The Overwatch Thread


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Standard Donor
We just kinda play when there is down time. Afernoon to evening tomorrow is most likely. We don't care who plays with us as long as we have some kind of fun. Do you have a computer mic?
Well if I'm online, hit me up. I do have a mic. Haven't hooked it up since jumping (or plummeting) to Windows 10, but I can't imagine there would be a problem.


Well-Known Member
I have plans to play a bit over the weekend with Mr. Wah. Bnet id is XZero#11656.
Oh, yeah, that sounds fun. I might not be able to play tomorrow (as in Saturday), since it's my mom's birthday, but I'm thinking I'd be up for Sunday or whenever. Juihau#1591


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Well if I'm online, hit me up. I do have a mic. Haven't hooked it up since jumping (or plummeting) to Windows 10, but I can't imagine there would be a problem.
Cool, will do.

Oh, yeah, that sounds fun. I might not be able to play tomorrow (as in Saturday), since it's my mom's birthday, but I'm thinking I'd be up for Sunday or whenever. Juihau#1591
I'll just hit you up whenever I see you.

We tend to want to have full parties when we do play, especially in Competitive. Until Season 3 starts and Sombra comes out we are playing Quick games more and debating who gets to main the new character this time around in Comp.

Speaking of Sombra I checked her out on the PTR. She is really good right now. Her only downside I would say is that she is kinda slow when not stealthed and her hack and Sealth are both broken when taking damage but her Hack is fast enough that if you sneak up on someone they will never be able to react in time. Her primary fire (the SMG) is insane, 60 round magazine, deals about 200 damage in 30 rounds to the body, builds about 34% Ultimate if all rounds hit a target, and has very little spread.
She is a great infighter like Tracer but lacks Tracer's sheer damage output. Sombra starts to drop off at about short mid range combat becasue of her spread but the spread itself is stil better than Soldier's even though he is better at longer ranges.
The Teleport grenade is fun, easily the best mobility tool in the game right now. Her Cooldowns start once her abilities end. Meaning once she stealths her stealth goes on cooldown once the stealth ends. Her teleport starts either once it has been used (the actual teleporting) or the grenade times out. Her EMP has almost no startup time for how amazing it is and has some really good range (I like what she says when she uses it to, "Apagando las luces," or in English "I'm turning out/off the lights.")
Her biggest weakness is kinda shared with Hanzo and Ana, if she is being closed in on and she doesn't have her TP she doesn't really have anything that makes the opponent respect her. 200 health.
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Matt Ponton

Staff member
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@Argentus: Like Juihau said, I'd wait for the free weekend and get a feel from them before you decide. Pros and cons on each.

Second day on PC and I get my second fave skin in a random loot crate. It was meant to be.


FB your BNET to me so we can play some.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
We tend to want to have full parties when we do play, especially in Competitive. Until Season 3 starts and Sombra comes out we are playing Quick games more and debating who gets to main the new character this time around in Comp.

Speaking of Sombra I checked her out on the PTR. She is really good right now. Her only downside I would say is that she is kinda slow when not stealthed and her hack and Sealth are both broken when taking damage but her Hack is fast enough that if you sneak up on someone they will never be able to react in time. Her primary fire (the SMG) is insane, 60 round magazine, deals about 200 damage in 30 rounds to the body, builds about 34% Ultimate if all rounds hit a target, and has very little spread.
She is a great infighter like Tracer but lacks Tracer's sheer damage output. Sombra starts to drop off at about short mid range combat becasue of her spread but the spread itself is stil better than Soldier's even though he is better at longer ranges.
The Teleport grenade is fun, easily the best mobility tool in the game right now. Her Cooldowns start once her abilities end. Meaning once she stealths her stealth goes on cooldown once the stealth ends. Her teleport starts either once it has been used (the actual teleporting) or the grenade times out. Her EMP has almost no startup time for how amazing it is and has some really good range (I like what she says when she uses it to, "Apagando las luces," or in English "I'm turning out/off the lights.")
Her biggest weakness is kinda shared with Hanzo and Ana, if she is being closed in on and she doesn't have her TP she doesn't really have anything that makes the opponent respect her. 200 health.
I don't have Competitive Mode unlocked yet.

But yeah, I'm in no rush for Sombra. I still need to re-learn how to use everyone for PC. My freewin Tracer from consoles doesn't dominate so much on PC. Luckily, I seem to have retained my mojo with Mercy. for the most part She plays about the same, save that enemy Genjis have become that much more frustrating.


Well-Known Member
wound up getting it on ps4 first since Gamestop was doing a thing and I got it for 39 on sale.

So I have it on ps4 now, so....add me if ya want, just message me. I need/want people to play with.


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They buffed D. Va? Why?

I'll take the insane Mercy buff, though. Even if it was totally unnecessary.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
Her Call Mech, whatever. She got it pretty quickly anyway but the Health Buff was unnecesary. She already laughs at your attempts to hurt her enough as it is.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
And she moves faster while firing. Blerugh.

So how do the rules work on the Arcade mode with the free loot boxes? Do you have to play specific modes to get them, or just every 3 arcade wins you get a new loot box?


Well-Known Member
lol update happened right after I got off and switched monitor to PC. I'll check it when I get off work tonight. Anything different besides Sombra added? Any changes to Zarya or Tracer? (I haven't really messed with any other characters yet)


Well-Known Member
And she moves faster while firing. Blerugh.

So how do the rules work on the Arcade mode with the free loot boxes? Do you have to play specific modes to get them, or just every 3 arcade wins you get a new loot box?
I think both, kind of. You get up to three loot boxes every week with the three arcade wins thing, and certain modes will also give you a loot box for your first win that week.


Well-Known Member
Arcade sounds like the best part. OW's main flaw is the crippling lack of content and variety.

Nevermind, saw the Zarya nerfs. Fuck those people. They say she builds meter too quickly, and yeah I can go juggernaut with her, but I felt like it was balanced by her being basically crippled UNTIL she goes full boar energized. Without her meter, she's JUST slow. With it, she's slow and hits hard. So now she's just slow and easy to kill MOST of the time instead of switching in between more.

nooot liking that change.
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Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Zarya was basically a must pick on every map in serious, competitive play. Probably still is. I'm okay with that one.