DOA6 Gameplay Thread


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Critical Holds are the largest back doors of the century my g. But that’s just how the game works so there are no complaints on my end about it.

There may be too many throws in DOA to implement a break system anyhow, and if it did it could break a LOT of character game plans. 6T from Zack and Hitomi would have a chance to stop the mixups from coming, Helena’s
BKO T combos would be avoided etc etc etc. It would be very hard to balance. Very hard to balance. Kinda. Sorta.


FSD | Nichol
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All those animations they would have to make would be ridiculous. Some would be awesome but just imagine how many would be meh.
I would argue being able to break 6T as well as just T but not every throw in the game (6Ts and Ts are probably the most commonly used throws across all characters). If I go for a 12+ frame throw in a game where strikes are averaging at -8 on block I want to be rewarded for my efforts or at a big + advantage. I took a big risk in an extremely offensive game and want to be rewarded for said risk, not at neutral, slightly plus, or minus because someone decided that they would break the throw.
My thoughts are that if the throw is guaranteed to land on minus frames it should be a guaranteed throw. Air throws are unbreakable (I would quit the game), Ground Throws should be guaranteed (Mila players hate not getting their mount damage so think of every ground throw as a mount and I would also quit because of this). If the throw is Hi Counter it should be guaranteed. Aside from that having 6T being breakable would be acceptable as many 6Ts across the board have very high value, with many characters their 6Ts out value their 10 and 12 frame throws because the risk/reward or a high aggression play style has. Examples are Bass/Hitmoi/Zack 6T, Leon/MR/Bass/a lot more characters 6T against wall which leaves opponent in slump, combo throws that leave at + if not completed or higher damage if completed, there are situations where you would use a 12 frame throw simply to finish a match instead of just for dealing high damage.

Also, how would Offensive Holds be treated? As they currently are or would they get the Throw treatment?


Premium Donor
Offensive holds imo wouldn't need the throw treatment since they're already pretty lengthy and you'll be eating a hi counter throw if the opponent throws you while doing one since they're considered holds.
And they wouldn't need to do alot of unique throw animations tbh, SFV and SC6 have one universal throw break animation across all generic input throws, and Tekken has 1-3 unique ones per character and left and right side ones and the occasional ones like dfdf1 all have the same generic throw break anination

If throw breaks were a thing I think 5i and 7i ones could be breakable, but reset throws, and slower throws of about 10i or more could be guaranteed since you can easily jab out of those.


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All those animations they would have to make would be ridiculous. Some would be awesome but just imagine how many would be meh.
I would argue being able to break 6T as well as just T but not every throw in the game (6Ts and Ts are probably the most commonly used throws across all characters). If I go for a 12+ frame throw in a game where strikes are averaging at -8 on block I want to be rewarded for my efforts or at a big + advantage. I took a big risk in an extremely offensive game and want to be rewarded for said risk, not at neutral, slightly plus, or minus because someone decided that they would break the throw.
My thoughts are that if the throw is guaranteed to land on minus frames it should be a guaranteed throw. Air throws are unbreakable (I would quit the game), Ground Throws should be guaranteed (Mila players hate not getting their mount damage so think of every ground throw as a mount and I would also quit because of this). If the throw is Hi Counter it should be guaranteed. Aside from that having 6T being breakable would be acceptable as many 6Ts across the board have very high value, with many characters their 6Ts out value their 10 and 12 frame throws because the risk/reward or a high aggression play style has. Examples are Bass/Hitmoi/Zack 6T, Leon/MR/Bass/a lot more characters 6T against wall which leaves opponent in slump, combo throws that leave at + if not completed or higher damage if completed, there are situations where you would use a 12 frame throw simply to finish a match instead of just for dealing high damage.

Also, how would Offensive Holds be treated? As they currently are or would they get the Throw treatment?

Absolutely agree 100%.

I don't think the Offensive Holds or Throws should be touched at this point. I've played a lot of SCVI since it came out and I gotta say, seeing throws break constantly is an annoying site to behold even though it's a completely different game. They put an emphasis on it this time around and it breaks the flow of combat to the point where it's not fun to me.

I think Team NINJA has it down now judging by this competitive video from @Berzerk! I especially like the throw usage after the pushes from people watching the fight at showdown.
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I really don’t like the idea of throw breaks, throw breaks should just stay like how they were implemented in DOA5.


