The DOA5U "Casual" thread. ^__^

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Dr Snipe

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I literally shouted that and made my room-mate jump
They had a 3DS game and it seems Nintendo is willing to shell out the cash for one.


Well-Known Member
i looked that game up on youtube, people don't seem to care for it very much o.o
You're right, from what I've heard that game is extremely bad.

EDIT: We should give that Kenyan girl some curly hair.
yaknow, objectively, it should be bad, but I just had a blast playing it. its the game equivalent of a B movie. so many zombies in a cramped hallway your sword gets gunked up after a few swings, some can regenerate, will try to run up and kick you if their torsos are cut off, using weapons, etc, and just for the hell of t, half the zombies are on fire lol.
you speak of it like its innovative but in reality its just a shitty hack in slash with weird/perverted elements

if you want weird, innovative, AND good just look at some Atlus titles
well..those games don't let me suplex a zombie so hard its upper body explodes all over the pavement, then its legs stand back up and try to kick me. I'm sorry,the 360 onechanbara game was just a ton of fun lol. gun girl keep firing pistols, reload in a cool slick way, keep firing, meters full, get down on one knee and use meter for DAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKADAKKA, Pistols run out, switch to shotgun and smg, do a knee slide to shoot a zombie with a shotgun, launching it in the air, smg fire to keep it in the air, then lean back and do a 360 degree smg spin john woo style, hitting surrounding zombies, airborne zombie falls, step on it and fire shotgun at an angle so the zombie flies out from under your boot, then do a leaping heqdshot at a final zombie, smg and shotgun are out, switch to pistols, chuck a grenade to cover while I reload, resume dakka. IIs the game clunky and unpolished? oh absolutely. but it is also awesome. II don't even remember that the game is supposed to have sex appeal lol.


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So, anyways. I think DOA6 needs a female like Sheva Alomar. It would be very interesting.

Nah. We need a badass cockney girl like Marissa Ronson, aka, Tweed.
and the back of that jacket has a bitchin phoenix emblem. seriously, fav re character EVAR and I wqnt a girl like her in DOA. llet her have Krav Maga or whatever.


Well-Known Member
If anyone in the resident universe should be in this game, it's helena harper
Make her a more aggressive version of lisa because she has a deja vu, drop kick and other stuff


Well-Known Member
If anyone in the resident universe should be in this game, it's helena harper
Make her a more aggressive version of lisa because she has a deja vu, drop kick and other stuff
eewwww that 70s housewife perm (plus her near Sheva levels of dumbassery, seriously "You should go after her, Leon!" well, gee, dipshit, I'd love to, but the zombie armageddon makes it hard to get over to that other tower as she batgrapples away!) turns me off so much. I say stick with Marissa, she's awesome.


Well-Known Member
Tecmo Koei announcing a Fatal Frame sequel... for the Wii U... SMH
Honestly, I'm not surprised. Every new Fatal Frame game since 2008 has been published by Nintendo (FF4, Wii remake of FF2, Spirit Camera). They clearly have a strong business relationship, if not some kind of deal in place.

On the positive side, this one is far more likely to see an English release, given Nintendo's recent backing of titles like Bayonetta 2, they're clearly more open to Mature-rated exclusives than they have been in the past, and there's the fact that the Wii U is still trailing behind the Xbone and PS4, so they probably can't afford to be stingy about the "family-friendly" image of their consoles anymore like they could with games on the money-printer that was the Wii.


Well-Known Member
is fatal frame easy to get in to? i just looked it up and it sounds interesting, but i dont really want to have to play all the games to be able to play the new one and understand it


Well-Known Member
is fatal frame easy to get in to? i just looked it up and it sounds interesting, but i dont really want to have to play all the games to be able to play the new one and understand it
The stories aren't really connected. I think it's just one character from the original pops up in the 3rd game and that's it.


Well-Known Member
Tweed inspired me. sketch page of all haracters I'm concepting. left s reimagined Nicole(MIST chief of security), middle is Vanessa the club/rave girl (Zack fan), and new military girl, placeholder name, "Sasha".


Well-Known Member
is fatal frame easy to get in to? i just looked it up and it sounds interesting, but i dont really want to have to play all the games to be able to play the new one and understand it

They are separate stories on the most part. The control scheme is a bit weird to get used to with the fixed angle(at least in FF3) but that in itself scared me a few times. I scare paused the game after running a corner, popping the view finder with this insta popping.



Well-Known Member
If there's a new character please give them a big old bitch slap like leon and groin shot
Also an attack like rachel's grounded 2k that doesn't force tech but it's not abuseable


Well-Known Member
cool ideas, will you be coloring these too?
eventually. refine the designs first. recycle Mila croptop costume for Sasha. OOoh, backstory! Sasha was the sniper Donovan sent after Bayman! she lost her left eye in the attempt, losing her Sniping career. wwants payback. maybe merge with Korean soldier idea.
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Well-Known Member
Started Fatal Frame 2 ..... never got pass the first 15 mins..
Speaking volume was so low... but the sound effects are so damn loud...
> 3 < So... I stopped.. aha But I'll play this new fatal frame! I just gotta man up.


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Because Nintendo loves to take risks and put out the money for us western audience, I love them.
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