Soul Calibur Thread


New Member
SC3 made Setsuka much more easy, yes she had a learning curve but she didn't have all that extra Just frame shit and whatnot, I played her actually in SC3 vanilla but couldn't in SC4 since they cockblocked all her moves behind virtual just frames which I found unbecoming. And I never said she was garbage, you must have misread what I said about her, she's always been one of the best but you never saw her at tourneys because why use a difficult character when you can just use Kilik, Xianghua, Sophitia, Amy, or even Hilde and win easy with lower difficulty? XD

LOL @ never saw her at tourneys

I have seen MANY Setsukas at many tournaments. HUH?

Just because they are lower in difficulty doesn't imply they aren't viable. She was never made easy in SC3 Home Console version. In fact, she was never made easy at all. Her whole system direction derives from the difficulty of her JFs. If you found her to be harder in the Arcade release, that's to your discretion but not fact at all.

Which brings to another rebuttal:

Kasumi Lover69 said:
Setsuka I loved but her style was garbage, it was made to be too hard and just frame heavy, like come on now Project soul, Setsuka doesn't need all that.

You do realize someone responded to you with the exact statement I made, right? Just so we're clear: just because a character requires work doesn't make them tournament viable at all.

What you've stated was "choose five different characters that are easy to play with ala lower difficulty in tournaments and win".

This is exactly what you've stated right there!

The fact is: you're wrong.

Amy isn't difficult at all to play, yet you stated she was but in reality, she isn't according to five character options purveyed from you.

It seems you're biased to Amy, which is fine by me. In fact, enjoy her as much as I enjoy my own characters in my fighting games.

But even so, see the aforementioned on the looping fallacy described regarding to character difficulty.

Kasumi Lover69 said:
Also Sophitia is simple to play but unsafe, she's the Kasumi of SC, if you mash with her you can get blown up and if you lose to her that's on the person who lost. Amy isn't easy, she has transitions and 4 different stances to memorize with follow ups to boot and she's very string heavy and a bit linear and slow when it comes to walking backwards and running. I actually want to make a guide for her if she ever gets added since I feel she's the best character in the franchise, she was trash in SC3 but they definitely gave her the deserved buffs in Arcade Edition and 4, plus she's only 9-10 kicking ass, like how much cooler can you get? ♡.♡ Idk how she'll be added in the reboot tho since logically she would be 5-6 at that time. Talim also wouldn't have much a chance since she would be 11 or 10 but they'll probably do something to exempt that, I mean Kazumi and Heihachi are canonically dead in Tekken 7 but somehow are still playable so they'll make it work

Say that on 8 Way Run Forums and watch the rabid wolves come running in packs at you for stating this.

So wait, it's not about the person with the character but the character itself? So if they lose to Soph, it's on them?

Soooooo, this doesn't hold validity to Amy either? o_o

Tell that to this guy that exposed the MvC3 community here ------>

It took a Japanese player to see through the bull that's been in the FGC for years.

There are strengths and weaknesses in any and every character that you play. How you utilize them is between your knowledge of said character and your growing wisdom of the match-ups and the overall game.

When buffs are applied, it's due to power creeping and sustenance to the game direction in whichever iteration released.



Well-Known Member
And I never said she was garbage, you must have misread what I said about her, she's always been one of the best but you never saw her at tourneys because why use a difficult character when you can just use Kilik, Xianghua, Sophitia, Amy, or even Hilde and win easy with lower difficulty? XD

I'm a Setsuka/Alpha Patroklos main and I wouldn't swap Patsuka for Sophitia (even though she's my second), or Soul Calibur V Hilde. Yes, the playstyle is demanding but rewarding. Being able to execute those difficult inputs and deal 40% damage in 2 hits is worth it. Patsuka has some of the best punishes, conversion, and damage in the game; the trade off being the learning curve. Honestly though, I'd rather have Alpha Patroklos than Setsuka because his JF twister replaced her jf umbrella which you can't do twice in one combo.