Well-Known Member
A few things to respond to here.

On throw breaks, I should have reiterated the methodology mentioned in the other thread I linked to. Some of the comments seem to be based on lack of information or understanding of how they work in other games, particularly VF, which is the most relevant as its the system that works best with the DOA system.

First of all lets dispense with the notion that its a hard thing for Team Ninja to make more animations, or that it wouldn't be desirable. Animations make the game look and feel good to play, and provide clear visual information for what worked, what didn't, and how.

Throw breaks would be directional and based on the same logic as other choices in the system.
In short - if you buffer a throw escape in the same direction as the throw, you get an escape. The exception would only be if you're getting punished for attempting a Hold, locking out an escape.

This introduces a mindset of "my opponent wants to do a forward throw, I'll prevent that". Then the throwing player needs to think "he knows I want to throw forward. I'll throw backward".
It's simple, it's elegant, and it provides a powerful added layer of depth which the game can benefit from in neutral play. Strong neutral requires this kind of access to defensive choices including when thrown.

To refresh from the thread explaining it

Command Throw Escapes
  • Once more with feeling - as above, it's time for some "brave" big boy fighting game mechanics. This would be relatively simple to implement. And here's how you to it while protecting the Triangle system:
    • If a Throw is attempted with a command ending in Forward+Throw (6T), then the Escape should be 6T.
    • If you Throw an opponent who is in performing or recovering from a Hold, it should still be unbreakable as part of the triangle system of Throws punishing Holds
    • You would be able to buffer the Throw Escape. For example, as you finish a string, hold 6+T and keep it held - a 6T throw punish would be escaped when attempted. The buffer should also be possible to initiate while simply holding the block button (Press H and hold, then press P and hold. Throw escape is buffered while held)
    • This adds to the directional mindgame and forces attackers to adapt to using a variety of throws.
  • Throw escapes are hype and won't affect low level play
  • It's incredibly in theme for DOA as you're constantly "training" your opponent to make choices and exploiting their habits.

Now, to some of the objections
Absolutely agree 100%.

I don't think the Offensive Holds or Throws should be touched at this point. I've played a lot of SCVI since it came out and I gotta say, seeing throws break constantly is an annoying site to behold even though it's a completely different game. They put an emphasis on it this time around and it breaks the flow of combat to the point where it's not fun to me.

It's mistaken to look at SCVI as a comparison for a DOA throw break system. It's too dissimilar to the proposed system. SCVI throws are all catch throws and reactable. You tap either of the attack buttons to get out. This would be a directional throw break system, so the choice of which throw to negate creates an interesting set of choices in the defensive game.
Virtua Fighter demonstrates this flow beautifully.
  • Once you're able to break certain throws, you get to weaken the dominance of tick throw situations which favour strikers. Grappler players WANT throw breaks in the game as Grapplers have a better variety of throws. It's better to have the ability to escape certain obvious throw choices from strikers (such as launch throws or running throws) while having a variety of your own choices.
  • Note that if a throw is escaped the Throwing player should be at least neutral or slight advantage, so you don't get "punished" for attempting to throw
  • This system may then open up and benefit from implementing a few moves which punish unsafe attacks with specific strikes, like an elbow or jab move, so people have a throw punishment alternative. I think this is not a huge issue in the DOA system - even if a throw is broken you can initiate your next setup, however it would be a good addition. See how this works in Virtua Fighter here
  • This is really not so hard to balance because of the universal access each character has to throws and escapes. It is already a directional throw system with escapes at neutral, so let the gameplay build to the next logical step.

I would argue being able to break 6T as well as just T but not every throw in the game (6Ts and Ts are probably the most commonly used throws across all characters). If I go for a 12+ frame throw in a game where strikes are averaging at -8 on block I want to be rewarded for my efforts or at a big + advantage. I took a big risk in an extremely offensive game and want to be rewarded for said risk, not at neutral, slightly plus, or minus because someone decided that they would break the throw.
Also, how would Offensive Holds be treated? As they currently are or would they get the Throw treatment?

Implementing a system where you can break some throws and not others would be a mistake. It's illogical and doesn't make sense to the player learning as it's arbitrary. Why can I break 6T and not 4T?
And choosing what to throw based on frame speed of the throw? Even harder to perceive and less logical.

