over hears me use the word "bullshit" and then takes my phone, calls me ungrateful and acts like my grades aren't all from my effort and says it was all HER prayers...dammit, I was so mad. I'm glad she gave me my phone back, although I would've probably not been on anyway, I was already not in a good mood. Anyways that is why I was gone. sorry

But yeah, Lili would fit in DOA, I already have her movelist in my head

sorry to hear all that.

But when I think of Lili from Tekken I can't help but remember that she was in a Digimon game.



And that THIS was her digimon, which she considered "beautiful" and named "Catherine"


I then proceed to laugh my ass off every time.

though to be fair, that evolves into these (in order)


She loves the lilithmon because it has "lili" in the name"

Nah it was definitely her prayers that got you good grades Kasumi jk.

That sucks though that that happened, And on topic I'd like Lili though If there is more characters or guests then I'd like maybe Vanessa or something. It would be strange if they added a SK one with the doa art style.

I'd want more KOF characters really. KOF Vanessa, Clark, Shermie, Blue Mary, etc.


Premium Donor
sorry to hear all that.

But when I think of Lili from Tekken I can't help but remember that she was in a Digimon game.



And that THIS was her digimon, which she considered "beautiful" and named "Catherine"


I then proceed to laugh my ass off every time.

though to be fair, that evolves into these (in order)


She loves the lilithmon because it has "lili" in the name"

I'd want more KOF characters really. KOF Vanessa, Clark, Shermie, Blue Mary, etc.
LOL, this is like deja vu! XD I remember in July you said that exact same thing with pics and all lol, but yeah I see your point, that was a strange monster choice to associate her with. As for other characters, as much as I'd love Lili or another one of my favorite waifs in DOA, I wouldn't mind a male being in as long as they fit my criteria and stood out


New Member
I'd be extremely happy with either Lili or Ling Xiaoyu.
Some Metal Gear Solid characters or outfits would also be nice.
Regarding costumes, I'm surprised that they haven't made a Kureha outfit for either Momiji or Naotora, it would look pretty nice in the game.
I haven't played much from the Final Fantasy series, but if they did get Square-Enix DLC, it would be cool if they included characters like Star Ocean's Reimi Saionji for Kasumi or Valkyrie Profile's Hrist for Nyotengu.