Do you want a tournament scene?

Do you want a healthy tournament scene for DOA5?

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Well-Known Member
Stupid as in powerful or stupid as in stupid? Lol
While I agree that the Izuna's damage has always been :eek: .
We may or may not be in for something just as stupid or worse with this individuality thing going on. I mean look at each character so far. In the hands of great players, any one of them is gonna be fricking scary.(Not that it wasn't like this before, I'm just saying that we haven't seen the whole picture yet and things are going to change by release). I mean, even Rikuto has said that Bayman is looking pretty fricking dangerous with his mix-ups. But, at the moment I do agree that the Izuna should have tighter windows and/or lowered damage.


Well-Known Member
While I agree that the Izuna's damage has always been :eek: .
We may or may not be in for something just as stupid or worse with this individuality thing going on. I mean look at each character so far. In the hands of great players, any one of them is gonna be fricking scary.(Not that it wasn't like this before, I'm just saying that we haven't seen the whole picture yet and things are going to change by release). I mean, even Rikuto has said that Bayman is looking pretty fricking dangerous with his mix-ups. But, at the moment I do agree that the Izuna should have tighter windows and/or lowered damage.

We don't really know what Bayman and Christie can do. Sure, we've seen a short trailer, but we don't know what was safe/unsafe. If all of Bayman's good mixups are unsafe, that automatically makes him less amazing since you can just block and punish.


Well-Known Member
We don't really know what Bayman and Christie can do. Sure, we've seen a short trailer, but we don't know what was safe/unsafe. If all of Bayman's good mixups are unsafe, that automatically makes him less amazing since you can just block and punish.
That's assuming you block the 3K first though, but yeah I understand what you mean. Still gonna have to wait and see where everything goes, I mean at this point certain characters might have advantages others won't have.

Relius Starkiller

Active Member
I always thought there should have been a counter meter that forces players to use holds wisely. If anyone is familiar with Blazblue's Bang Shishigami his projectile attacks are nails/shuriken's. They can be used for either offensive, or for defensive methods. But he can't spam them endlessly, because he's only aloud to use a certain amount per round.

As far as the recovery on holds, I do agree that the recovery needs to be longer. In Soul Calibur if you miss a GI you're getting punished no matter what. Of course now in Soul Calibur if you use a GI you better make it count, because if you miss it's a waste of meter (unless your character has a Auto GI). Maybe more Natural Combo's besides pp that can't be held, and more Normal Hit launchers for players that whiff holds. However, like I said that'll only work if the recovery on holds are increased.

But if you're adding a meter there should be a couple of positives for using the counters.

If you can't spam the holds anymore and its all tied to a meter that takes a three or four seconds to refill then maybe the counter window would be fine as it is in DOA4. . .hell, maybe even the damage shouldn't be scaled back. I kind of get why all of you guys throw up these big walls of text - because the second you change of any kind has a domino effect, so a lot of things have to be explained.

But but it seems like were all just talking in circles nowadays - gotta wait for E3 to really get an idea where DOA5 is headed.


Active Member
They do it in hopes that people like Berserk don't make BS post in yet, they happen anyway. The Idea of meter isn't a bad idea...if poorly implemented though it would do more harm then i would try to stay away from that idea(Team Ninja barely knows balance...i doubt they know meter management).

E3 is the next stop for DOA5 but again I have bring up Tag2(they announcing characters too) so it's going to be interesting in seeing who has the most hype coming out of E3 because I think DOA has more hype going due to not much is known about the game except about afew characters 3 stages and some mechanics....they may show off a new gameplay mechanic or feature at the show...

im not going to lie tho if i see Tag2 showing off old returning characters like Kunimitsu and shit then my hype will easily sway the other way.....also who else is hyped for Divekick...the future of Fighting Games! TWO BUTTONS!!!!!


Well-Known Member
im 50/50 on meter. Its a good idea at first but once the meter is full it becomes doa4 again. The attacker doesn't want to attack cuz they afraid of a hold being thrown out. Basically the defender has the advantage again. This lead to the RPS again when you the attacker should of had the advantage while the defender is stun'd


Active Member
Drift, you make no sense. Don't speak for others who can speak for themselves.
So your totally going to ignore the fact Rikuto told you off like 3 or 4 times before in the past when you brought up holds in stuns, 3 point vs 4 point holds....etc.? humm I wonder bro.....I wonder, but w/e. it effects me none~


Well-Known Member
So your totally going to ignore the fact Rikuto told you off like 3 or 4 times before in the past when you brought up holds in stuns, 3 point vs 4 point holds....etc.? humm I wonder bro.....I wonder, but w/e. it effects me none~
No, I addressed it like an adult and persevered with a constructive discussion. I don't need to deal with childish bandwagoning from you. Ignored.


Well-Known Member
Right now I think there are just a lot idea's roaming about. It's true some people agree on one thing while others agree on another. Some say meter management would be beneficial, some want holds to be completely removed while stunned (of course that would require the stun system, hit properties to be re-worked for every character which means the game will be delayed which honestly I have no problem with = more lokest.), others want a variety of stuns that can't be slow escaped/held while some stuns do allow you to hold while stunned and slow escaped (the idea I actually like second). Everyone throwing out what they want to change just isn't going to help if people can't come to a single agreement. Then you have people who can't control their need to insult others..


Well-Known Member
E3 is the next stop for DOA5 but again I have bring up Tag2(they announcing characters too) so it's going to be interesting in seeing who has the most hype coming out of E3 because I think DOA has more hype going due to not much is known about the game except about afew characters 3 stages and some mechanics....they may show off a new gameplay mechanic or feature at the show...

I can 100% guarantee that DOA5 at E3 will be the best showing of a fighting game ever at the annual trade show.


Ah, E3 2012 for DOA.... the most anticipated yet least surprising weekend in the history of DOA.

I've got my popcorn ready to be popped.

I take it you've already seen something the public hasn't yet, but of course, can't talk about ... ?

If he answered that he'd be talking about it. We'll just have to be patient and wait, see?


Well-Known Member
I take it you've already seen something the public hasn't yet, but of course, can't talk about ... ?

I sense sarcasm >.0


Active Member
Dr.Dogg must have gotten some Godlike private tweet or something....using ancient Chinese secrets~ either way, we will all be in the loop come E3....Sucks that only Dr.Dogg will be playing the new build...You'll be Recording matches right? you know that god like footage that we can't rely on IGN or gamestop for?


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
I've got my eye on a few other things. DoA5 couldn't possibly hope to interest me in any major way since my character was already announced. Want to impress me? Announce Ein and toss another demo my way. Otherwise I couldn't care less. And E3 2005 was the best showing for a DoA title at E3 so far. No event will change that. That reveal was epic.
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