Tougeki 2012

Hurricane Rev

Active Member
Wow! SBO is sounding like it was terrible this year and it is a shame to hear that. I can't believe that you have to pay in order for you to watch SBO live. That is a let down really.

KOF06: thanks a lot for posting your experience at SBO. By any chance, did you see Kayane playing DOA5 at SBO?


Well-Known Member
I wonder if the Christie player could've followed up with 4k2kpp on the second 6k rebound near the wall at the 0:21 mark.

For terminology clarification. It's not a rebound (I'm not even sure what that is). It's just an attack that floats the opponent high enough to keep your juggle.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
For terminology clarification. It's not a rebound (I'm not even sure what that is). It's just an attack that floats the opponent high enough to keep your juggle.
YEah that was weird. That kick has some crazy juggling against walls.


Well-Known Member
It look like some moves that in DOA4 would have thrown down the opponent on a repeat hit can still juggle. Just properties that have been changed around.

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Yes, as others said, thanks for sharing your experience and thank you the info! :D

QUESTION: You said, "No new costume expect 2 other colors for Lei Fang's Chinese dress (blue and white)."

So you mean they actually take up other costume slots and are NOT button inputs or maybe even a sub menu to choose different colors?
It would be nice for a sub menu for hair changes and all that stuff. And also for it to appear when selecting the character.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
For terminology clarification. It's not a rebound (I'm not even sure what that is). It's just an attack that floats the opponent high enough to keep your juggle.
I see. Thanks for the correction.


Well-Known Member

Hayate might be strong enough .. hes just ... dry ... >__>

Ya know I just noticed that Kasumi, Ryu, Ayane and Hayate/Ein are always in the same slots in every version of DoA while the rest of the cast gets shuffled around into different spots >_>

Doug Nguyen

Well-Known Member
Ya know I just noticed that Kasumi, Ryu, Ayane and Hayate/Ein are always in the same slots in every version of DoA while the rest of the cast gets shuffled around into different spots >_>
Each character is placed where they have similarities or some kind of a relationship. One is on the top and one is on the bottom.