"VG Music Thread"


Active Member
I listen to tons of vg music every weekday while working or reading stuff on forums.
And on the iPod for the weekend commute to the family.

BlazBlue CPE has been my main game the past month or so. Here are some favs:

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Well-Known Member
I'm kind of sad Mitsuda will never work on a big project with Masato Kato again. I'm also kind of sad there are no full orchestra medleys for Xenogears, sigh.

Another "WHY DOES THIS GAME HAVE NO LIVE ORCHESTRA PERFORMANCES?!?!" moment. Motoi Sakuraba can be terribly mediocre (Tales games coughcough), but with the Baten Kaitos games he really outdid himself. It has such delightfully majestic music.

For something completely different:
Sexy song version:


Well-Known Member
I listen to tons of vg music every weekday while working or reading stuff on forums.
And on the iPod for the weekend commute to the family.

BlazBlue CPE has been my main game the past month or so. Here are some favs:

Still waiting for the CPE soundtrack for one track in particular.


Active Member
I wish they'd release the rest of the music to iTunes. No DLC character tunes are for sale. :(

Here's some more music I wish I could find & buy. I found Space Pirates on iTunes & two other tracks for free. But there's so much more.

Don't see a way to use a link or spoiler tags, so I'll just go with two for now.
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Premium Donor
Here are some of my favorite tracks from these underrated but awesome games, there's no KOF Maximum Impact 3 by the way. ;)
Infectious Love
Gloom of the Cowman
Reasons of the Battle
Nice tracks! and sorry I meant 2, my phone always acts weird with it's "auto correct" XD