Some More DLC pics


Well-Known Member
If a mod asks me to stop I'd be glad to but no one has told me this is a bad thing to do yet and people seem to be appreciative:

The update I promised.

Kayin Amoh


These costumes weren't up on the earlier vid as they hit Xbox Live's marketplace a little later, so here they are. Hayabusa, Kasumi, Lisa and Lei Fang featured.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
Just picked up the Busa pack myself. Was going to let people know it was up (completely randomly, for this time of night/day) but I've been beaten to it by several people lol.


Master Ninja
Staff member
Premium Donor
A lot of arguing over nothing. You like the pack, buy it. You don't like the pack, don't buy it.

All I know is..Kitty Christie looks good.
This is true. The funny thing is the people complaining they don't like how certain costumes look or that they're too expensive. That's all fine and good but until a compatibility update is released the first complaint is rendered moot. Only people that buy them can see them anyway.


Well-Known Member
There's 20k+ views on that other thread and people are going there solely to talk about and look at the new costumes. This'll likely get merged in there eventually anyway.

I get what you're saying and I'm the same way.

I do a lot to keep this game in front of quite a few eyes, and I'm not trying to sound arrogant but I'd rather these not get lost on the 40th page of a 172 page thread. I'd never bump a thread just to see it get views. I drop the stuff off and I split.

If the mods see fit to merge the threads they'll get no objection from me. No disrespect to anyone or the forum.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
The catsuit for Christie looks way better than I thought.

And now I'm curious on how Helena would pull off the actual dominatrix look in white leather...

Gill Hustle

Well-Known Member
I get what you're saying and I'm the same way.

I do a lot to keep this game in front of quite a few eyes, and I'm not trying to sound arrogant but I'd rather these not get lost on the 40th page of a 172 page thread. I'd never bump a thread just to see it get views. I drop the stuff off and I split.

If the mods see fit to merge the threads they'll get no objection from me. No disrespect to anyone or the forum.

I'd say do it like Cyber says and leave one in the media section. ;)

People WILL see it. And it helps with keeping an archive of DOA related media.


Active Member
Damn, Rig is hooking it up. ^^ His two Assassin's Creed hood get-ups and the taekwondo gi left some to be desired. He is looking quite debonair.

It's interesting Mila and Hitomi get the exact same Swedish barmaid look. Has TN given up differentiating them? It's like they're conceding she's just a Hitomi clone.


Well-Known Member
So? What's with DOAD? Is doesn't count because it's on a handheld? A handheld is a platform like any other.

And again: it's not new and every DoA fan knows these costumes by now (and you don't need to play any of the games actually). And I played DoA since DoA1. So, my opinion doesn't count (again)?
I would be grateful for new costumes. And DOA5 already HAS enough throwbacks without the DLC.

If you like it fine. Still it's receyceld stuff. I'm playing DoA5, a new title, so I expect new DLCs as well. I'm tired of TN, selling overpriced NON NEW content. NG3 is no exception (weapons, missions). And now it starts again with DOA5. Give me a break.

And I'm not a dude, dude.
I didn't play NG2 or whatever so I won't answer that. And DOA 5 is a new title, yes, but it has been seven years my friend. It has been a while. So why are you bitching and moaning for brand new costumes and such? We haven't had a game in almost over a decade you're crying for new everything? As one person said in this thread and leading up to this game, everyone in their mama wanted throwback costumes for all the characters. So you shouldn't be playing the," Oh it's old and recycled." Your opinion does count, so I don't know when I said it didn't count. And my friend....don't make a generalization. I don't know most of these fucking costumes besides a few. The only one I knew off the top of my head was Leifang's dress and that's it. I must be an awful DOA fan.


Active Member
Any word on when the bunny swimsuits are coming out? I only have the Angels set and would like to get the Devils and Divas sets too. Unfortunately I rarely see them posted on eBay (for Xbox) and when I do, they go for outrageous prices. I saw one auction for the Divas set at $240.
Sorry if it's been answered, but can someone reiterate this? I'm in the same position -- I have the Angels set too, but will gladly throw money at TN to get every costume possible. *shameless costume whore* Especially interested in the Divas set as an Helena main.