News New character is Naotora (Sengoku Musou)

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
I think that MK also tries a great deal to market itself on characters and story. In the majority of promos, they specifically cut away from fatalities (maybe for obvious limitations, but still). And they specifically created videos talking about the gameplay changes and what the variations system did for each character when they were revealed. And I do think that kind of helped them, though they do indeed still have their mountain to finish climbing. I also kind of think that since fighting in itself is "violence", violence taken to extreme in your game isn't as much of a hard right as extreme sexual fanservice. Hence why people thought that Sonya and Mileena's MK9 attire was a bit much, for example. They're not about to put people getting their neck snapped in Sexy beach or anything, but DOA seems to enjoy knocking people in bikinis off of buildings. lol

Regardless, my point was that if there is "depth" there, you shouldn't be going out of your way to market it like there isn't.

Except you can say the same for the fanservice elements in Western DOA adverts and ultimately and ironically, you can say the same thing about MKX. Sure they cut out the fatalities in the commercials, but it's not hard to see the uncut versions either.
And while violence is expected, so is the fanservice for both sides. Despite how many like to say for example males show more diversity in body sizes...they really don't...or not in the number or relevance people think they do. MKX toned down the female fanservice compared to MK9, but the males are still stupidly built and usually don't wear shirts or wear form fitting outfits. All fighting games have this element and while they may not have numerous costumes or always show off the body at times, they still do atleast have females and males wearing things for fights they really shouldn't both for Rule of Sexy and Rule of Cool.
And for your example, while people found MK9 Mileena and Sonya's outfits ridiculous, people did get pissed when the fanservice was toned down for MKX. Same with the ass slap removal(and Mika's Muscle Buster getting destroyed) for SF5. It's really not as simple as you make it out to be as it would be more of 50/50:
People like to talk shit about it...but they really don't have any problems if it comes down to it either.

I think that if you like the gameplay, then play it. But, if there is another game whose gameplay you do like and yet the peripheral stuff doesn't annoy you as much, then why wouldn't you play that game instead? Those are the people TN maybe need to be concerned with.

If you like DOA's gameplay so much more than anything else, then yeah, you're going to stick around.

Funny enough, the only game that can match DOA's Virtua Fighter. As people who play DOA and Tekken is pretty much night and day and 2D and 3D is the same route so yeah, unless it's those who are casual or play multiple games, it honestly effects them more.

I think people into fighting games generally would hear something. Outside of that, I dunno. Probably clickbait articles. lol

Clickbait articles can help...but past the PlayAsia controversy(lol) which to be honest really isn't hurting anyone or the rep of the series either way, again those that aren't interested in DOAX3 isn't going to just easily find it and then get offended over it when they never planned on buying or playing it either. Just how that works.


Well-Known Member
so the new stage will be somewhere in SW universe which could be
a huge tundra plain with lot of SW war equipment, dead horses lying around?
a castle with trap doors? (i swear got one in doa3)

i'm not familiar with SW games

any ideas?

The best hint is to listen to the background music in the trailer.

In SW, each (or most) battle area has a theme of its own. The problem is, I don't remember the BGMs from SW4 as they're not so catchy anymore now.


Well-Known Member
Despite how many like to say for example males show more diversity in body sizes...they really don't...or not in the number or relevance people think they do. MKX toned down the female fanservice compared to MK9, but the males are still stupidly built and usually don't wear shirts or wear form fitting outfits.
Hey, now. Sexy beast Bo Rai' Cho will fix this problem. lol

And for your example, while people found MK9 Mileena and Sonya's outfits ridiculous, people did get pissed when the fanservice was toned down for MKX. Same with the ass slap removal(and Mika's Muscle Buster getting destroyed) for SF5. It's really not as simple as you make it out to be as it would be more of 50/50:
People like to talk shit about it...but they really don't have any problems if it comes down to it either.
What would be 50/50? The fanservice? The edits? The backlash?

Any poll that I've come across for the change in the MK outfits comes out in favor of MKX rather than MK9. And it's not like they erased any and all cleavage from the game.

