Third Costume Pack


Active Member
Okay, srsly...the more I think about it, this makes so. Much. Sense.


TN, if not DOA3 Ending Lei, please give Helena a similar, *casual* young lady of the manor outfit. Nothing too fantasy -- the blouse and long skirt are just perfect. This has been your daily recording of More Street Costumes Plox.


Active Member
Chillax. Why wouldn't they release every piece of clothing ever made for the characters? We'll buy them for moniez!


Well-Known Member
It comes out this Tuesday right? I would have expected more by now. That said, I know that once I say this it'll be flooded with pics of the next pack.


im still curious for the special costume pack =/ but i have to admit kasumi costume looks good and im also guessing wich girls gonna have school uniforms besides kasumi...... what do you think?(wich girls)


Well-Known Member
If we go by DOA3, Kasumi, Ayane, Hitomi & Leifang (i think). I personally don't see Tina getting one, despite how much I'd like it. For kicks, I think Alpha should get one. It would amuse me. What would make sense would be the girls who didn't get cat costumes get schoolgirl outfits, but I'd still rather see the characters who didn't get anything yet get some sort of costumes. Lisa should be left alone for this pack entirely, as she got more than her fair share last time.

Oh, and I know it's not a costume, but Leon would be nice. And Ein. And Tengu.


Well-Known Member
New pack comes out. Lisa = +4 costumes.

+Hitomi denim jacket Lisa
+Helena genie Lisa
+Walking-her-dog Lisa
+State-sanctioned transvaginal ultrasound Lisa

Ssssh! Don't give them ideas!

Would the dog be a playable character? Is transvaginal ultrasound Lisa a minigame? Are there achievements? Is that where they put Leon, Ein & Tengu? SO MANY QUESTIONS!


Hmm... maybe Bass's uniform is his white suit lol. I just feel very disappointed that some get just as much of costumes as the others, probably that's why I'm desperate.


Well-Known Member
Okay, so for the upcoming costume pack what have we got so far?

Kasumi: Sailor/navy schoolgirl outfit

Lei-Fang: black leather top & shorts

Ayane: White top, gym-wear?

Am i missing any? Has anything else been leaked? I didn't buy the last costume pack as there wasn't alot of costumes that appealed to me to justify spending money on it. This pack looks alright so far with the Lei-Fang attire but will wait for a few more before I decide if i should part funds with them.

Some characters are getting the royal VIP treatment & having their wardrobes stuffed with costumes whereas my favorites (excluding Sarah & Ayane) Jann-Lee & Rig barely have undies in their closets. Where is the fan-service for the Jannster? I want to see the man in shades & an epic red jacket with a golden dragon on the back of it.


Well-Known Member
still jack shit for eliot i shocked and amazed. not that i'd actually waste money on any of these costumes especially since only other people that bought them can see them which defeats the entire purpose of dressing eliot in any of his effeminate troll costumes which are the only dlc costumes for him i'd give a shit about


They also need to make sure DLC costumes show up for CPU characters in single player modes and on random select. (Survivial, I'm looking at you:mad:).

Yeah, that was something I really didn't enjoy about the DLC in DoA:D. Maybe when Team Ninja releases the next BIG patch they'll do something about that... maybe...

Vanity Assassin

Active Member
I don't like how they come in a pack, they should do packs and each costume individually, it would be nice to be able to buy a specific costume for whomever you want instead of wasting money on a whole pack.