Tougeki 2012


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guys .. i just couldn't help myself.. it had to be done >___>
I present to you... the SHINBOTROLL!

And here's a blank one... go crazy guys! :p


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Interviewer: Will Ryo Hazuki be a guest character in the game?

Shimbori: Of course! Akira will just be borrowing his wardrobe.


For Lei Fang yeah it's use other slots. Input is only for customization like glasses or hat (or panties color)
Well I'm not saying Hayate is too weak ^^ Just feel limit on his gameplay.

On the demo, I notice something strange with Bass
:3_::4::6::F+P: I can do it with a dash and :426::F+P:
I hope they will fix it.

Mochi-A came a little for show us the power of Akira. Akira don't have a lot of combo with big damage but he looks have some unblockable combos with guard break.

Good stuff. Glad you could post your experience for us

Thanks ! I hope for DoA5 Japanese will show more stuff. There are too discrete. They have strong players a good community so I really hope they will make more update when the game will arrive and stay in the dark.

I didn't see Kayane playing because DoA5 was on the same time than soulcalibur. Even if Tougeki's event wasn't good, I'm sure everybody had fun. Just the price wasn't correct for what they gave.

Hayashi also confirm DoA5 for the next Tougeki.


Master Ninja
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Mochi-A! I miss that guy. Been years since I last saw him. Gotta get him over to the states again. I'll even pay for his hotel.


Active Member
Thanks for the information !
BTW. did you see Sarah's second costume ?
Edit: OK, found that, it's the black one from VF5.


yeah the problem is when I want do a :426::F+P:if I dashed before TFBB comes. I can undersant if I do :3::3: for dashing but
I remeber little by little new stuff of the game. Well may be it was said before...
Everybody saw the doa5 balance test combo video 1. The combo with Lei fang after the :4::F+P: near a wall. She do :3::P::2::P:. You see this animation of the stun. If I understood, you can't turn back during this stun. So she can do it 2times before the launch. May be I wrong but it's what I understood.


Active Member
Seeing Christie knee Lisa against the wall like that, THAT ALONE, makes the game look and feel completely different from any other DOA game.

x Sypher x

Active Member
Is it just me or have they increased the movement speed since the E3 build? Maybe it's just been a while since I've seen a match. It seems to be on par with 3.1 speed, if not faster. Can someone verify this?

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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I've heard similar, that the free step system has been loosened more so you might be able to actually free step linear attacks.


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
yeah the problem is when I want do a :426::F+P:if I dashed before TFBB comes. I can undersant if I do :3::3: for dashing but
I remeber little by little new stuff of the game. Well may be it was said before...
Everybody saw the doa5 balance test combo video 1. The combo with Lei fang after the :4::F+P: near a wall. She do :3::P::2::P:. You see this animation of the stun. If I understood, you can't turn back during this stun. So she can do it 2times before the launch. May be I wrong but it's what I understood.

Haha, wow. Okay, this sounds pretty broke. Kind of hard to understand you, but I get the gist of it.

Were you using the stick or the pad? I remember that if you have analogue functionality on in DOA2H, the engine just fills in the gaps for you, but sometimes ends up giving you random directions for a move.


Well-Known Member
yeah the problem is when I want do a :426::F+P:if I dashed before TFBB comes. I can undersant if I do :3::3: for dashing but

Just free-cancel after the dash.

I've heard similar, that the free step system has been loosened more so you might be able to actually free step linear attacks.

Free step movement speed is character specific, just like back dash and forward dash. At least it was at E3...