Oh, wait. Naotora. I'm talking about Naotora. I hope she gets the cute tiger outfit in the game. lol


Well-Known Member
I'm rather indifferent to this new girl as of now, would have preferred an original character but at least it's not a guy.

My big gripe about her is the fact that it seems a bit late in the game's life cycle for them to release a GUEST character; it's unlikely that she'll show up to 6 and its likely 6 will be announced if not be in development within the next year so why add in a character thats probably a one shot?


Well-Known Member
The best hint is to listen to the background music in the trailer.

In SW, each (or most) battle area has a theme of its own. The problem is, I don't remember the BGMs from SW4 as they're not so catchy anymore now.

The stage in the trailer is obviously

which is more similar to SW
maybe they don't finish the new design yet


Premium Donor
I wonder who she'll have connections with when she comes, and if the new stage will revolve around her debut and her character.


Premium Donor
yeah, who will be her tag partner..ayane and kasumi perhaps (which is a guest character in SW)
Then again, she may not have any relationships initially, if my memory serves me correctly, Phase didn't have any tag partners when she was first released(in fact, she didn't speak at all until TN patched her tag in dialogue) and Nyotengu didn't either. She'll also definitely not have any unique tag intros and winposes unless TN plans on doing a major patch to to add them some time later.


Well-Known Member
My thoughts on this character is I do think she is cute, and since this is a guest character what I'm more interested in is seeing her gameplay in action & will be going through My normally command training.

lol 4 pages in after other thread rip and still some fragments of that song and dance happening here.

Honestly KT/TN should have handled this reveal like what they did with Marie Rose/Phase 4: Out of nowhere with little to no hype buildup. Your just gonna disappoint/piss off the more optimistic people. Rip the band-aide off fast rather then slowly just so the hoopla is thrown out of people's system sooner rather then later.

Oh well at least we still got another stage to look forward too, but have a feeling it will have a similar reaction just to a smaller degree.

Honestly, that really wouldn't make any differences on how people will react and are always going to be disappointed no matter what. All it matters is what do they see conformed/revealed, if its something they personally don't like (in a overactive manner) or doesn't meet their high expectation they set up themselves are more likely to cry and end extremely disappointed.

With the premise that Naotora isn't changing anything at all (that slogan has been dead for a long time)
It's the things Hayashi and others said about that sentence that's important to me, not the sentence alone without a context.
Let's rewind time a bit. DoA was a series suffering a lot from the "it's just a game without depth that made its success around big bouncing tits".
People like me were working hard with RL people and online communites to fight against that bias, spreading information about the depth of the game, inviting people to see beyond a pair of tits etc. Nobody asked us to do so, we did it out of passion for the game of course.

Hayashi and his team started to promote DoA5 with the "I'm a fighter!" claim, saying that they wanted to focus on the fighting game, leaving aside the fan service focused on female characters and blah blah, a lot more of (empty) words.
People like me took those words as something very important. "Finally! It's happening! Finally other people will stop digging DoA under the dirt because it's the tits-game!"
In hindsight what happened is on one hand true (I think DoA became a better and deeper game and more people maybe are able to see that behind the bias of the past) and on the other hand the exact opposite, as DoA5 is likely the most fan-service game of the series xD

Without all that marketing/PR importance around the "we gonna get away with fan service this time!" claims probably a lot of us wouldn't feel this bitter today, we would just display a sour smile maybe.
But it's this series of hopes and consequent huge disappointment that made us a bit bitter.

Personally I can't get away completely from the bitterness I felt, but at the same time I love the game so #careface. I'm trying to put all of this sillyness behind me, as a matter of fact I'm gonna welcome Naotora witn open arms if she turns out to be an interesting character to play as and to play against :)

Who honestly really cares what Hayashi and others promise before or what you expect in ever hopes people will stop jabbing DOA for its breast & fanservice (which is never going to stop, unless if you have control over what they can or can't say), most people involve in game companies aren't always going to keep their promises (maybe just flat out lie).

