Soul Calibur Thread


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Standard Donor
It's absolutely shameless pressuring fans like this.

I mean Giuseppe says that he more or less pressed him for an answer… it's not like Okubo just threw it out there.

Still… they have Geralt… he alone will probably sell more copies than DoA6 can hope to achieve and they managed to create a decent amount of positive buzz around the game (though that facade started crumbling)

I still think this was supposed to be a low budget nostalgia cash-in to see if there is any juice left in the series. Then they got a lot of positive attention, but instead of giving Okubo more money to… make a proper current gen game, they decided to add some DLC lol
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Premium Donor
Yeah, the series wasn't doing well hence the 6 year or so hiatus, it's not about "pressuring fans" or anything, he was just keeping it real, which is why the game is the way it is because they likely didn't have the budget for it, although the game still looks good and the reused content isn't that serious imo. The DLC they'll supply early on will ensure the game gets support so hopefully people will get it which they will, especially with Tira ad DLC xD. I'm gonna get the game day one either way since I want the series to go on, I don't want trivial issues to stop me from playing one of my favorite series


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Yeah, the series wasn't doing well hence the 6 year or so hiatus, it's not about "pressuring fans" or anything, he was just keeping it real, which is why the game is the way it is because they likely didn't have the budget for it, although the game still looks good and the reused content isn't that serious imo. The DLC they'll supply early on will ensure the game gets support so hopefully people will get it which they will, especially with Tira ad DLC xD. I'm gonna get the game day one either way since I want the series to go on, I don't want trivial issues to stop me from playing one of my favorite series

Namco definitely has the budget, the team they have is a pretty big one.


Premium Donor
Namco definitely has the budget, the team they have is a pretty big one.
Tekken does but I don't think they're willing to really give SC the budget it needed due to how SC5 turned out, it kinda seems like a record label of sorts when I look at it from that stand point. I'm still more hype that there's even a SC6 so I'm not really sweating anything much, plus we still have almost 2 months before it releases and I doubt they'll just show us everything the game has at once if the content is set up the way SC3 and 4 and 5 did.


Well-Known Member
Okubo reminds us that this Soul Calibur could be the last one if they don't make enough profit from it:

It's absolutely shameless pressuring fans like this. If the game isn't as lazy, cheap and scammy as it looks to be right now then it will sell and Bandai Namco will profit. High critical praise and good word of mouth sell games. Shamelessly recycling and reselling old stuff, cutting content or locking already finished content behind a paywall do not sell games well. It's actually fairly easy to grasp.
They managed to turn away even a longtime fan like me and recently even @Jadeinchains from getting this game day one. That thinly veiled threat isn't making the case for SC6 any better. I personally am even more annoyed by it.
I know right.


This is frame advantage
Premium Donor

Hey guys. Just a heads up. Some may already be aware of this but there is a series of character-specific tutorials for those who wish to use or master specific characters or the newer characters themselves. For those who have interest in learning character-specific information, please click the above link but only do so at your leisure.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Japanese Trailer up!!!

Soul Archive info:


Info via Google Translate (might not be 100% accurate):
  • Under "Relations" it says he considers all of humanity his family. No mention of Groh.
  • He's from the Holy Roman Empire
  • He's a self designated "Scholar of Humanity"
  • He was/is part of the Aval Organization and was conducting research into both swords
  • His weapon is his gauntlets and there's shards of Soul Edge embedded in one gauntlet and a shards of Soul Calibur in the other


Well-Known Member
Responding to dualshockers interview: After what happen to SCV DLC support and SC Lost Swords life support, its no wonder that SCVI could be the last game if it wasn't successful. I'm definitely going to be pre ordering SCVI collectors edition once My budget recovers from EVO18 & Gambling. Looking forward to playing SCVI, loving the female designs, and customization.


Okubo reminds us that this Soul Calibur could be the last one if they don't make enough profit from it:

It's absolutely shameless pressuring fans like this. If the game isn't as lazy, cheap and scammy as it looks to be right now then it will sell and Bandai Namco will profit. High critical praise and good word of mouth sell games. Shamelessly recycling and reselling old stuff, cutting content or locking already finished content behind a paywall do not sell games well. It's actually fairly easy to grasp.
They managed to turn away even a longtime fan like me and recently even @Jadeinchains from getting this game day one. That thinly veiled threat isn't making the case for SC6 any better. I personally am even more annoyed by it.
Why? Because of Tira? They already explained why she didnt make the base game and it sounded sincere tbh.


