Final Fantasy Thread


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Aranea has my vote. Come at me @Tyaren =P


*wall of text*

So did you reveal anywhere in there what you are voting for? XD

Ok. Cast my vote for Ardyns past.
Yaaay, thanks! :D Just know that you are on the right side of history.

I would prefer more story for Aranea; imo she took a bigger cut than Ardyn, and if you don't mind me asking what is it exactly that you would like to know?

I'd like to know what exactly made Ardyn, who was once a Jesus figure to the people of Eos, to this god forsaken (literally) bitter and vindictive monster. 2 minutes of rushed explanation (and a couple of lines in the game guide) for why he is doing what he is doing in a 30 hour long story is unacceptable.
Aranea holds nowhere near the importance to the story that Ardyn holds. Aranea is a side character, Ardyn is the main villain of the game. I don't know if you can say she took a bigger cut...


Well-Known Member

So did you reveal anywhere in there what you are voting for? XD

Yaaay, thanks! :D Just know that you are on the right side of history.

I'd like to know what exactly made Ardyn, who was once a Jesus figure to the people of Eos, to this god forsaken (literally) bitter and vindictive monster. 2 minutes of rushed explanation (and a couple of lines in the game guide) for why he is doing what he is doing in a 30 hour long story is unacceptable.
Aranea holds nowhere near the importance to the story that Ardyn holds. Aranea is a side character, Ardyn is the main villain of the game. I don't know if you can say she took a bigger cut...

Lol! How dare you not read my wall of text! XD And yes I did reveal what one I voted for in it. Now go read it! :p


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it's in square enix's bucket of "good ideas" which they seem to have ignored since final fantasy xiii back in 2009/2010


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Trueblade Seeker has just uploaded a translated breakdown of Exdeath's complete moveset and (almost) completely different, less defensive playstyle.

Like Onion, Ace, and Bartz, Exdeath falls under the Unique character class, and for good reason... 3 major ones to be exact. At any time, he can change between 3 modes (think stances in fighting games) to adapt to specific situations.

Power Mode allows him to play similar to other melee-based characters, and obviously gives him the most attack power of the other 3 modes. This is his default stance at the start of the match.

Debuff Mode gives him less attack power, but the final hit in any string of attacks he lands on his opponent reduce not only their overall stats, but also saps their bravery over a set period of time. The debuffs have a greater effect when his unique EX skill is activated during this mode.

Seal Mode gives him the least attack power, but the final hit in any string of attacks he lands on his opponent lock out their passive EX skills (not their unique ones). However, when his unique EX skill is activated in this mode, he can lock out even unique EX skills.

As far as his standard moveset, there isn't a single one of his BRV attacks that are useless anymore. Sword Dance behaves like an actual melee attack, but his new Groom Charge is the more preferred of the two, as it has super armor vs. magical attacks. Earthshaker is a great lockdown setup for team synergy. But perhaps the most improved of his old BRV attacks is his Vaccuum Wave. Once the most useless and slowest BRV attack in Dissidia history is now a competitively viable option, as it's as fast as any other standard melee attack and covers good distance.

As far as HP attacks go, Exdeath ain't without his classics. Delta Attack is back, but its properties have been changed. It no longer has a block effect, but its range increases the longer the attack is charged.

Reverse Polarity got a huge buff; you can now cancel from any BRV or HP attack immediately after hitting the opponent.

Almagest can now hit instantaneously on its own, but its range is now shorter.

Lastly, Exdeath's Omni Block returns, and has the same counterattack properties as before. Except now, when fully charged, Omni Block can even counter HP attacks!



Well-Known Member
I'd choose Aranea.

A. FFXV needs more Aranea
B. You can polish a turd all you like, at the end of the day you just have a polished turd.

FFXVs story is gonna be a broken mess no matter how many story DLCs they put in, and there's a good chance it won't even show much and just point out stuff that was obvious in the first place.
Like Luna's brother(forgotten his name) getting killed by Ardyn and the emporor guy becoming a daemon(forgot his name too).

The only way to save FFXV as of now is the gameplay which means more playable characters and a hard mode, scaled levels in NG+ etc.


Well-Known Member
Out of all the characters that could get an episode in the game I'd definitely pick Aranea out of them all. Her, Luna, Iris and Cindy/Cidney deserved some sort of development that they just did not receive at all. Cor got more developed in Gladio's episode.

They sort of hinted at things with Cindy with her parents dying but the rest really didn't get anything.




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Yeah, no matter how many DLC they're gonna release, it doesn't change the fact that the story is a complete mess.

I picked Luna's background not to fix the story or anything, because to be honest, I also think the story cannot be saved in any way (or at least not with single episodes). The episodes' purpose is to let us know more about a certain character, and that's why I picked Luna. She was advertised as the main heroine of the game and yet, she appeared just for... 5 minutes of cutscenes?
Her demise didn't mean anything and was not needed either (it made things worse lol), unlike some other characters in the past games. You could argue it served as a development for Noctis's character, but that means Luna was nothing but a mere plot device with no depth, and that's excacly how she was presented, what they were even thinking is beyond me.
Though I don't think she was supposed to be only that, hence why I wanna know more and make a new opinion on her character.

I want more playable Iris characters too, so hopefully they'll add them regardless of the survey's results.

sigh i choose iris btw
Good job.


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I have some very unsurprising news for you all regarding FFVII and to some effect, KH3. Final Fantasy VII Remake not coming soon. If you were hoping Final Fantasy VII Remake would be coming out soon, I’m sad to say you will be disappointed. At the companies financial briefing Square Enix President Yosuke Matsuda revealed that both Final Fantasy VII and Kingdom Hearts 3 are currently slated for release in “fiscal year 2018 and beyond”.

It has also been revealed that Square Enix is “urgently recruiting” for Final Fantasy VII’s internal development team. It was originally reported back in 2015 that Square would be outsourcing much of the game’s production to external company CyberConnect2, however it seems that plan has recently changed.

Naoki Hamaguchi, who previously worked on Mobius Final Fantasy, has reportedly taken a new role on the Final Fantasy VII project. He attributes the move to internal development to “improving quality” and maintaining a “stable schedule”.

However more footage will be revealed at E3 since I saw this on Twitter:

Speaking of which, after checking Yutaka's FB (One of the artists for DOA) he has pictures with two of TN's graphic and character art designers after celebrating+drinking+congratulating, his co-workers will be leaving Team NINJA to work with Square and working on Dissidia project and future games.
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