DOA5LR PC Specs - No New Stages

So yeah... if you want the Steam version of Last Round you've probably already heard about the specs, and you've probably also heard that the new stages Crimson and Danger Zone as well as the soft engine will be missing from the game. We're going to document this information on the front page because it is certainly important news for anyone interested in this PC port.

There is also a rumor floating around that the game will be delayed on PC again. That's not good... more information will arrive to us from Team NINJA next week.

Thanks to community member @Jyakotu for reporting the following PC Specs:


OS :Windows Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 (32bit / 64bit)
CPU: Core i7 870 or more
Memory: 2GB or more
Hard disk: 10.0GB or more of free space
Display: The display capable of displaying at 1280 × 720 pixels
Video Card: VRAM1GB more, more DirecX9.0c
Sound board: Sound board that supports more than DirectX 9.0c


OS: Windows Vista / 7/8 / 8.1 (32bit / 64bit)
CPU: Core i7 2600 or more
Memory: More than 4GB
Hard disk: 10.0GB or more of free space
Display: 1920 × 1080 pixels or more, True Color viewable display
Video Card: VRAM1.5GB more, more DirecX9.0c
Sound board: Sound board that supports more than DirectX 9.0c

Don't bully Quake Wars! It was a good game and WTF they just went and killed it. Removed from everywhere, pretended it doesnt exist. Shitthesda...

OpenGL was early 2000s. Now isn't. Farewell, good friend.

On subject: course i don't cancel preorder, hell its my only way to jump into DoA currently, if i ll refuse i must log out here and never return. Though those system requirements scare the hell out of me and my GPU.
You haven't given me a single reason why I should
Because we're talking about the longevity of the market here? Not about whether or not you, personally, still feel PC gaming is fun.

I really think you need to take a step back from your own situation, and look at the bigger picture.

Don't bully Quake Wars! It was a good game and WTF they just went and killed it. Removed from everywhere, pretended it doesnt exist. Shitthesda...
Indeed, it was. I played in the CPL open for it. One of the best competitive experiences I've had, (alongside the original ET, and international level CPMA).

But let's be honest. The engine was shit, and it's derivatives only got worse. id's capabilities went down the pooper waaaay too sharply. But then, if you look at the Glass Door reviews of id software during that time period, it was not a pleasant or particularly focused place to work.
Because we're talking about the longevity of the market here? Not about whether or not you, personally, still feel PC gaming is fun.

From a consumer standpoint, the longevity of the market is defined by an influx of games, and that doesn't seem to be going anywhere. The market is going to evolve, and isn't going to look the same as the years go by, but the PC platform isn't going anywhere.
Does anyone ever get the feeling that some companies want a PC release to fail just so that the fans stop asking for it?

If companies want it to fail, why bother releasing titles on PC in the first place? PC gaming is trending upwards and keeps development costs down thanks to its tendency to have longer product life cycles (gotta give credit to the modding community for that). But then again, Koei Tecmo has a different model relying on DLC, too bad that's moreso, added expenses on development costs.

Many of the console market shares are steadily moving to mobile gaming, even Nintendo recently jumped to those market shares with the Mario Mobile. I believe we'll see a shift in gaming powers in the near future and hopefully the emerging markets will avoid following shitty business practices that EA, Activision, and Ubisoft are known for.
They dropped 7% market share last month. Nvidia gained 3%, and are already ahead. I can tell there's a degree of personal preference going on here, and I respect that, but... sales are sales. AMD spread itself too thin, and can't currently compete.

That may change next cycle mind, if Titan Black is anything to go by, (still laughing my arse off over that performance vs price.)
I really don't get why people say AMD can't compete on the graphics front. Hardware-wise they definitely can. nVidia has a bigger name and better marketing than AMD, and, that's pretty much it. That's why I said they're not REALLY behind, unlike CPUs where they actually are behind in hardware performance.

Sales are indeed sales and nVidia is indeed winning there without question. In that sense AMD is indeed behind. Sadly imo, because I really don't see why people flock to nVidia like that. The GTX 970 fiasco is another example of their shady business practices followed by damage control. And yet people still support them. I've read of people getting a GTX 980 instead, rather than going for an AMD card, even though at resolutions above 1080p (particularly QHD and higher), the R9 290x can beat the GTX 980 in multiple games, despite being significantly cheaper... I really don't get that. It's like no matter what AMD does they'll always be disliked lol.
From a consumer standpoint, the longevity of the market is defined by an influx of games.
And from a publisher standpoint, that influx of games is justified by the success and profitability of their predecessors.

So, essentially, your assertion that the PC market isn't going anywhere is baseless. It is hopeful and optimistic, sure, but it's baseless - because you're not sitting on the financial information required to qualify it.