New Member
I'm a Setsuka/Alpha Patroklos main and I wouldn't swap Patsuka for Sophitia (even though she's my second), or Soul Calibur V Hilde. Yes, the playstyle is demanding but rewarding. Being able to execute those difficult inputs and deal 40% damage in 2 hits is worth it. Patsuka has some of the best punishes, conversion, and damage in the game; the trade off being the learning curve. Honestly though, I'd rather have Alpha Patroklos than Setsuka because his JF twister replaced her jf umbrella which you can't do twice in one combo.

This entire post, right here, was better than the second coming of Peter North on any woman seen ever.

Seriously, thank you for helping me remove this aggravation that I had 4:49 minutes ago.


Premium Donor
LOL @ never saw her at tourneys

I have seen MANY Setsukas at many tournaments. HUH?

Just because they are lower in difficulty doesn't imply they aren't viable. She was never made easy in SC3 Home Console version. In fact, she was never made easy at all. Her whole system direction derives from the difficulty of her JFs. If you found her to be harder in the Arcade release, that's to your discretion but not fact at all.

Which brings to another rebuttal:

You do realize someone responded to you with the exact statement I made, right? Just so we're clear: just because a character requires work doesn't make them tournament viable at all.

What you've stated was "choose five different characters that are easy to play with ala lower difficulty in tournaments and win".

This is exactly what you've stated right there!

The fact is: you're wrong.

Amy isn't difficult at all to play, yet you stated she was but in reality, she isn't according to five character options purveyed from you.

It seems you're biased to Amy, which is fine by me. In fact, enjoy her as much as I enjoy my own characters in my fighting games.

But even so, see the aforementioned on the looping fallacy described regarding to character difficulty.

Say that on 8 Way Run Forums and watch the rabid wolves come running in packs at you for stating this.

So wait, it's not about the person with the character but the character itself? So if they lose to Soph, it's on them?

Soooooo, this doesn't hold validity to Amy either? o_o

Tell that to this guy that exposed the MvC3 community here ------>

It took a Japanese player to see through the bull that's been in the FGC for years.

There are strengths and weaknesses in any and every character that you play. How you utilize them is between your knowledge of said character and your growing wisdom of the match-ups and the overall game.

When buffs are applied, it's due to power creeping and sustenance to the game direction in whichever iteration released.

I haven't watched SC4 tourneys so I wouldn't know, and please spare me the videos and snark like you proved a point or something XD I know all that already, I'm not gonna watch any of those videos. You told me stuff I already know, you should've just let me have my opinion and moved on, you're just coming off as a know it all and its boring me tbh. Final point, Setsuka was easier before Arcade Edition in MY opinion.

And yes, if you lose to a character, that's on you for not knowing how to deal with said character and whomever played them.

I'm a Setsuka/Alpha Patroklos main and I wouldn't swap Patsuka for Sophitia (even though she's my second), or Soul Calibur V Hilde. Yes, the playstyle is demanding but rewarding. Being able to execute those difficult inputs and deal 40% damage in 2 hits is worth it. Patsuka has some of the best punishes, conversion, and damage in the game; the trade off being the learning curve. Honestly though, I'd rather have Alpha Patroklos than Setsuka because his JF twister replaced her jf umbrella which you can't do twice in one combo.
I know, Setsuka does higher damage in two hits which is good but me as an Amy player, I prefer versatility and stance and soul parries more or so, plus I dont mind working for damage. Amy doesn't do a lot of damage on her own but it adds up since she can keep momentum, and she had repels and parries and evades for days, she's like the Xiaoyu of Soul Calibur xD she may not be a tank or a Setsuka but she's definitely rewarding in my eyes


Well-Known Member
she's like the Xiaoyu of Soul Calibur xD /QUOTE]

I think that title goes to Xianghua. She's way more evasive and has more auto parries

I prefer versatility and stance and soul parries more or so

Patsuka has all these things. Speed, viable in close range, mid range, and has a few fast tracking moves that cover long range. He/she has a forward/backwards wavedash (obviously the forward wave dash can used for pressure mixups similar to mishima's in tekken), good crush capabilities. She doesn't have many auto GI's. I think just A+B but the more you land the parry, the move/properties change.

