New DOA5 Backdash


New Member
This TBStep is turning the game to Tekken rofl. Some things can still reach (leifang's 2KK 2nd hit after 1st is bd'd) but it is good enough to nullify alot of strike/throw mixups. Running in also catches up to it. Whatever happens, we'll see how it goes.


Well-Known Member
The other name that Brian (from HitBox) has started calling it is "kara-step."
Start in :1: , and the faster you can rapidly mash :2: while holding :b: the better. Therefore, if I take my right index over to :2: you can rapidly drum [:2: :2: ] with both hands and your character literally wigs out. So I've only done it only with Mila so far since all the other teabaggers are still locked.
Basically the faster you mash, the lower she holds her duck pose, and the faster she teleport jigs backwards. According to the thread you linked she can only do it "decently."
So what is the fastest way to unlock the rest of the cast so I can get this on film? ^_^

From what I can gather it has to do with the same weird mechanic of inputting :df::F:. Your character teleports forward slightly if you do it one frame after the other. The faster you input it, the more reward you get. The best sense I can make out of this is it's some sort of kara cancel of your crouch into a stand, magically teleporting you forward one step. So teabagging does this the other way porting you backwards... [Duck kara stand] ad infinitum. I could be wrong since I'm new to this, but that's the only way I can wrap my head around it. Tier lists on teabagging must just be based off of crouching hitboxes vs standing.
He's also found some other things you can use with the HitBox using the fact that hitting two opposing directions cancels both out and returns to neutral.
For characters with weak teabags (kara step?) and cant use the technique, I found a much faster way to backdash cancel using SOCD's.
:1: (hold)[:2: (tap)~:8: (tap)~] = [:1: :2: :1: :7: ]
So you basically hold DB and mash down/up................. It's not as fast as teabag characters, but you scoot your way across the screen very well with some fancy footwork. Mariposa just moonwalks. I'm sure all sorts of tech can stem from this.


New Member
Isn't that basically a wave dash? its just moving the character backward, similar to tekken and MvC3, which is done to move the character forward. of course, it could still have a different name.


Well-Known Member
Not exactly, you're not really cancelling the dash with a crouch like with a wave dash (ala Marvel) but, as Brian from HitBox stated, you're actually kara-ing the dash out of the crouch (so that you retain the properties of holding :1: ).


New Member
Not exactly, you're not really cancelling the dash with a crouch like with a wave dash (ala Marvel) but, as Brian from HitBox stated, you're actually kara-ing the dash out of the crouch (so that you retain the properties of holding :1: ).

Ah ok, that makes sense, you use the crouch to get a dash from it.
been practicing it,(on pad) since i use Pai and it looks pretty awesome


Active Member
I tried to join SRK to make a few comments but I guess new registrations are currently not being accepted? lol ok
Anyways, he is right about every character having a preferred movement option. La Mariposa is a great example. Her basic back dash cancel is really bad. Her KBD is really good though. Then when it comes to Christie, even though she has a good KBD Her back dash cancel seems a little more evasive. The VF characters don't have the same back dash cancel properties as the majority of the Doa people.They more then make up for it lol.

Forward movement is the same case. You can use df df df df if you want to get in while ducking highs, or you can go F qcf F qcf ( Like the Mishima) for a double dash that has some duck frames but is faster. All about selecting your options.

To be honest I can't tell who does it best. Mila, Pai and Sarah are all really good at it. If Brian has the time maybe he can test to see if Ayane has any special movements. She can cancel her spins with up. She also can walk pretty fast in back turned with almost the same motion as the new back dash. Thanks.

I hope Teabag dash doesn't stick >_>. We should have a name soon lol.


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Well, its not really a glitch, but advanced movement.


Well-Known Member
Their transition from Standing Guard to Crouching just moves them backwards, it happens with every character; some just not as effectively. Nothing to patch.


Well-Known Member
So, in general, do you guys see this as being a more effective (in terms of benefits) backdash for DOA5 or just something that makes little difference?


Well-Known Member
I was playing around with it today; your standing guard needs to take priority over your low to get real use out of it. Because KBD is easier and faster, I haven't got much use out of it.