I believe we'll see a shift in gaming powers in the near future and hopefully the emerging markets will avoid following shitty business practices that EA, Activision, and Ubisoft are known for.
I don't see why you'd expect that. The (most recently emerged) mobile, tablet, and browser markets are already rife with bait-and-switch, 'insert credit' dilation mechanics, and endless revisioning and DLC. It'll only get worse, from where I'm standing.
The GTX 970 fiasco is another example of their shady business practices followed by damage control.
It was disgusting, indeed. Microsoft were crucified for their 'secret sauce in the cloud!' bullshit for months, and visibly lost market share as a result. How nvidia are still posting gains after the 970 fiasco is beyond me.

It's not like it's an inconvenient mistruth, either. It has real (and often unavoidable) performance implications, that can destroy the enjoyability of a title. So much utter bullshit.
I don't see why you'd expect that. The (most recently emerged) mobile, tablet, and browser markets are already rife with bait-and-switch, 'insert credit' dilation mechanics, and endless revisioning and DLC. It'll only get worse, from where I'm standing.

I meant with regards to the console market, once they become niche. The business models will emphasize long-term stability rather than short-term profits.
I really don't get why people say AMD can't compete on the graphics front. Hardware-wise they definitely can. nVidia has a bigger name and better marketing than AMD, and, that's pretty much it. That's why I said they're not REALLY behind, unlike CPUs where they actually are behind in hardware performance.

Sales are indeed sales and nVidia is indeed winning there without question. In that sense AMD is indeed behind. Sadly imo, because I really don't see why people flock to nVidia like that. The GTX 970 fiasco is another example of their shady business practices followed by damage control. And yet people still support them. I've read of people getting a GTX 980 instead, rather than going for an AMD card, even though at resolutions above 1080p (particularly QHD and higher), the R9 290x can beat the GTX 980 in multiple games, despite being significantly cheaper... I really don't get that. It's like no matter what AMD does they'll always be disliked lol.

Because the 290x is an oven :p
Going back to the PC version of DOA5LR. I currently only have the X360 version, so, for me, despite the shortcomings it's still an upgrade. So I'll stick with it for now. Is it everything I wanted? No, but it could be a lot worse. I'll keep my pre-order, and I know I won't regret it.

But Tecmo Koei/Team Ninja/ whoever ports the game, if you're reading this, we expect you to update the game for free down the line, to include everything of the XB1/PS4 versions (payed DLC excluded although it would be nice of course). Take the time you need, but DO NOT let us down on this. We all know PCs are more than capable, and we know you are also more than capable. We do NOT want to hear that you won't support PC because of piracy or lack of sales unless you fix these things first. People have the right to receive a good product, so right now, if it fails, it's your own fault. Not piracy, nor lack of interest, nor anything else but you.
I meant with regards to the console market, once they become niche. The business models will emphasize long-term stability rather than short-term profits.
Ah, yeah I see.

Sadly, those skivvy techniques are sometimes the only thing keeping a title above water. Something tells me the Destiny launch might have gone differently with a little more transparency, ne? ;)

Here's hoping tho.
I've been pissing them off all week on there and twitter. They're getting roasted. I take it you've read the Steam community threads as well?

The Steam community threads are a dumpster fire at the moment. Hopefully our complaints will reach out to Koei Tecmo and at least have those two stages included in a future patch.
And from a publisher standpoint, that influx of games is justified by the success and profitability of their predecessors.

So, essentially, your assertion that the PC market isn't going anywhere is baseless. It is hopeful and optimistic, sure, but it's baseless - because you're not sitting on the financial information required to qualify it.
Neither are you. PC being the best platform for MMOs and games like League of Legends, while also being the most successful platform for indie games is apparently not enough for you. WOW and LOL are pulling numbers large enough to make your assertion that PC gaming is dying incredibly melodramatic. Steam and GOG are both doing well. The failing AAA model is not a PC exclusive problem.

You also keep ignoring the fact that many games have become popular cash cows from very humble origins and small dev teams. Minecraft is the most well known success story but it isn't the only one. Where exactly is the most popular gaming platform dying?
Sigh... I am rather disappointed that I wont be able to play the two stages on PC. I don't know why Team Ninja decided this. Hopefully they will be released as free dlc in the future.
Yeah I totally agree. It seems really weird. I don't get this.. why do we get such a gimped version?? I have pre-ordered..
Hopefully our complaints will reach out to Koei Tecmo and at least have those two stages included in a future patch.
I wonder if there's something in those maps that requires the PS4 shader engine, and they don't think they'll have time to rework before launch?