DOA5 single player/casual thread


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I want an option to save matches even during rage quits ...

on a side note,
With the new update to the character profiles of DOA5 ... there was a mention of our good ol' friend EIN....

Please let that be a hint of whats to come ^________________________________^
(although I know with the leaked list n all, its unlikely... but who knows >__> )


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I want an option to implant psychic motivators on players who can't keep their cool when they lose, that way they can become better sports and learn from their mistakes rather than blame others.


Well-Known Member
I understand exactly where you're coming from. I think Dr. Dogg summed it up correctly. The main concern isn't really punishing the loser of the match, but making sure the option to record readily is available regardless of what the opposite player wants. I've never seen a person win a match and be unwilling to let the loser record it. However I've seen plenty of matches where the loser went out of their way to make sure the match wasn't recorded. Even if I'm not the one playing that kind of thing irritates me.

Sorry, before I misunderstood your previous post then: when you said "will avoid recording a match at all costs when they lose" were you referring about the attitude of the losers to avoid that the winner could record his match; In this case I completely agree with you.


Well-Known Member
I sort of wish they didn't scrap the DOA4 lobbies, personally. Though, that said, I understand that it was for the good of the game, what with reducing lag and all that.

Other additions I'd enjoy seeing:

- Team Battle Mode

- Improved grading system (I'd like to know if the player I'm fighting ACTUALLY is as skilled as an SS should be)

- Saving replays, of course

- Awesmic's idea (:

- Less ninja-centric storyline

- An even more beautiful/elegant Helena

Oh, and customization similar to SC, though I think it's a certainty that I won't be seeing it in this incarnation.

Matt Ponton

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Yeah they said they weren't going to have the customization in this version.

Personally, I'm still surprised people use Xbox LIVE Party chat online. From my own testing in the industry I found that the more people chatting, the increase in delay. So when I'm stuck in Allan Paris' party and three of his friends are singing or going off their rocker, the lag is atrocious - and they're not even in my game!



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Premium Donor
Yeah they said they weren't going to have the customization in this version.

Personally, I'm still surprised people use Xbox LIVE Party chat online. From my own testing in the industry I found that the more people chatting, the increase in delay. So when I'm stuck in Allan Paris' party and three of his friends are singing or going off their rocker, the lag is atrocious - and they're not even in my game!


I noticed this as well in many games.
From my experience with this it doesnt happen when the same players are voice chatting throu the game itself.
I think this is because when you're in a party you're acctually accessing 2 channels: the game channel and the party channel which are acctually seperate making the party hog up the bandwidth. Thats why its better to chat through the game directly.

Matt Ponton

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Being in-game or in-party wouldn't make a difference.

The issue is that the game may be calibrated for say 8 people to be talking at the max, but you throw in a party chat that can have up to another 8 people chatting at once and that just overloads the bandwidth.

I typically only use party chat as a private chat for whoever I'm playing with in-game.


Well-Known Member
With SC5, Skull Girls and VF5 all having very solid online play, if the net code for DOA5 isn't equal to or better than those three, there's going to be a problem.


Well-Known Member
DOA and lag-less servers united? Gimme that train ticket...

Even if the DOA5 net code is as good as SC5, it will still be brutal playing online. DOA at high levels does not leave room for lag of any kind. I can play SC5 online, and aside from not being able to block a few lows, I can play pretty much the same as I do offline (in a 4- or 5-bar connection). However, when I played DOA5 at E3, it wasn't all that difficult to counter launchers on reaction (and that was on a 360 pad). There's no way I'd be able to do that online, even in the best connection.

Although, if Team Ninja makes the changes I've been asking for, then it won't be as significant that I can't hold well on reaction.


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connection worries

I agree about the importance of the connection, but the changes you asked for won't have any impact on online play.

simply because every frame counts so when you want to setup a frame trap, a true string, or even hold outside of stun. you still need that accurate connection. having it accessible to auto-pilot combos doesn't mean anything. Look at KOF13's shitty online. if you manage to get your stupid hit confirm even under its horrible settings then the combo is pretty much auto pilot if you're not looking at the screen. But even then its hard as hell especially if you depend of visuals or sound, not to mention dropped inputs.

If I can Just Guard successfully with a 2 bar connection in SC, and I can pull off my just frames in a 1 bar VF connection and successfully set up my frame traps, then with that standard of connection quality I should be able to play DOA5 as it should be played with little to no problems.

But yes, Agreed. Connection must be PERFECT in order for this game to be successful. In this day and age there's no room for errors in this field.

But if I rate their track record with netcodes so far, DOA4 was decent even between London and central US when there was only 2 players in a private lobby, and people have been praising the DOA:D netcode and that shits wireless. I don't know about the NG3 multiplayer ... anyone have experience with it ?

When I spoke to Harada, he said that the TTT2 code is an improved code over the SCV code. Now if thats actually true, then DOA5 must deliver a similar experience.

Hopefully it should be fine, but it has to be even BETTER.

Arnell Long

Active Member
DOA4 was decent even between London and central US when there was only 2 players in a private lobby.

DOA4 has a horrible Netcode, even with 2 players being in 1 room. Rarely do you get the privileged of countering on straight reaction alone, thus making the player guess "double". Other fighters can get away with slight lag because they don't have the forced defensive tools like DOA. Heck, it's hard enough to slow escape and properly block the following attack, but when you have to guess an attack height on top of countering not on reaction, but before hand "due to lag spikes and what have you", then no way in Satan's den can you take it serious in a competitive manner.

I know you've noticed that some move properties are different online, certain attack become safe, making it hard to punish accordingly. Also, characters can low counter out of your string stun and crush the string before you can even get back to neutral. Every problem that is present with DOA4 offline, is handed to us tenfold while playing online. I know no other fighter besides DOA where being in a disadvantage situation is an advantage.


Well-Known Member
I agree about the importance of the connection, but the changes you asked for won't have any impact on online play.

I don't even want to correct all of the wrong that was in that post. It's just not worth the effort.

It's like you read what I type, then it goes through some sort of scrambling translator. You then reply with what essentially looks like nonsense to me (which is rarely less than 500 words), full of contradictions and points that have nothing to do with my original post.

I won't place you on ignore yet, but I give up trying to converse with you about anything DOA5-related.


Active Member
Lolz at the comment "KOFXIII has shitty online" ok buddy, stop using wireless connections~

but in all seriousness for single player stuff i.e. Casuals.
pull the DOAU2 and make a ton of unlockables.

Costumes are nice but a random mini game or two would be nice~ Gallery mode is a must imo...showing off all the CG trailers and hopefully conceptual artwork and things we wouldn't see unless you bought like the DOA5 complete works art book >_>'

eh...there is only so much you can do with a fighting game....*looks at Ehrigez*....yeah the good ol' days.


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Lolz at the comment "KOFXIII has shitty online" ok buddy, stop using wireless connections~

clearly you have not played KOFXIII online..

Gallery mode is a must imo...showing off all the CG trailers and hopefully conceptual artwork and things we wouldn't see unless you bought like the DOA5 complete works art book >_>'.

With the direction they've been heading towards, I highly doubt there will be any CG. But, if you mean having access to the cut scenes, yeah that would be nice to have.


Well-Known Member
NG3 online was horrible... On 360 with wired connection. In clan battles 4vs4, it was like 80% of the game was in the "Steel on Bone' slo mo. The co-op trials was like 50% slo mo. With crazy glitches that didn't happen offline and I couldn't join like 8 out of 10 of the lobbies, even with the best connection. So, idk.


Master Ninja
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I've decided that the only thing I really want beyond the normal shit is Ein to be unlockable. I don't care if he's exactly as he was in 4 (just give him his Neo outfit from 3) but put him in goddamnit.