

This is frame advantage
Premium Donor
Was playing treasure battle and...this happened, I somehow went to the opposite side even tho the kick isn't supposed to do that

And Tekken must be trying to prevent players from uploading glitches because i had to use share factory for it even to upload
That is a cross-up, essentially what you would normally see in a 2D game. That scenario is more than likely to happen in the corner for specific setups though.


Active Member
OK 2 things... First how can you let CPU do moves in training mode to train certain situations and 2nd, on X1 the record function is screwed since the clip is ALWAYS without sound...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Oh mannnn lol


Well-Known Member
Okay so I changed to easy in story mode for one second (i hate that chapter 8 bit where you play as akuma his moveset is too weird i get my ass handed to me as akuma no matter what) and the entire moveset changes, isn't that quite misleading?


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Okay so I changed to easy in story mode for one second (i hate that chapter 8 bit where you play as akuma his moveset is too weird i get my ass handed to me as akuma no matter what) and the entire moveset changes, isn't that quite misleading?

There's also the story mode attack options if you set it up with your controls I think. I remember watching a video where you can land Kazuya's electrics with just a push of a button. I'd definitely spam it. Maybe Akuma has good story mode attacks that you can use, though I can't say for sure since I never checked.


Well-Known Member
They're way better than his actual moveset, you know Raidou's impossible throws where you've got to like violate your analogue stick, that's like Akuma's entire moveset.
nope, the only way to have the story mode controls is on easy mode i can't find them

It got too hard after chapter 9 i gotta do easy mode, i don't even remember alisa is she new?
(i only played tekken 6 and rage quitted at how weird it looked on campaign cause i kept getting knocked into the water, and didn't really play tag 2 all that much)
Me: Akuma's moveset is annoying me so much in Tekken!
Dad: Is it tekken the piss?
Me: no. (rants about how akuma's moveset is way better on easy story)
Dad: You should complain to them, and make sure you're not tekken it out of context
Me: (internal pain)
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Active Member
Tekken 7 Story Mode suppose to end the Mishima Saga, but when it was released as of the story progress

It still Continue & too small, even after Heihachi's death. Kazuya is the only Mishima left. Jin & Lars are considered one, but too heroic and worth to have peaceful lives. + when is Kazumi's resurrection?

Somehow I predicting this game's Expansion Story Episode DLC Bundle (such as including Post-Launch Classic characters & stages)


Well-Known Member
devil kazumi is fucking impossible omf

heihachi's easy combos (i only played easy to get the combos because that's how the games combos should be) actually don't work what

i sidestep and when i stop sidestepping me she doeslike 100 hit combos


Well-Known Member
Huh when did Leo suddenly become male? Haven't even played as him/her/xe/xir/attack helicopter yet.
wait so is leo's gender like lisa's ethnicity?

Also end of Bob's character story. "bob never made it to the tournament" DYING
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Premium Donor
I think Leo is male, but is just gender fluid, Harada said it was female around the same time TTT2 dropped which is non canon, plus it's swimsuits in TTT2 can make it either male or female

I view it as male, but can't exactly like "him" like i do Eliot because it's just too complicated, I can't like someone without knowing their true gender first. If Lili was a male for example and was a transgender and Namco never revealed that, I wouldn't be able to like her the way I do now, not because she's a transgender because I don't mind that at all, it's just the whole complexity surrounding her gender with no explanation would be a turn off. Give me Leo with a shirtless option and I'll be convinced, but "his" CG artwork is just too pretty for me to truly believe the gender without valid proof


Well-Known Member
Hwoarang used to remind me a little of Masamune Date from Samurai Warriors (or vise versa ok i'm tired) and now the eyepatch isn't helping lmao