Anyways. I hope Setsuka or Alpha Patroklos makes it into SCVI. I can't imagine making anyone else my main. Sophitia is a fun secondary, but her play style is so one dimensional and eventually bores me. Maybe I'll pick up Cassandra (because we all know she's coming). I have been contemplating Zasalamel; his problem in Soul Calibur IV was that a lot of his combo's weren't true combo's and could be easily shaken.


Premium Donor
Snark? You simply don't comprehend content over context.

You don't watch Tournaments, but Setsuka was never in tournaments, according to you. So you didn't know overall.

And while you're sitting there responding to everything I'm stating with your whack idiotic, arduous opinions, even opinions are wrong.

It didn't take a second to expose that thin skin underneath your clitoris to find out just how much cheeks you suck before you start cracking to sound like a broke dick dog.

If you don't watch tournaments, just how were you justified with this ever so concoction of "Setsuka has never been in tournaments" but attempt to get away with "I never watch tournaments, so I wouldn't know" then state you wouldn't watch the videos purveyed?

Either you humble yourself to say how wrong you are, change your perspective on what you lack knowledge in or simply be the danky ass donkey nuts you will continue to be and spew here.

Yeah, you see I came here to view whether or not if I were able to get something intelligible out of you. I really did.

What you gave to me was an acute reminder why I don't dwell here on these forums and stick to the people who can give me sustainable conversation with coherent thought and facts.

All I got from you was a limp penis.

Thank you Kasumi.

Now that I ended this, I'll bid you adieu and let you go back to your world of Amy, Talim, and your wonderful biased, fascination for underaged characters.

.....Reported. You have some nerve speaking to me that way, but I'll take the high road. I could really roast you but you sound like a middle aged slob, so I'll dismiss myself, go clean your kitchen as im sure hygiene isn't apart of your character.
I think that title goes to Xianghua. She's way more evasive and has more auto parries

Patsuka has all these things. Speed, viable in close range, mid range, and has a few fast tracking moves that cover long range. He/she has a forward/backwards wavedash (obviously the forward wave dash can used for pressure mixups similar to mishima's in tekken), good crush capabilities. She doesn't have many auto GI's. I think just A+B but the more you land the parry, the move/properties change.

Anyways. I hope Setsuka or Alpha Patroklos makes it into SCVI. I can't imagine making anyone else my main. Sophitia is a fun secondary, but her play style is so one dimensional and eventually bores me. Maybe I'll pick up Cassandra (because we all know she's coming). I have been contemplating Zasalamel; his problem in Soul Calibur IV was that a lot of his combo's weren't true combo's and could be easily shaken.
Huh? What's up with the dark text? XD and I agree with all that you said, I love how you know so much about the characters you use, i find that impressive and fascinating :-D Cassandra I want to pick up myself but idk, she's a bit more varied than Sophitia and I prefer Sophie since she's more bare bones. I like more limited characters to a degree who only have what they need, and Sophies kit imo is pretty solid. And yeah you're right about the Xianghua thing xD they even gave her a Xiaoyu type stance this time so expect some shenanigans day one >.>


New Member
@Sho'nuff and @KasumiLover69: Before y'all do or say things you both might regret, let's take this to PMs.

Call it a hunch, but I feel like we've all got off the wrong foot.

No, not at all.

Before you form any opinions on this (by the way, I didn't read neither will I respond to this Suss here), I urge that you join my Discord call.

You'll gather all the information there.

However, I will no longer respond to this thread or will I ever come to these forums any longer.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You should post here anyway. Remember that the talk of one individual does not speak for the entire forum. It will be unfortunate that people leave from one situation. Better to ignore each other.