It makes much more sense for people to just learn "oh that was a back throw, I'll escape back next time." Universal system, means players learn it and apply it logically to any situation, and its about understanding the movelists and paying attention to the direction the throw sent them in. DOA already follows this logic in the way its throws work.

As for throws at disadvantage being guaranteed, nope, just go with the guaranteed Hold punishment and the system will be easier to understand and just as robust.

Offensive Holds would stay the same. They're already vulnerable to throws, so someone inputting a throw break would get a throw against them.
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Well-Known Member
I think grappler characters should get their guaranteed ground game setups and I am perfectly fine with how current builds of DoA6 treat the ground game. You can get hit, but no more force teching, ESPECIALLY given the offensive nature of DoA6 turning out to be. For crying out loud, you can be hit with a full juggle, get hit with a break blow cancel, and get relaunched into another full juggle. DoA6 is looking to be very aggressive. The defender deserves a moment of reprieve on the ground without having to deal with a force tech that puts them in a continuous frame disadvantage.

The ground game in doa2 and 3 was honestly one of the bigger reasons I liked doa over the other 3D fighting games. You had down attacks and the wake up kicks. I liked that little mini game of dealing with the wake up kicks. You could guess and hold or back off and try to whiff punish, or go for the launcher if you read the low wake up kick.

The ground game as it stands is not any of the above. It's nothing. There needs to be specific moves which force up. Perhaps 1-2 per character. Probably a slow move not in a string, so you do not get a vortex.

There are already moves which do hard knock down out of juggles and typically, these are LOWER damage juggles. This means the attacker doing the juggle is trading damage NOW for the hope of a hard knockdown setup, which wouldn't be guaranteed to land a hit on standing, it just grants advantage.

This is a really necessary layer of the game as it opens up different playstyles and options to run risk/reward scenarios further


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Offensive Holds would stay the same. They're already vulnerable to throws, so someone inputting a throw break would get a throw against them.

So if it was directional based, the directional input of the offensive hold wouldn't have to match the throw break that turned into a throw?

Anyway, I understand what you are trying to say, but I can see throw breaks complicating the system as well. I mean what if breaks nerfed the usage of OHs just because the mentality of throw breaking is there changing the output of how many throws come out a match?

I'm thinking out loud here, but if I know someone is going to attempt a forward throw I do have multiple options of avoiding it without needing a throw break.

That said, I do think a directional would be the best way to go about throw breaks, but I am not sure it would mesh right now as is. My inner skeptic is telling me to ask more questions.


Well-Known Member
So if it was directional based, the directional input of the offensive hold wouldn't have to match the throw break that turned into a throw?

Anyway, I understand what you are trying to say, but I can see throw breaks complicating the system as well. I mean what if breaks nerfed the usage of OHs just because the mentality of throw breaking is there changing the output of how many throws come out a match?

I'm thinking out loud here, but if I know someone is going to attempt a forward throw I do have multiple options of avoiding it without needing a throw break.

That said, I do think a directional would be the best way to go about throw breaks, but I am not sure it would mesh right now as is. My inner skeptic is telling me to ask more questions.

Play Virtua Fighter and it becomes very clear. DOA system is based on it, so it would mesh well. It's the best implementation going around, and a close match for the string and block button based system each game has.

Specifically around OH's, you can already input any throw and beat them out, so it's outside the use case we're discussing.

In the scenario of you "KNOWING" someone will forward throw, with a throw break system you have Forward+Throw (6T) added to Attacking or Ducking. This is good to have an extra option depending on your mindset, how you like to play (offensive or defensive), etc.

However there's another element - you may know they want to throw but not WHEN exactly, that's when Buffering the Escape is a great thing. (hold down H+T and direction)
That forces the attacking player to rethink their strategy and it opens up the game - adding to the tactical flow of a match.

For example, Hitomi or Zack looping their 6T throws and mixing you up for another throw, or you have to decide to try and duck the throw, or get hit by a mid? How about just block and throw escape 6T to break the vortex? Then the Hitomi/Zack has to decide to attack, or do a different throw, changing the flow of the match.

Once you have throw breaks it invites the idea of having a few more ways to punish unsafe strings. So you'd have a selection of strike moves for that. Here's a good example from VF


Well-Known Member
I hated the idea of throw breaks in DOA but I think they're needed. No one should lose because they were randomly thrown, players should have a chance to break throws and solidify there defense. People shouldn't have to play unsafe and be forced to guess between blocking or pressing a random button. preferably, CH throws should be unbreakable, all NH throws should be breakable, the exception being only if it's a true throw punish.


