The Art Style and Graphics Discussion


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Be ready for those screenshots!
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I've been watching a lot of streams of the new Friday The 13th game and it seems pretty cool. One player is Jason and has to hunt the other 8 players who have to escape in different ways. I think this is the first Friday the 13th game since that one one NES or something.

It's not gorgeous or anything but it's pretty good looking. It's also just cool to see the characters and locations from the movies represented in the game. I know that doesn't mean much lol if you aren't a fan of horror movies or Friday the 13th but it's pretty cool imo.

I'll put them in spoilers but here's some concept art and in game screenshots. ( reminder that the game doesn't have breathtaking visuals or anything. :p )

Jason looks represented pretty well he has the appearance from the different 500 movies that have came out. ( Notice it says part 8 in the corner, that's the movie the look is from! )


The human characters look pretty good to I feel. The hair is very flowy while running around the camp grounds. There's multiple different playable characters so some might look okay and others not.



random concept art I thought was cool. :p




Premium Donor
I can't take screens atm but the game imo looks good, it doesn't seem blurry imo, but I'm playing on the living room big screen so that's probably why. Certain stages like devil's pit are a but blurry and kinda annoy my eyes with how it's seems a bit smudged


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So, Overwatch has a new stage coming out soon, the Horizon Moon Colony. I decided to take some pictures, because I think it's super cool.







I mean it only took em almost a full freaking year just to come out with basic shooter maps college kids create in a single trimester lol.

Seriously though i'm glad they finally added more maps to Elimination mode. And that they are actually new maps, not just chopped up parts of the 6v6 maps.


Well-Known Member
I've been watching a lot of streams of the new Friday The 13th game and it seems pretty cool. One player is Jason and has to hunt the other 8 players who have to escape in different ways. I think this is the first Friday the 13th game since that one one NES or something.

It's not gorgeous or anything but it's pretty good looking. It's also just cool to see the characters and locations from the movies represented in the game. I know that doesn't mean much lol if you aren't a fan of horror movies or Friday the 13th but it's pretty cool imo.

I'll put them in spoilers but here's some concept art and in game screenshots. ( reminder that the game doesn't have breathtaking visuals or anything. :p )
Jason looks represented pretty well he has the appearance from the different 500 movies that have came out. ( Notice it says part 8 in the corner, that's the movie the look is from! )

This looks pretty cool, I read a review saying it's only fun if you play as Jason and that's random. I'd play it if I had 8 friends with a PS4......


Premium Donor
KLover is really building up the suspense...

*anxiously waiting for those Tekken 7 screens*

Don't worry I'm just about to finally take some pics, me and my sister finished playing(She didn't win once so she's a but salty at me...) so I'm going back and taking pics now, I was itching to do it earlier but my mom and sister were around...


Premium Donor
It's really hot in that bikini of hers. Lili's marching outfit and claudios casual one are way too hot too! I also love her hair, nice and thick


Premium Donor
Giving your sis the scraps! smh!

You really don't realize how squishy the d-pad on an old PS4 controller feels until you get a new one tbh
Hey I promise it still works! The new one is honestly a bit tough to break in while my old one felt more natural in some battles but I still prefer the new one


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Hey, thanks for the pics! :) Apart from the extremely blurry image quality these didn't look bad at all. I nearly forgot how much I prefer characters the way Japanese developers design them. With that little hint of anime-pretty facial features. Oh, can't DOA6 or Soul Calibur 6 not finally be revealed? >__<'

By the way, isn't it weird that the Tekken devs still can't match the beautifully modelled female bodies of DOA? Even though they are now one generation ahead and they can use all the polygons they want.
If I was Harada that would be the first thing that I would make sure of: Even prettier and better modelled girls than DOA. Erase DOA's unique selling point.
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Well-Known Member
Hey, thanks for the pics! :) Apart from the extremely blurry image quality these didn't look bad at all. I nearly forgot how much I prefer characters the way Japanese developers design them. With that little hint of anime-pretty facial features. Oh, can't DOA6 or Soul Calibur 6 not finally be revealed? >__<'

By the way, isn't it weird that the Tekken devs still can't match the beautifully modelled female bodies of DOA? Even though they are now one generation ahead and they can use all the polygons they want.
If I was Harada that would be the first thing that I would make sure of: Even prettier and better modelled girls than DOA. Erase DOA's unique selling point.

well to be fair, that's not the unique part of doa, though it was TN tries so so hard to be the selling point, rather than the gameplay.