new character new fighting style


Active Member
Judo and Bha Gua Zhang are probably the ones I'd like to see the most.

Also, IMO, Dead or Alive is in dire need of more badass old men like Gen Fu; apropos, I drew a concept sketch for how I'd imagine one such character could look: Link (because it's huge)
looks realy cool! yeah most of doa characters are very young (dont pass middle 20)
out of topic.ur that guy from youtube right?I watched some of ur vids to learn a few combos when the patch wasnt out for xbox.they are realy useful,I kick so mutch ass with that new juggle.thanks for that =´)

Forlorn Penguin

Well-Known Member
Premium Donor
How about a Krav Manga fighter?

I would love to see a Krav Maga fighter, but it's more of a self defense system than an actual fighting style, so I don't know if it could truly be implemented well. Don't want another character based entirely on holds like DOA4 Bayman.

IMO, Dead or Alive is in dire need of more badass old men like Gen Fu; apropos, I drew a concept sketch for how I'd imagine one such character could look: Link (because it's huge)

Agreed. The next oldest guys we have are Bass and Leon, who are both only in their 40s. We need some more old guys.


Active Member
Hokuto Shinken. Let a fighter do special throws or strikes that apply a weakness on opponent, so select further attacks do more damage, launch or launch higher, become unblockable, win a round straight away, etc.


New Member
I've said this before, because I do want it, put in eagle claw. A man in his mid 50's with a bushy 70's mustache, (Snake in Eagle's shadow reference.) Maybe even some guaranteed launchers and follow ups, befitting his aerial nature.

You could then have a rivalry (Not in the plot per say) with Christie somehow.

Not to be a stickler for detail but Batman's style in the Nolan movies was called (KFM) Keysi Fighting Method, but that would be cool. It would be another striker character.

However, I think what would be better is to take a familiar martial art E.G: Praying Mantis, and instead of ripping off Lion from VF make a unique twist on it. (Maybe Southern Mantis, which is focused on less leaps and jumps, or he/she moves more evasively, etc...) Everyone develops a different focus based on his/her own strengths in real martial arts, why not in a game? Does every character have to use Praying Mantis exactly like Lion?


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
I wanted Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Sumo and Boxing. Only two of those remains.
Technically boxing is already in (Mila). It's just paired up with kickboxing and some forms of wrestling (hence the MMA fighting style and her profession as being an MMA fighter).


Active Member
I've said this before, because I do want it, put in eagle claw. A man in his mid 50's with a bushy 70's mustache, (Snake in Eagle's shadow reference.) Maybe even some guaranteed launchers and follow ups, befitting his aerial nature.

You could then have a rivalry (Not in the plot per say) with Christie somehow.

Not to be a stickler for detail but Batman's style in the Nolan movies was called (KFM) Keysi Fighting Method, but that would be cool. It would be another striker character.

However, I think what would be better is to take a familiar martial art E.G: Praying Mantis, and instead of ripping off Lion from VF make a unique twist on it. (Maybe Southern Mantis, which is focused on less leaps and jumps, or he/she moves more evasively, etc...) Everyone develops a different focus based on his/her own strengths in real martial arts, why not in a game? Does every character have to use Praying Mantis exactly like Lion?
Im with u on that =´) . I like Lion but I want to see the style in a new DoA character and to be somehow diferent from Lion; both Akira and Kokoro use ba ji quan but they are very diferent (similar but diferent),in jackie chan movies we watched him using she quan in a diferent way from that actress (cant remember her name xD ) in Kill Bill

I wanted Tae Kwon Do, Aikido, Sumo and Boxing. Only two of those remains.
sumo would be very hard to create,if u play Vf5fs they had to create new motion captures for every character throws because of aka size xD not sure if tn would do that


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
That's racist.
You assumed that the joke was that one black guy = all black guys and not that you are so reputable with using that character that he serves as an avatar of you in the game.

You were racist, not moi.

Julius Rage

Well-Known Member
You assumed that the joke was that one black guy = all black guys and not that you are so reputable with using that character that he serves as an avatar of you in the game.

You were racist, not moi.
You're assuming that I'm not an opportunistic word Smith always looking for a way to spin seemingly benign comments into examples of the downward spiral of civilized society.

P.s I can't be a racist, I'm black.


Active Member
You're assuming that I'm not an opportunistic word Smith always looking for a way to spin seemingly benign comments into examples of the downward spiral of civilized society.

P.s I can't be a racist, I'm black.
Im sorry english is not my main language so I have to ask if ur joking with the "i cant be racist im black" xD .anyways lets keep it friendly and with the topic plz =')

Not joking.

In America black people can't ever be considered racist, no matter what we say.
loool ok thanks for the info =´) .thats kinda funny to me, because me and a black friend of mine make jokes about our skin color all the time and we never take that kind of things 2 seriously

Ritual Dante

New Member
Parkour isn't even.a fighting style....

How about a Krav Manga fighter? I remember when DARK knight came out and that was a big deal for a few months because it was batmans fighting style in

Brazilian Jujitsu would be a not the MMA/Competition version - I want the eye gouging, low blows, spine snapping, hand biting version.

And also a fighter who.can switch.between multiple styles - not just stances but complete style.changes that.dont just reset when.youre knocked down or touched.

Totally agree with this, a Krav Maga fighter with face-bars and all would be great, and a BJJ fighter whose only standing attacks are to try and pull gaurd but causes mayhem once on the deck would be cool.


Well-Known Member
They need someone who looks like


View attachment 1360

and thats called tommy too. LMAO

Looks like.. Brad Burns.


As for if they bring a new fighter with a new style....

Krav Maga fighter with a leather jacket.
They must wear a leather jacket.


Well-Known Member
So as many of you know DoA uses real fighting styles for most characters like virtua fighter and both games do a good job in representing all these styles with a few way to cool "matrix" moves xD
so my point is, theres probably going to be a new character in DoA5U (if not at least in DoA6 =´P ) besides Momiji, and I was thinking, what kind of awesome style team ninja could use on this character (returning characters are not new and usualy all new fighting games versions adds 2 new characters ex:sf;VF, so theres still hope =´) ).Im totaly crazy about Tang Lang Quan (Tourou-Ken) that style from Lion VF,I would not mind having him as a guest but I would prefer a new male character with his style,DoA have better animation in my eyes xD .what do u guys have in mind?
I'd love to see the pest, Lion Rafale return just so i can beat up Gen Fu & say "I don't make allowances for old men". :cool:

If not the floppy-fringed pest then I'd say bone-bending zombie grappler Goh or sick-and-tired-of-cleaning-dojo-floors geisha girl; Aoi for potential VF characters. As for fighting styles I'd love to see a really annoying character use Eileens monkey kung fu. A freccled faced lass with pig-tails in paint-splattered overalls & ugg boots slapping the back of your head piggy-back style & prancing around the screen during the victory pose performing vomit-induced bubbly winks & cute taunts. Or maybe even a fighting style similar to Voldo & Zafina. Some freakishly flexible bodies-shouldn't-bend-that-way spidery style moves & stances similar to those Fakirs that sit on spikes. :cool: