Good game, Bad game Online/Offline thread


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GGs to @ToKyo PewPew earlier, your Kasumi has definitely improved since the last time I played you.

Wish I could say the same haha but I've been playing on and off for the past 2-3 months so I'm rusty as all hell lol. I played like a total scrub haha.

Nah, come on, it was not that bad. I hope I could help to shake off the rust a bit :).
Oh, and sorry for my occasional inactivity, I came down with sudden nosebleed.


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Good games to @Force_of_Nature ty for being such a good ayane, maybe now i can fight rev a little bit xD.

Lol, GGs @The_King_Edo. Our connection is so bad xD. Lol, thanks. My Ayane sucks online. I felt like I was trolling half the time since my playstyle seems so cheap in lag. Your Kokoro is pretty good, I don't think you'll have any problems with Rev unless he feels like going on a Low Throw spree. :cool:


Well-Known Member
Lol, GGs @The_King_Edo. Our connection is so bad xD. Lol, thanks. My Ayane sucks online. I felt like I was trolling half the time since my playstyle seems so cheap in lag. Your Kokoro is pretty good, I don't think you'll have any problems with Rev unless he feels like going on a Low Throw spree. :cool:

Lol ty, i do low hold too much TT and fyi YOUR AYANE IS FUCKING AWESOME, she definitely does not suck -.-, and fyi i feel the same way with ayane, i feel like she's cheap sometimes lol


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Lol ty, i do low hold too much TT and fyi YOUR AYANE IS FUCKING AWESOME, she definitely does not suck -.-, and fyi i feel the same way with ayane, i feel like she's cheap sometimes lol

Haha, thanks dude, I was just using fundamentals really (well whatever the netcode would allow...). I always feel like I can do 5x better than how I actually do online. I can never get used to lag lol -_-. Ayane feels cheap online because you can't react to her obviously unsafe shit. Ironically it's actually extremely difficult to play Ayane online properly.


Well-Known Member
Haha, thanks dude, I was just using fundamentals really (well whatever the netcode would allow...). I always feel like I can do 5x better than how I actually do online. I can never get used to lag lol -_-. Ayane feels cheap online because you can't react to her obviously unsafe shit. Ironically it's actually extremely difficult to play Ayane online properly.
Still doesn't stop you from being a monster with her lol


Well-Known Member
Ggs to @RenderingStar and a bunch of other ppl in the lobby that i can't remember lol, (can't believe i got to the championship part of the tournament then lost to rendering ._.) anyway ggs ty