Well-Known Member
It's a good idea,but could be better. I personally think this command throw system can be characterly exclusived,just like 9H 3H or expert hold.Since Bayman knows the hold,then why not make Tina&Bass better knowing throws.

and the system looks pretty ez,good for new players,better for skillful players


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The issue here is that people are thinking we want throw breaks to be an easy escape in DOA. If you play VF frequently enough, you’ll come to realise in that game specifically (and Tekken before 7) it is quite difficult to break throws. Throws in VF are like 10 frames. To get out of the throw you have another 10 frames. Seeing the throw connect and thinking about which way to break it are two different things, and there’s still 50% chance you’re going to get the wrong break. Because it’s direction based and you still have to either buffer the break or magically break it when the throw connects.

After the break, said thrower is either neutral or at advantage, based on which throw they did. Grapplers like Wolf usually have good advantage on most of their throw breaks as they rely on grabs and breaks to mix up their game plan.

We don’t need unique throw animations if this is the case. We only need two. As they are “on reaction” breaks. One break signalling you’ve escaped a 6T, and another showing you’ve broken T and 4T.

True throw punishes would need to be a thing though. Even Street Fighter has it. If a move is a certain disadvantage on block and you do a throw that’s either faster or the frame perfect punish then the throw becomes unbreakable. We’ve already discussed CH HiC and OH throws.

Going to use Zack and 6T as this example here:

Throw breaking will make mix up throws very interesting. If Zack connects his 6T, then he gets a free PP or 6P. If his throw is broken, it will still be his turn but now my enemy still has to guess if i’m going to go for it again or just attack. Also if they think they can mash out of the break mixup (Most people’s panic attacks are PP and 6P) I can just hold them as an option select read.

Everyone in here, please do not compare the throw breaks that we want to Soul Calibur 6, Tekken 7 or any 2D fighting game. Try to research and understand the VF throw system to see where some are coming from.

I’m vouching for throw breaks in the next DOA. But one thing I don’t want is for them to be easy.


Well-Known Member
First of all lets dispense with the notion that its a hard thing for Team Ninja to make more animations, or that it wouldn't be desirable. Animations make the game look and feel good to play, and provide clear visual information for what worked, what didn't, and how.

No ones making any kind of notion. Shimbori told players at EVO directly that it was too expensive to make each animation. And I don't know if you have ever done any kind of animating, but it is a lot of work.

Once more with feeling - as above, it's time for some "brave" big boy fighting game mechanics. This would be relatively simple to implement. And here's how you to it while protecting the Triangle system

Just because other fighting games have it doesn't mean its good for this game. DoA is drastically different from other fighters and the game definitely needs less RPS situations, not more.

As for throws at disadvantage being guaranteed, nope, just go with the guaranteed Hold punishment and the system will be easier to understand and just as robust.

No....just no. This isn't VF, and this game doesn't have VF's style of strike punishment. Stop trying to change it to be more like VF. I played that game for 2 years in Japanese arcades. VF is great, but I don't want DoAVF. I want DoA6.
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Premium Donor
I don't think that is a DOA4 wall bounce tbh if you mean that stagger type stun Diego did when Brad elbowed him in the stomach. He did touch the wall, but I think that's just a new half wall attack property for him(and maybe a few others) that if you hit the opponent with certain attacks, it'll cause them to hit the wall briefly but it won't count as a wall hit, I believe Virtua fighter has a wall hit property like that as well where they stagger or something if they bump the wall when not juggled.

Plus if you watch the video, Diego quickly finishes his stun and it looks like he's fully recovered back into standing position and he doesn't look like he'll fall over since the animation is different from DOA4, and they didn't show the type of wall hit reaction he did after the combo, it just showed the DOA6 logo. I personally think it's just a new attack property for if you're near a half wall, I don't think its the DOA4 wall bounce tbh


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I don't think that is a DOA4 wall bounce tbh if you mean that stagger type stun Diego did when Brad elbowed him in the stomach. He did touch the wall, but I think that's just a new half wall attack property for him(and maybe a few others) that if you hit the opponent with certain attacks, it'll cause them to hit the wall briefly but it won't count as a wall hit, I believe Virtua fighter has a wall hit property like that as well where they stagger or something if they bump the wall when not juggled.

