Final Fantasy Thread


Premium Donor
He means well XD. And that game type set up still does work for games like Dragon Quest and Persona 4, it just evolves over time.


Well-Known Member
You have me legitimately curious though. What makes you think nowdays we can't have turn based/atb battles in AAA games? They seem to do well enough on handhelds...


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
You have me legitimately curious though. What makes you think nowdays we can't have turn based/atb battles in AAA games? They seem to do well enough on handhelds...

I personally don't like turn based combat. AAA games can do whatever they want. I won't be playing them though if I find certain game mechanics not appealing anymore.


Well-Known Member
Wait did people not enjoy FFX's combat system? I personally enjoyed it. That whole game though I enjoyed even though the bosses were stressful.

I still haven't tried out the demo yet for it so at some point I'll have to check that out.

PS: We haven't had news for Dissidia in a while.


Well-Known Member
I like turn based where I have a lot of time to think about what I'm going to do. I just got into Disgaea 5 partially for that reason. The other parts were it was on sale for $24 and the stats cap at 40,000,000 instead of 255 or 9999 or 99999 like FF which is fun to aim for (for me probably not many others lol)


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For the heads up, one individual's pros+cons does not automatically state the game in it's entirety. WoFF was alright, the game would of attracted a shit ton more attention if it was reverted to the Dissidia style rather than pushing people away in an art style that does not appeal to the entire masses of players.

Thats how all FFs before XII/XIII played though lol

No it wasn't. There was tons of other FFs that barely had linear progression at all. FFXIII was linear as hell. You even have backtracking options for places you missed in the old ones. FFXIII you are only allowed to backtrack to post-game content. Don't even get me started with Lightning Returns that is basically taking Valkyrie Profile 1's route with forcing a player into dealing with the story, with no option to properly backtrack intelligently added with the fact that you have to be conservative with time in such cases. That is a terrible function completely and must be thrown out the window.

As for the combat system, it solely depends on the circumstances here. There are boring turn-based/ATB gauges with OP/terrible engaging systems, and there are good ones with intelligent mechanics to back it up as well as the story to continue on to that without having to worry about the system in play. It's outdated, but it is nowhere near a bad system. What are we? 9 years old? - If they don't like turn based that's on them and we have to respect that because that system doesn't stick to everyone and that's understandable, however people can't be catered to their needs because it's "what they want". One dislike to the game does not automatically justify the resulting factor of why the game is bad. It's merely a manner of personal taste.
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Well-Known Member
By that statement I was mainly reffering to his point on the battle system, and there were quite a few FFs that were linear but didnt feel like it too much. VII and VIII are perfect examples.

What is it with everyone and LRs time mechanic?? It really doesn't rush you whatsoever the only time(heh) that the clock is even a problem is if you run away from battles alot or are playing on Hard Mode and even then thats a stretch.

It doesn't really force you into the story either, you CAN choose not to do anything story wise until near the end, the only drawback being you have to fight + or ++ varients of bosses.


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1) FFVII was merely following the traditional FF style along with FFVIII because that is an era where it was the most justified into doing it without putting too much focus on free movement and going with the aspect of true story telling. The story is what counts in those games, and if they have to do it via turn-based so be it because turn-based by default was not a bad system anyway. There were some implements in there for the system that makes the characters overpowered completely even early in the game (FFVIII), but none of that truly matters if the story is great to completely back that all up as well as post-game content that makes you test yourself against the system in play. In terms of mechanics, there were some simple stuff within the past ones with moderate depth functions. It's just the possibility on you completing the game with turn-based in simplistic linear manners but even in logic that there is actual depth in those mechanics, just not as super recommended compared to most RPGs because the developers want you to at least beat the game with nothing holding you back.

2) LR's time mechanic is atrocious. It does not determine what makes the game. Basically they added a function that wasn't following standard RPG protocols here. This isn't something where it's like "Well they wanted to try something new." because in doing that causes too much emphasis to that rather than the entire point of an FF game. If you want the best out of the game, you have to go through that initial problem which is what I'm getting at because it's pinpointing such issues on what's holding these things back. Valkyrie Profile 1 did that and they later fixed it in Valkyrie Profile 2: Silmeria where it topples the first one completely because nobody has time for that. Literally pun intended.