Premium Donor
Sounded sincere, being sincere and standing up to scrutiny are different things.
It sounded like PR spin to me as well as failing to stand up to reasoning. But it's all opinions :)
Nah i don't think that's it, people are acting like SC is trying to scam you or something when it's obvious they don't have the budget like that to really be investing much on stuff that wont matter if the game fails. Even big budget games have to deal with that tbh, just look at Injustice 2, big budget game with a lot of content and such, but it's practically dead now and no one hardly seems to play it competitively, while it didn't really fail its definitely not hot anymore xD. I think SC is playing it safe since they want to invest much money into something that may or may not do well, but in the long run I can see them adding new, fresh content if the game does good which im sure it will.


Active Member
Nah i don't think that's it, people are acting like SC is trying to scam you or something when it's obvious they don't have the budget like that to really be investing much on stuff that wont matter if the game fails. Even big budget games have to deal with that tbh, just look at Injustice 2, big budget game with a lot of content and such, but it's practically dead now and no one hardly seems to play it competitively, while it didn't really fail its definitely not hot anymore xD. I think SC is playing it safe since they want to invest much money into something that may or may not do well, but in the long run I can see them adding new, fresh content if the game does good which im sure it will.

I've seen it said hyperbolically, but I don't think it's a scam at all - there IS value here.

But the statement as I read it just doesn't make sense. paraphrasing hard - 'we didn't have time/plan to make her, but i asked them to anyway'. and here she is, in footage before included characters, available day one, as DLC. Thats means unequivocally that she was something which was 1. desired by the creators and 2. Produced and ready at launch. The statement in no way addresses the accusation that she's existing content that's been sectioned off to make extra money. Its that disconnect that makes people suspicious and turned me away from the game (as well as from no alt costumes, CaS that looks like crap so far and ropey presentaion generally imo) rather than wanting to support the game more.
But maybe i missed some bits or read a different statement?

I2 is an interesting comparison to make. But I always felt Injustice was an underrated fighter that was propped up by the franchise base. I don't think a DC or marvel game can truly foster the loyalty and passion that a stand alone franchise can develop. And i think that's why the bottom fell out of both injustice games (as far as i was aware - barely). I didn't play I2 because i don't like the MK base it's feels modelled on - but i almost did because I like DC. I think SC fans are more robust. I realise MvC probably screws my point, i know some of those cross-overs have been massive.


Active Member
Thanks @Project Bokuho - i feel like i watched a different interview it came up in.

but still I don't buy it.
1. How a character who is wanted early in development by the director, isn't green lit, but later in development (when things are typically more strained) IS green lit - yet early enough to be promoted pre-launch. I would guess the answer is that when proposed as paid DLC, then resources were made available. That's still portioning off existing content at launch for money. But with my experience of business, I think this is a choice that gets made WAY earlier than is being described, at least in pencil.
2. The logistics of not being on disc. She IS available day one as DLC, and all DLC is fancy patches that you sometimes have to pay for - Tira could have been added as part of one of the patches that are coming if it really was too late to add here to the disc.
3. She's not in the story/development etc - well again, she's DLC day one, so she's fitting in in some lesser capacity anyway - and that lesser status makes her something you have to pay extra for? that's not a justification.

Nothing he said comes anything close to explaining what is clearly a monetizing strategy/opportunity as such. I don't begrudge that being the decision, but I do begrudge it being dressed up as something else. We have to draw the line somewhere with this arbitrary pay-walling of characters and content in games at launch, and if they didn't know this they would be more transparent about it. It doesn't favour gamers and eventually it won't favour the developers either.

I'm not aiming my frustration at Okubu, I think most people in his position care about giving the players the best possible. Its more about publisher/board pressure I'm sure. But I feel sure there is a better way to go about addressing budget based decisions without bullshitting anyone. Nothing in what he said precluded her being added as free day one DLC.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Bandai Namco is slowly turning into a second EA if they continue to scam people like this. First, DBFZ and now SCVI. Threatening fans to buy a game or else they won’t continue the series is just absurd. The fact that they even have the audacity to put out such a statement, could they go any lower at this point? Not continuing a game series because of the amount of copies sold only proves that they honestly don’t care about the fans.
I will buy SCVI but not day 1, I will only buy it because of the new character that got revealed yesterday and if Cervantes might return.