Plus if you watch the video, Diego quickly finishes his stun and it looks like he's fully recovered back into standing position and he doesn't look like he'll fall over since the animation is different from DOA4, and they didn't show the type of wall hit reaction he did after the combo, it just showed the DOA6 logo. I personally think it's just a new attack property for if you're near a half wall, I don't think its the DOA4 wall bounce tbh

I would agree with you if Brad didn't use 66P, a strong wall splatting attack and previous Critical Burst. The starting animation of the wall stagger is almost exactly like DOA3/4's, but instead here the enemy returns to standing at the end. This could signal a Fatal Stun scenario, however as the HUD isn't on we don't know as there would be blood splatter on the screen.

As for the VF wall stagger. You even get that stagger if you block a strong attack when you're pushed back against the wall, or are hit on counter by something weak like a CH 6P or PP string. You also had to shake out of it. DOA6 has no SE now. This is quite different. Brad is hitting Diego with a wallsplatting move. Not something regular ya dig xD. This is either specific to half walls (I don't know why it would or should be) or the new wall splat.

It could even be a combination of the two old splats, we'll just have to find more out about it in more videos.

I really hope you can't hold out of a wall bounce again.
It's probably Fatal Stun not even going to lie. So without meter, combos are probs guaranteed. Still iffy on that too. I preferred guaranteed combos regardless.


Premium Donor
I would agree with you if Brad didn't use 66P, a strong wall splatting attack and previous Critical Burst. The starting animation of the wall stagger is almost exactly like DOA3/4's, but instead here the enemy returns to standing at the end. This could signal a Fatal Stun scenario, however as the HUD isn't on we don't know as there would be blood splatter on the screen.

As for the VF wall stagger. You even get that stagger if you block a strong attack when you're pushed back against the wall, or are hit on counter by something weak like a CH 6P or PP string. You also had to shake out of it. DOA6 has no SE now. This is quite different. Brad is hitting Diego with a wallsplatting move. Not something regular ya dig xD. This is either specific to half walls (I don't know why it would or should be) or the new wall splat.

It could even be a combination of the two old splats, we'll just have to find more out about it in more videos.

It's probably Fatal Stun not even going to lie. So without meter, combos are probs guaranteed. Still iffy on that too. I preferred guaranteed combos regardless.
I think they just nerfed 66P in DOA6 tbh, there's no more CB so they likely just toned down the normal hit properties, I honestly think that they changed attacks with that light crumple stun property to have that reaction when they hit a wall/half wall. It would make sense since Brad's 66P on NH does the same stun as Phase 4's H+K on CH so they could likely be adjusting moves to make them more useful in half walled areas, and they probably toned down Brad's 66P NH properties while doing that since in the video Diego wasn't counter hit, plus in DOA6 I personally feel it would be a bit much if Brad just got a wall splat from that on NH while other characters like Phase 4 and such cant

I don't think it's a fatal stun either since there have been trailers with no HUD and the blood splatter effect still shows up so I honestly just think it's a new wall attack property for specific moves as well as an environmental thing like slopes, electric walls/floors etc.


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I think they just nerfed 66P in DOA6 tbh, there's no more CB so they likely just toned down the normal hit properties, I honestly think that they changed attacks with that light crumple stun property to have that reaction when they hit a wall/half wall. It would make sense since Brad's 66P on NH does the same stun as Phase 4's H+K on CH so they could likely be adjusting moves to make them more useful in half walled areas, and they probably toned down Brad's 66P NH properties while doing that since in the video Diego wasn't counter hit, plus in DOA6 I personally feel it would be a bit much if Brad just got a wall splat from that on NH while other characters like Phase 4 and such cant

I don't think it's a fatal stun either since there have been trailers with no HUD and the blood splatter effect still shows up so I honestly just think it's a new wall attack property for specific moves as well as an environmental thing like slopes, electric walls/floors etc.

Best thing is to wait and see if we can get another video or something that addresses it.

Nerfing 66P on Brad might be silly though. 66P is ranges from i18 to i20 and is around -9 on block. Zack still gets a wallsplat on 9K. That move is i13 and is safe. So Brad can keep his 66P. Unsure of P4's frames on H+K but it's most definitely faster than that. Unless 66P is safe now and is good on CH, then the "nerf" would be an overall buff. Nerfing Brad in ANY way is silly though. It's Brad Wong xD.