Team NINJA Social Media Updates for DOA6


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
After seeing sexy Diego Shirtless im not complaining about the Male Physics (at least the upper Part ) anymore . It looks amazing and sexy ;Yeah =).

- some characters render (Christie, Tina, Diego, Lisa, Eliot).
- outfits (the new casual ones are awesome, special mention for Lisa, Tina, Christie, NiCO fur)
- new modes that gives longevity to the game (DOA quest, DOA encyclopedy, DOA custom).
- Unforgettable stage idea (still things to complain about, but I still consider it a great addition !)

- some physics (mainly hair (Kasumi and Hayate...), and shading).
- costumes (deluxe set is just tasteless and making everyone a bad wrestler).
- they gave us recolors BUT a color palette would have been way better.
- the same stages composition, just different background (Sweat, Lab, and so on).
- DOAX3 that is a garbage and porn game made for otakus
- messed up male anatomy
Added a con.

Serious question for everyone that's all the time asking for sexy male characters and costumes:
Doesn't it bother you at all that their anatomy is going to be all messed up? Is it still sexy to you if they have weirdly elongated torsos with either no navel or tiny, wrongly placed spots?

If the girls were that anatomically messed up all hell would break loose.


Well-Known Member
Added a con.

Serious question for everyone that's all the time asking for sexy male characters and costumes:
Doesn't it bother you at all that their anatomy is going to be all messed up? Is it still sexy to you if they have weirdly elongated torsos with either no navel or tiny, wrongly placed spots?

If the girls were that anatomically messed up all hell would break loose.
I’m more annoyed than anything because it seems extremely amateur and unprofessional

Baji Breakdancer

Well-Known Member
I think the lighting's fine, our eyes have just evolved into lidless cave fish eyes after playing the dark drab graphics of DOA5 for so long.

I'm very excited because DOA6 is the first 3D fighter of this generation that doesn't have excessive particle effects, bloom, fog, or other nonsense that hides the fighting from me in my fighting game.

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Holy crap, you guys were quite busy in here! I, unfortunately, have bad news. Master had to get his phone number changed (not sure why), so I can't contact him personally until a later time. For now, the best way to get a hold of him is through twitter. Just...don't be a Zafina/Momiji main and blow up his notifications l0l

  • Reused assets such as stages and outfits from DOA5LR etc
  • Pointless costume system that breaks from tradition
If I had to guess, it's probably budgeting, and Koei reasons. Team Ninja can't do everything people want, unfortunately. Be more understanding.

  • DOA Central Wardrobe is really pointless - unlocking sunglasses? really?
People were whining 24/7 about the lack of a customization mode during the DOA5 days. Beggars can't always be choosers.

  • New stages are lackluster and unoriginal (Road Rage is pretty much the bottom half of Scramble)
Miyabi and Hidden Garden (day and night versions) are beautiful new additions. You need glasses xD

  • Plot doesn't seem fresh
Well...the story takes place shortly after DOA5; M.I.S.T. is still around, Phase-4 project is a threat, and Donovan is still alive...this isn't SoulCalibur V. Don't expect huge timeskips and drastic roster changes, man.

  • Promo campaign is confusing - what is the theme?
English translation please.

  • Removal of tag mode for no reason
I thought this was already covered? If not, please allow me to explain. Master said that the reason Tag Battle was removed is due to the sole fact that nobody played it in DOA5. The mode was literally an unpopular and broken piece of shit. Bringing Tag Battle back would be a waste of time, money, and resources that could be put into more important/popular things instead (Ex: A BETTER ONLINE NETCODE, Story mode, Arcade, SURVIVAL, DOA Quest, customization (aka the mode casuals begged for nonstop since DOA5), stages, unlockables, etc.).

  • Stage lighting is horrible in the Road stage as well as The Muscle and Unforgettable.
Don't worry, my friend. I already told Master about the brightness/lighting issues last week, and the team is aware of the complaints.


Well-Known Member
I thought this was already covered? If not, please allow me to explain. Master said that the reason Tag Battle was removed is due to the sole fact that nobody played it in DOA5. The mode was literally an unpopular and broken piece of shit. Bringing Tag Battle back would be a waste of time, money, and resources that could be put into more important/popular things instead (Ex: A BETTER ONLINE NETCODE, Story mode, Arcade, SURVIVAL, DOA Quest, customization (aka the mode casuals begged for nonstop since DOA5), stages, unlockables, etc.).

Pretty much this. Coming off of DOA4, even I was one of the ones that wanted Tag and especially online tag to return for 5, only to forget it's existence entirely after about a month or two of laggy online fun. It was novelty at best. It's just something else to complain about. People whine for it but no one actually plays it when it's all said and done.

I'm a little disappointed at no offline tag if that's not a thing, though. My niece and two nephews like to play tag together. So that sucks that it's something they won't be able to do together in 6.

Xhominid The Demon Within

Well-Known Member
90% of European lobbies was tag tbf

And most of the time, it was a broken piece of shit that was never balanced for the type of game DOA became and was usually Marvel on Steroids(aka ToD combos ruled Tag Mode to hell and back).

While I do admit the loss of Tag is pretty bad... it made sense since it was obvious they will never balance Tag Mode or the game around both as it would be too much work for a mode people only played for the hell of it at best.


Premium Donor
EmeryReigns aka Rojikku aka best Hayate player does a breakdown of some recent gameplay.
@KasumiLover Look at you, tweets on videos. Im jelly, lol

What???? OMG I got acknowledge by Emery?!


I didn't know he even payer attention to my posts like that. I feel honored ^.^

That reminds me, that new build showcase for DOA6 should be tonight. kayane posted a pic of herself on the way so hopefully we'll get a heads up when it starts!


Well-Known Member
I swear to god at this point I just need to roll my eyes when a new tweet pops in my TL, they need to start banning annoying ass bitches from their Twitter account cause it is literally impossible to actually report ideas/requests for fixes/etc without this kind of shit ALWAYS being at the top (along the infamous “Momiji dancing to SOLO by Jennie” video, I’m already sick of her and that song just bc of it). Can’t the CM do that or something? Or at least put a pinned tweet asking for these fuckers to chill tf out lol.

They really be out there saying a NEW character made specifically for 6 (like Rig and Mila were for 5) has taken the slot of a character that’s not even a DOA original character. Their minds!!!