Why is DOA such a stereotyped game?


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You know what, I am just about sick of people feeling the need to justify liking a videogame to others or appearing to be more "professional" to the FGC(seriously, fuck these pompous assholes in suits). People don't know how this game works and don't really care about how this game works because they they feel as though "no matter how ass I am at the game I play at least I don't play DOA!"(someone in my local FGC actually said something along these lines when I politely tried to get him on DOA). They don't give a fuck.

Some people may think I am trying to be "e-thug tough guy bitch"(the hell does that even mean anyways?) but you have to know how to say "I'm done" and just focus on the things you can change, like getting some of the online people to show up at the gatherings. There are a shitload of people who don't know what offline with another player feels like but when they taste it they cant go back. These are the people we need not some pompous assholes in suits that haven't won anything in years laughing at a game they cant play.


Well-Known Member
One thing that bothers me a lot is the stereotype most non-DOA players have about DOA. They call the DOA players 'perverts' and 'people who don't take fighting games seriously'. It angers me when people say such things. Moreover, a stereotype can really hinder the growth of our community, since it leads to less people wanting to enter the DOA series because they don't want to be labeled as a pervert. For example, I came across this post on 9gag:


Source: http://9gag.com/gag/a9PMO9j

I know this picture shouldn't be taken too seriously at all, but people seemed to do so in the comment section. One person asked why liking the game Dead or Alive makes you a pervert. Some replies to this question were the following:

''It's a Japanese fighting game and it has sexy cute girls. There are even nude mods for it.''
''The only thing more in depth than the counter system in DOA are the breast physics.''
''Google it... the name has nothing to do with its content. It's all about half naked girls.''

Why doesn't DOA get taken seriously as a fighting game? Overall, people seem to underestimate the true complexity of DOA. They only hold the stereotype of DOA as an over-sexualized game with no deep mechanics at all. In fact, some people don't even realize that DOA has male characters in the game!

The question obviously is here: Why is DOA such a stereotyped game? I mean, Soul Calibur and Tekken have sexy girls too, right? Why do those games get respected and treated as a ''real fighting game'', but DOA does not? This is something I've always wondered. More importantly, what can we do as a community to reduce or even potentially eliminate this stereotype?
look jaimy doa has TONS of bikini's etc i get why people think that but still it doesnt make sense they shouldn't judge a book by its cover because it makes no sense i love doa because its the first fighting game i ever played not even tekken or streetfighter anyways i get your point doa actually has an interesting story and those people only judge on rumors so fuck them lol


Well-Known Member
I heard someone quote Tom Lee that if tournament numbers don't see a boost soon, then the team will have to focus on dlc content rather than balance patching.

I hope that this isn't true... :( From my personal situation I'm more affected from DLC contents but DoA as a fighting game needs to remain alive both under the casual and competitive matters, so with a support even on the actual balancing - the core of every fighting games -


Well-Known Member
I didn't know Game Theory covered DoA....
That's because they just made that video today. It's an interesting theory though. I have never seen all those fanservice costumes from the perspective of deliberately imposing a disadvantage on your opponent. I doubt TN has made those costumes with that exact intention though.... probably only for the $$$.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
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@Mr. Wah what are your thoughts on this?

Curious why you tagged me?

Otherwise, I disagree with his theory that the sexy outfits provide an inherent competitive advantage. He even disproves it by pointing out that players get numb to it. Changing costumes won't matter in the end as his counter-counter-point suggests. That's because a competitive player is already numb to all the costumes and doesn't get "sexually aroused" at a tournament by the sexy outfits.

He's looking at the wrong side of the coin here. He's arguing against the ban from a perspective of the player. The ban was from the perspective of the spectator who isn't numb to the outfits. Which makes them think the game has nothing to offer since it must be using what is considered the lowest common denominator to advertising. So all they remember of the game is "it's the pervert/sexy/pedo game", and is all the new player is gaining from this first view of the game.

As for the costume ban itself, it was in effect for the two events it was tried at. It just wasn't posted online until after those two test runs. The players in the event were the ones who wanted to push for the change, and you can hear them in commentary of the tournaments saying things like, "Man, had to pick the V swimsuit...".
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Well-Known Member
@Mr. Wah what are your thoughts on this?
This guy is an idiot. He harps on doa girls being underage when 16 or lower is the age of consent in plenty of states and most of Europe. His point is shameless clickbait, I highly doubt anyone that wasn't just a horny teenager has lost any matches because they were ogling Sarah's high heels.

Honestly announcing that ban was a really bad idea, it would have been better to just tell that to people that got on stream at the actual tournament, or just make the stream console one without any DLC. I doubt anyone would have made a fuss, and we could have avoided all of those complications.


Well-Known Member
Okay if I had to be honest.... I don't like Mat Pat....... they should have gotten Jirard to do this one.... I consider him to be abit more knowledgeable.

As for the actual content being discussed..... @Mr. Wah pretty much said what I was thinking.

Matt Ponton

Staff member
Standard Donor
Honestly announcing that ban was a really bad idea, it would have been better to just tell that to people that got on stream at the actual tournament, or just make the stream console one without any DLC. I doubt anyone would have made a fuss, and we could have avoided all of those complications.

It certainly was blown way out of proportion, but let's really not go into this discussion again.


Premium Donor
Once you've seen all the fan service DOA has to offer, like Mr. Wah said, you get used to it. Kasumi's violet bikini used to get me so worked up, but now it's just another costume that I select every now and then. My 11 year old sister used to be grossed out by all the sexiness, but now she's used to it too, and she's not bothered whenever I choose a bikini or put the breast setting on OMG. Over time once you actually sit down and see the fighting system, you'll begin to look past the sexiness and see the beauty in the complexity of how the game works. If only the majority of the FGC could look past the fan service, and see the game for what it really is...:(


Well-Known Member
Well, they have target audience. The target audience is (straight) male and they know what's up with male and so they take advantage of it.

They've done it and successful with it. And with DOA5 new style, they've grabbed new group of audience, which is people like me who like more realism in an art style.

And yeah, like someone previously say, people see how they want to see. None of my gamer friends play DOA and my fellow avid gamer friend always say that I play DOA only for boobs, which is wrong. I like how smooth DOA is (and my fetish is at bottom part, seriously), that's all.

And in the first post, the comic says COD player as "Bros"??? I bet the comic artist is COD player himself. Because I (and some other people) see COD players as "informative kids who have fked my mom"


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If those who complain about bikini collection in DOA are basically gay guys, then I won't be wondering anymore.
Actually, they're really not. Most of the "not-open" gay players seem to remain pretty quiet about the issue.


Well-Known Member
Actually, they're really not. Most of the "not-open" gay players seem to remain pretty quiet about the issue.

I think its unfortunate that they can't put themselves out there without being ridiculed for who they are.


Well-Known Member
I think its unfortunate that they can't put themselves out there without being ridiculed for who they are.

Apparently all my gay male friends are pretty quiet and accept what there is.

So I imagine if they play DOA, they won't complain about why there's no cocksocks DLC for the guys. :p