Premium Donor
@Sho'nuff and @KasumiLover69: Before y'all do or say things you both might regret, let's take this to PMs.

Call it a hunch, but I feel like we've all got off the wrong foot.
I'm not gonna do anything, I don't have time for miserable middle aged men anymore spewing negativity at me just for being myself and stating my opinions, I refuse to engage him in private. I didn't even do anything wrong... I just stated my opinion and now he's calling me foul things, but if I respond in the same manner I'll get in trouble. Now he's gonna talk bad about me on his discord channel... How pleasant, but I won't entertain slobs.

Anyways I hope there will be a sort of jukebox mode for SC6 so we can use all the tracks from the series like Tekken 7 has


Well-Known Member
So is everything at peace again? Lol
(And maybe they'll try to charge extra for the old songs... Hope they dont obviously since being able to set the old songs like endless warfare would be great.)

And damn poor Voldo. :/ no love here it seems for the resident 70 year old masochist. Let him live his life lol. As for the whole whos easy to play i actually cant remember Setsuka playstyle wise much so i dont know. Same with amy and Cassandra.


Premium Donor
So is everything at peace again? Lol
(And maybe they'll try to charge extra for the old songs... Hope they dont obviously since being able to set the old songs like endless warfare would be great.)

And damn poor Voldo. :/ no love here it seems for the resident 70 year old masochist. Let him live his life lol. As for the whole whos easy to play i actually cant remember Setsuka playstyle wise much so i dont know. Same with amy and Cassandra.
Yeah I never had a problem with whoever that guy was XD and if they have all the tracks I can see them making it PS4 exclusive like jukebox for T7 was, I can see them charging for Create a Soul Content tho so I will get a bigger HHD drive and probably buy a ps4 pro so I can get the most out of the game since I know that system boosts the visuals a good bit

I also want Seung Miina in too since she was easy and fun to use, I loved her staff attacks and her arm snap attack she could do to people facing away from her XD but if they add her they'll probably do Yun Seung who I also liked since he reminds me of a more arrogant and childish Xiba who I know isn't returning at all:(


Premium Donor
Voldo disturbs me tbh, whether he's crawling on the ground or backturned, that always throws me off and I can never react to him >.> I suppose he is cute in a sort of submissive servant type of way since he protects his Master's treasure whilst being blind, but he's a whole nother level of odd XD

Anyone remember Olcadan? I wouldn't mind him being added again. Or at least let me make my Create a Soul be a type of owl like he is XD

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Voldo disturbs me tbh, whether he's crawling on the ground or backturned, that always throws me off and I can never react to him >.> I suppose he is cute in a sort of submissive servant type of way since he protects his Master's treasure whilst being blind, but he's a whole nother level of odd XD

Anyone remember Olcadan? I wouldn't mind him being added again. Or at least let me make my Create a Soul be a type of owl like he is XD
View attachment 24910
Isn't he just a bootleg Edge Master? He doesn't really add anything new other than having an owl mask l0l


Well-Known Member
Voldo disturbs me tbh, whether he's crawling on the ground or backturned, that always throws me off and I can never react to him >.> I suppose he is cute in a sort of submissive servant type of way since he protects his Master's treasure whilst being blind, but he's a whole nother level of odd XD

Anyone remember Olcadan? I wouldn't mind him being added again. Or at least let me make my Create a Soul be a type of owl like he is XD
View attachment 24910

Olcadan and the three shop keepers from SC3 were really cool additional characters so If they came back in some way that would be cool to see. :D And I actually always liked Voldo so I have a soft spot for him. :p Plus the Voldo dance videos that happened were funny, Don't think one ever happened for SC5 but maybe one will get made for SC6 since I really expect Voldo to be in it. And seriously I really want to see some CAS, I want to know If they've updated it! Like instead of 50 slots maybe 100 slots this time. More sliders for the body, And now sliders for the face or something.

edit: @Project Bokuho Owl head guy ---> Edge Master