Honestly people like you should just give up on RL people & online communities because they're always going to be bias (regardless on what you do), they are likely still not going to give the game a try & will stick with games their better off with, they're are going to act like "lol DOA is about depth", and they're never going to look beyond breast/fanservice (even part of this community seems like they can't look beyond it themselves) which already spawn the soft costume ban decision.

Its nice to have a passion, however your just wasting your passion on a group that are just beyond help & in a society where you are judge for who you are, what you like, or what body type you have (mostly the attractive ones) along with sexuality is considered the devils works, will be treated like you will ruin human rights or children any bad thoughts which would wind up as sex criminals. I think what really needs to be done, is that breasts/fanservice should become more accepted and give them the same rights as violence when it comes to videogames so eventually it gets to the point where these complaints become less relevant (even if a news group keeps making videos or articles about this stuff) along with part of the community whether they enjoy fanservice or gameplay should consider on showing up to tournaments (like EVO) or at the very least if there was another donation where winner gets to be part of the main EVO roster (like how Smash appeared on EVO).

Part of your comments almost sounds like you really want to avoid the fanservice that DOA1-4 plus DOAX series (despite saying you'd be welcoming Naotora with open arms) use to had when Itagaki was in control of his creation and was the one that save Tecmo from its financial trouble just so DOA can ever be taken serious (which is improves nothing), and are more likely to abandon when you see one more sexy costume or one more cute female act like having fanservice just ruin DOA reputation (which DOA has been including fanservice for 19 years). If I had to work with those RL people and online communities (which I've tried before mostly just comments) all I would want is people need to respect other games/content, learn to ignore if they don't care about this stuff (not make comments that makes a big deal out of it), stick to stuff they'd be better off with, and should know what they really like (not be bias on certain things) because getting these people into DOA would just be asking for too much when they should try to get into it themselves (without us) by any means that would want to give DOA a try (like how I got into DOA).

What I think DOA really needs is people like Me that is way more open to fanservice & would do whatever it takes for DOA to become center stage for EVO. Even if means entering various tournaments to win cash prizes & maybe gambling (since its Vegas), I would be willing to give My money for DLC content just so tournaments can have huge selection and players can pick what they want.


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until the game goes completely into fanservice territory or back into the Pre-DOA5 levels again.
Excuse me, what exactely is your definition of "completely into fanservice territory"?
If (almost) only releasing female characters, mostly costumes for females, costumes that can get characters naked, a plethora of bikini or similar costumes, proto-erotic movies showing female characters jiggling and jumping on the sand, emphasis on tits etc etc.
If this is not going completely into fanservice territory, what do you define as such, I wonder?

Also back to pre-doa5 levels again? Wut? Previous titles never had this amount of fanservice, despite being world reknown for it they never reached the current levels.
If you were talking about the game quality it's a different story, DoA5 sure has the right cards in that regard, but it's not what we're discussing right now, so why bring it in?
I don't think anybody wants to debate that DoA5 sucks gameplay wise, so why even mention it?


Well-Known Member
Why do I have a problem with this character? :

Koei has first off been terrible to Team NINJA. Now since they see that the game IS making money they want to come and rub their unwanted taint all over our game. FUCK KOEI!

The character has no place at all in DOA. I've said this before, but I will say it again. Dynasty Warriors and Samurai Warriors games represent: repetition, bad budget and horrendous graphics. The complete opposite of what DOA stands for. DOA stands for quality above all else. Yes I played Warriors Orochi 3 for Ryu... and now I wish I hadn't. He was a well done character. For the most part every other thing they do is repetitive trash.

Thirdly, I thought this new character was supposed to appeal to Japanese players like Marie and Honoka did. That sounds fucking terrible as well, but it would be better than this shit.

Is it really taking THIS long to market the character? The mystery of her was announced at E fucking 3.
well the VF don't fit here either

Well, I woke up and the new character thread was locked, which is quite unfortunate since there was a lot of bullshit being tossed around that needed refuting (like, "moe" being used to refer to anything and everything that people might have adoration for), but alas...


