Mila's 1.0.3 Changes

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
I don't know about you guys but I am happy with Mila changes to be fully honest. Yeah she's worse but It will be more challenging to fight characters and you have to play a lot smarter, which I love.

To me, these new changes are nothing damaging


Well-Known Member
I don't know about you guys but I am happy with Mila changes to be fully honest. Yeah she's worse but It will be more challenging to fight characters and you have to play a lot smarter, which I love.

To me, these new changes are nothing damaging

There is something very wrong with you.


Well-Known Member
There is something very wrong with you.
Come on, be fair. She's not brain dead easy anymore. There's somethings that should be addressed with her but even with her sidestep tackle being slower, it's still viable. I catch people quite often with it but I think it's good that it can be stopped a little easier. The rebalancing of the triple pound also makes it feel as if you're splitting the world in half and oh so much more satisfying than before.

I'd like to see the 4ktp frame trap come back into play, as well as for 7k to possibly SD stun crouching opponents on CH but I'm honestly still having lots of fun with her.


Well-Known Member
SS tackle is useless now. I've been knocked out of it so many times, and the ground pound does a whopping 5 extra points of damage, and that's "if" you finish it. The nerfs were stupid and unjustified. She's a terrible character now being forced to play that DoA4 stun game.


Well-Known Member
SS tackle is useless now. I've been knocked out of it so many times, and the ground pound does a whopping 5 extra points of damage, and that's "if" you finish it. The nerfs were stupid and unjustified. She's a terrible character now being forced to play that DoA4 stun game.
HP was also lowered by 30 points man. What's unjustified about not giving Mila a way getting a hard knockdown in the air so that she can setup for unscaled damage... oh right nothing. Like I said, I don't agree with somethings being taken away but you can still merc shit with her. If she's THAT bad, TN will fix it granted they wisen up a bit.

You can keep hating on her changes for now though. We'll see what pans out in the future.


Well-Known Member
Come on, be fair. She's not brain dead easy anymore. There's somethings that should be addressed with her but even with her sidestep tackle being slower, it's still viable. I catch people quite often with it but I think it's good that it can be stopped a little easier. The rebalancing of the triple pound also makes it feel as if you're splitting the world in half and oh so much more satisfying than before.

I'd like to see the 4ktp frame trap come back into play, as well as for 7k to possibly SD stun crouching opponents on CH but I'm honestly still having lots of fun with her.

She wasn't brain dead easy before. Most of the stuff you guys used would not work against good competition (offline). Before the patch the tackle could be seen on reaction. I could react to it ONLINE. Now that it's even slower, it's useless. Stop basing your strats and findings on online play. That's not how the game is supposed to be balanced.

Mila is garbage now. All of the top Mila players have stopped using her. Everyone who still uses her, never used her to her full abilities anyway. For you, it's not a big loss. For me, she's just another DOA4 character. I haven't touched the game since SoCal Regionals, and I will not touch it until Mila is fixed. End of story.


Well-Known Member
She wasn't brain dead easy before. Most of the stuff you guys used would not work against good competition (offline). Before the patch the tackle could be seen on reaction. I could react to it ONLINE. Now that it's even slower, it's useless. Stop basing your strats and findings on online play. That's not how the game is supposed to be balanced.

Mila is garbage now. All of the top Mila players have stopped using her. Everyone who still uses her, never used her to her full abilities anyway. For you, it's not a big loss. For me, she's just another DOA4 character. I haven't touched the game since SoCal Regionals, and I will not touch it until Mila is fixed. End of story.


Well-Known Member
Well you still got Rig right?

Rig is better, but they still didn't address his real problems. For instance, he still has a 0-10 match-up against Helena because his attacks out of BND are too slow and he doesn't go into BND with enough advantage. He has similar issues against Leifang and pretty much anyone who can crush or beat out his BND 4K.

Most of the changes in the patch are ridiculous. Buff whoever you want (buffs are always better than nerfs), but you buff Sarah after she wins the Japanese tournament and nerf Mila when she had only won a small Canadian tournament with minimal competition? Makes no sense.


Well-Known Member
0-10? You make it sound like the matchup is completely unwinnable. He may have a bad matchup with her but I seriously doubt it's that bad.

From what you say it would just seem best to stay out of BND against helena.

And on that note why is there almost no Rig footage anywhere? Hes less played than zack.


Well-Known Member
0-10? You make it sound like the matchup is completely unwinnable. He may have a bad matchup with her but I seriously doubt it's that bad.

From what you say it would just seem best to stay out of BND against helena.

And on that note why is there almost no Rig footage anywhere? Hes less played than zack.

He was used a lot in the first week. Granted it was all button mashers, but ya. I think a lot of people just felt his stance transitions weren't safe enough, that or they just didn't want to play a character that had to constantly go into a stance and didn't like it.

Either way, aside from Rikuto, I have yet to see a Rig player really use him efficiently.

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
There is something very wrong with you.

No, there's nothing wrong with me. I'm ok.......

She wasn't brain dead easy before. Most of the stuff you guys used would not work against good competition (offline). Before the patch the tackle could be seen on reaction. I could react to it ONLINE. Now that it's even slower, it's useless. Stop basing your strats and findings on online play. That's not how the game is supposed to be balanced.

Mila is garbage now. All of the top Mila players have stopped using her. Everyone who still uses her, never used her to her full abilities anyway. For you, it's not a big loss. For me, she's just another DOA4 character. I haven't touched the game since SoCal Regionals, and I will not touch it until Mila is fixed. End of story.

Mila might be garbage now (Which i don't agree with you on that) But I will still be playing with my girl and find a different way to play with her. And No, I wont be playing DOA4 with her. You are acting like SS is the only move that Mila has got. You do know that you can cancel the SS to a Punch, Kick or just cancel it completely, right? The patch made Mila into quite a sensible and a thinkable character to use. Whats wrong with that?

The patch has recently came out the other day on the PS3 and you guys already started being like babies over the patch. Play with the new patch atleast for a month before you start crying and moaning over her changes.



Well-Known Member
Because we are totally going to listen to a guy that has repeatedly shown he doesn't know how to play DoA nor understands it's mechanics, right?

Sorry Rev, but you have no idea what you're talking about (not like you ever did). Mila was butchered, simple as that. Anything that was good about her was completely removed and she is literally forced to play DoA4 now.


Active Member
Because we are totally going to listen to a guy that has repeatedly shown he doesn't know how to play DoA nor understands it's mechanics, right?

Sorry Rev, but you have no idea what you're talking about (not like you ever did). Mila was butchered, simple as that. Anything that was good about her was completely removed and she is literally forced to play DoA4 now.
Ok mila was nerfed undeserved , so what. I must stop playing the only character i love in this game :?
In every single fighting game i have played so far all my characters was always nerfed.
If you dont play on Profesional level and winning money from this game , you dont have the right to complain about buffs or nerfs. If they nerf your character just go better with him thats all.
And I am 100% sure that most of the players that cry about the nerfs even dont realize what actually was nerfed.How much of you know that mila has an infinite combo from 7P :?. Because this is the only serious nerf she get. All others nerfs are on system level and effect all characters.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
On a side note, never forget Gamerbee vs. Justin Wong at Evo 2010... prior to then, Justin Wong convinced everyone that Adon was shit in SSF4, lo' and behold, he gets shitted on by said shitty character at the hands of Gamerbee.

If that's not inspiration for some of you to make the most of your character despite nerfs and seemingly bad statistics on paper, I dunno what is. At the end of the day, it's up to the player to be willing to put in the hard work and perseverence. Rise above doubt. Rise above hate.