3) If you want the best out of it, yes it does force you. Choosing not to do the story is an option but what good does that do in solving the core problem here. Basically they have potential to fix what FFXIII/FFXIII-2 couldn't do but they didn't, instead they wanted to properly find the way to end the series completely and by that choice was the most sane choice of them all.
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Well-Known Member
The first time I played Lightning Returns I had to rest for 6 or 5 days, and I had completed every main/side quest.
The thing is that there's a clock that makes you rush through the game on the first playthrough because you cannot know how long the game is or if you'll be able to finish it in time, and being forced to rush makes you uncomfortable.
I enjoyed much more my second playthrough since I knew there was plenty of time to finish everything slowly.
In conclusion, the time mechaninc and the day/night cycle itself was not that bad (it was pretty good imo and even FFXV has a day/night cycle), but the "XX days left" thing should have never existed.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
I didn't like the mechanic because many enemies went extinct from me using the time stop ability every time it expired and I had a constant need to be ready to activate it asap. The game forces you to play kinda quickly when you aren't actively trying to take your time doing things.


Well-Known Member
I can't play LR without getting stressed out entirely because of the time mechanic but that's just me. Even if the time limit is lenient in a game, just the fact that it's there makes me freak out and rush everything lol. I have multiple Atelier games but didn't beat one until they lifted the time limit in Shallie


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I didn't like the mechanic because many enemies went extinct from me using the time stop ability every time it expired and I had a constant need to be ready to activate it asap. The game forces you to play kinda quickly when you aren't actively trying to take your time doing things.

That's more of an active turn based rather than the wait versions. Most RPGs even have the options for turn-based to convert to wait times while keeping the difficulty still the same. Even some where going into the game's tech menus or items automatically puts the battle into wait mode until you get out of that particular menu and back on the active default screen.


Premium Donor
I wanted LR when I was old enough to get it but I kinda declined since the game seemed like a rehash of the previous two games with Lightning in my eyes. Plus I don't like timers


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I platinum'd those three already and never again, XIII-2 had two trophies involving paradox endings and amassing those casino coins. Casino coins trophy took awhile for me to get motivated because it was super tedious with the slot machines. The others were fun to get coins but those get boring quick too.

Paradox endings left me no choice but to look up online on how to get specific ones. Some of that stuff left you blank (at least for me).


Well-Known Member
I platinum'd those three already and never again, XIII-2 had two trophies involving paradox endings and amassing those casino coins. Casino coins trophy took awhile for me to get motivated because it was super tedious with the slot machines. The others were fun to get coins but those get boring quick too.

Paradox endings left me no choice but to look up online on how to get specific ones. Some of that stuff left you blank (at least for me).

Lol I remember when I started getting all the paradox endings and the crystals and that casino slot machine was so long to do! I got it though. I really enjoyed FFXIII series though. I enjoyed the FFX series too but I didn't get the celestial weapons like that one where you have to win the chocobo race, I did get every Aeon though.


Well-Known Member
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Lol I remember when I started getting all the paradox endings and the crystals and that casino slot machine was so long to do! I got it though. I really enjoyed FFXIII series though. I enjoyed the FFX series too but I didn't get the celestial weapons like that one where you have to win the chocobo race, I did get every Aeon though.

Oh man, FFX. The celestial weapon for Lulu on dodging the lightning was one of them. You have to literally dodge 200 lightning bolts. Wakka's wasn't as bad via Blitzball, but to get Lulu's celestial weapon was shocking. (Lol oh god see what I did there?)

But in all seriousness, that one was pretty tough on patience.


Well-Known Member
Played the World of Final Fantasy demo and overall didn't like it. :/

- very cute art style
- past FF protagonists
- capturing monsters

- bad tech for such a simple art style (low quality polygon assets, blurry textures, undetailed game world, loading times etc.)
- very linear progression
- boring, tedious combat system
- awful story (not in the demo but we know that from reviews.)
- awful main characters (not in the demo but we also know that.)
sounds about right. looked like cheap cash grab banking entirely on the novelty of past protagonists.

the chibi style turned me off entirely.


FSD | Nichol
Premium Donor
That's more of an active turn based rather than the wait versions. Most RPGs even have the options for turn-based to convert to wait times while keeping the difficulty still the same. Even some where going into the game's tech menus or items automatically puts the battle into wait mode until you get out of that particular menu and back on the active default screen.
Was referencing LR's time system.