Her default design looks cool at least. But, I'm pretty sure we already have Kasumi for being apologetic and Honoka for being cutesy, awkward, and apologetic. And we already have Rig and Sarah for kicking people into compliance. This doesn't really add anything to the game. Not a new country, not a new ethnicity, not a new age group, barely a new fighting style (judging from SW videos), and not even a new personality?


I'm sure that Naotora fills a certain personality role/niche within her own game, but to bring her over to DOA when we already kind of have it just makes it seem samey. Not to mention that we've gotten plenty of Japanese characters, especially recently. It reeks of missed opportunity for something different. (But, I guess the genpop doesn't like different and just wants to eat the same flavor of ice cream every day, much to my dismay.)

And it's also kind of annoying because it would seem that this is a guest character that likely isn't going to return for the next game. I mean I guess it's cool for Samurai Warriors fans, but...not quite feeling "NaoNao-chan" y'all (do people really call her that?). TN is not working very hard for my money. She might be fun to play as, but I doubt she'll be mind-blowing enough to get me to stop using the characters I already use.

We should trade with Smash, guys. Naotora for Bayonetta. lol

(Yes, I know that wouldn't even begin to work.)
LOL with "people" you refer me and you can tag me XD
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Well-Known Member
Lol something notices me DOA has more females than males but MK has more males than females
Why people care about gender that much ? Who the fuck cares if it's a female or male. By the way why do people take guest characters so seriously ? They are just guests after all I like my NaoNao-Chan but she's not important

Lady Tengu

Well-Known Member
Lol something notices me DOA has more females than males but MK has more males than females
Why people care about gender that much ? Who the fuck cares if it's a female or male. By the way why do people take guest characters so seriously ? They are just guests after all I like my NaoNao-Chan but she's not important

I shall call her
"Tora-Sama" (Lady Tiger or Tiger Lady) xD :)
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Active Member
Ya know, I did. They were in the base game for the PS4 release, the arcade release and will be for the upcoming Vita and Japanese versions. They both are even in the downloadable PS4 theme, so...

They even had Big Band plushies for sale. lol

It's not like there weren't other examples of female-only games. I don't understand the cheekiness.

Alright then, original release, it did have female only characters and when i played it and that's what i remember. It's hard to keep on top of everything that goes around. There are indeed other examples but that's the first franchise that came to mind, SkullGIRLS.

When the servers get shut down for PS3, the original game will not have those characters buyable leaving the roster as female only, so i will just say the original version, then.

I apologize deeply if i came off rude, When debating with someone like Brute (Who is heavily sarcastic and pretty rude) i forget when to turn it off and when others reply back on the same topic i'm still in that defensive sort of mood.

Sorry if i annoyed you or offended you in any way.....I still lovez you. *Huggles* :3


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And when did i say people should? people should respect each others opinions but that's as far as it should go. Respect goes a long way. You don't have to "care" but you should "respect".

I really don't need to teach this.
I do not respect a stupid opinion merely because it exists. If for some reason you need examples as to why, consider that if I did, I would have to "respect" the Westboro Baptist Church, Donald Trump and ISIS's opinions.

psst: got any evidence to back it up instead of whispers? Still not doing much for me, y'know.....i don't know if you know but that's your que.
Yes. I heard it directly from a person who works there, who I will not oust due to the potential harm that could cause to his work.

You can choose to believe that's unreliable, but there's a point where you simply have to accept things because they seem plausible from reliable sources without irrefutable proof. Otherwise you'd dwell in a perpetual, epistemic nightmare believing the moon is made out of cheese.

You seem to lack the massive understanding of "respectful" and "flat out spite". I don't know how you keep ignoring that aspect of people's posts.
Because to directly address the motives behind everyone's posts is a superfluous endeavor since it's all quite obvious and jejune. I'm concerned with external execution (ie: how an argument is presented and how effective that argument is structured). Your execution is abysmal, and the result is that you hinder the posited position rather than serve to validate it.