Final Fantasy Thread


Well-Known Member
Lol, definitely didn't expect something like this.
More Cindy screentime and that Loqi guy (who appeared for like 5 seconds) shows up too, I kinda like his design. So this means that unlike Altissia's Carnival, this will have some sort of storyline/quests. It does looks cool, though I doubt Lestallum is going to be bigger/more explorable.

New free outfits for everyone is a plus (I did get Noel's Ezio costume in XIII-2), it seems that you need the Dream Egg from the Carnival to unlock it.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol, definitely didn't expect something like this.
More Cindy screentime and that Loqi guy (who appeared for like 5 seconds) shows up too, I kinda like his design. So this means that unlike Altissia's Carnival, this will have some sort of storyline/quests. It does looks cool, though I doubt Lestallum is going to be bigger/more explorable.

New free outfits for everyone is a plus (I did get Noel's Ezio costume in XIII-2), it seems that you need the Dream Egg from the Carnival to unlock it.

OMG, that reminds me that I still have to get that Egg for my current save file/playthrough of the game! Is the carnival still on?


Well-Known Member
OMG, that reminds me that I still have to get that Egg for my current save file/playthrough of the game! Is the carnival still on?
I think it is, as far as I know it lasts until September (don't know the exact day). Now go and get it xD


Active Member
GOT MY DISSIDIA BETA CODE LATE LAST NIGHT!!!!!!!! woot! Camt wait for tomorrow when the beta starts!!!!!
Time to put my 300hrs of dissidia experience to use.

Who wants some?
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Let's gooooooo Assassin's Creed for FF again lmao. I'm actually more excited about that one than the Chocobo Festival. Good to see things like that.

Holy shit those outfits, will get.


Well-Known Member
That actually looks pretty cool, I might play the game for that. Haven't even bothered with the actual DLC even though I had the season pass.....


Well-Known Member
It's not just costumes though but a complete, pretty sizable quest. And its free...

Didn't know that but I was just saying this isn't completely out of the blue.

I'm not sure if I care about this enough to reinstall FFXV... Maybe


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Did Square develop a boner for the AC series or something? either way, stuff like that is amazing when you bring other elements from other games and make it work. Glad they are doing that and future plans with other companies.


Premium Donor
Does anyone know if the Beta will start at the same time for everyone or will it start at each region's 9pm their time tomorrow?


Active Member
I give zero shits about Assassin Creed and wish they made some fun FF event or ingame story scenario over this (cause the lonely, boring festival sucked) but it does look fun. I'm guessing some dev really likes AC.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Didn't know that but I was just saying this isn't completely out of the blue.

I'm not sure if I care about this enough to reinstall FFXV... Maybe
Don't worry. Our president will be arriving to FFXV very soon...unless Nomura's game delay fetishes get in the way and we have to wait another ten years for it l0l


Active Member
Oops, I got into the Asia beta as well. I dont think I'll use it and slow down the Asia beta testing. Wondering if theres a Hong Kong or Singapore site I can give it to.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
"Final Fantasy 15's female hero deserves the spotlight.
I really do have that desire to depict Luna as an even stronger female personality.
Obviously the first mission is to get ‘Episode Ignis’ [the third piece of story-based DLC] out."

At first I was like:
Uhhh...what female hero???
There is no female hero, as in heroic main character or protagonist, in the game. The main character would be Noctis and to a lesser extend Ignis, Gladio and Prompto maybe.
It's way too late now to make Luna a main character in this game. They'd have to completely rewrite the base game for that to happen.

Can they also please shut up with the "strong" or "even stronger female" BS? Luna is none of that. They haven't cared at all to create a strong character with her. Not in the base game and not in the rest of the FFXV universe.


(FFXV base game)




(Omen trailer)


(That shitty mobile game)

All empty marketing nonsense...
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Well-Known Member
Ignis more like a king's butler. luna will projected to look stronger. In kingslaive luna would not get any chance sorrounded by alpha male
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Well-Known Member
Final Fantasy 15's female hero deserves the spotlight. I really do have that desire to depict Luna as an even stronger female personality.
Obviously the first mission is to get ‘Episode Ignis’ [the third piece of story-based DLC] out."

At first I was like:
Uhhh...what female hero??? There is no female hero, as in heroic main character or protagonist, in the game. The main character would be Noctis and to a lesser extend Ignis, Gladio and Prompto maybe.
It's way too late now to make Luna a main character in this game. They'd have to completely rewrite the base game for that to happen.

Can they also please shut up with the "strong" or "even stronger female" BS? Luna is none of that. They haven't cared at all to create a strong character with her. Not in the base game and not in the rest of the FFXV "universe".


(FFXV base game)




(Omen trailer)


(That shitty mobile game)

All empty marketing nonsense...

Okay first of all omg lol the mobile gif where she just frame by frame pushes her away made me die. But seriously...what?! The cheek lol to claim that Luna is a "hero" in XV. No....She just isn't. In Kingsglaive her thunder is stolen in every scene by Nyx who will stop at nothing to make sure that she doesn't do anything cool.

Try to pilot? Nope.
Try to jump to a balcony? Nope.
Try to fight off a single person? Nope.

And In the game she's barely in the bloody game after how much they promoted her as this amazing important character and then the best thing she does ( Which is cool ) Is fight off Leviathan...for a while. ( Which also destroyed an entire city but that isn't the point. ) Why did she summon Leviathan again? I've forgot. But then she just get's backhanded anyway and then she's gone. the end of her story.

And I say all of this as a fan of FFXV and as someone that does like Lunafreya I just wish they'd done more with her. Obviously I'll be happy if she gets an episode or something but I don't know how they'd do that.

Oh and yeah the biggest female hero in XV is Aranea if it's anyone tbh.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
As of 5 minutes ago, my access code to the Dissidia NT beta finally worked, and I'm downloading it at this moment.

I suggest those who are able to follow suit.