Injustice 2


Well-Known Member
Now there's a Wonder Woman.
Aww thanks for the compliment. I couldn't stand how plain she looked at this point. I sent this picture to Ed boon, that's right Ed Boon on twitter. I showed him my touch up. I understand she's an Amazon, but he have to remember, she's a beautiful one. Not some regular female looking warrior.


Well-Known Member
So long as its not the shitty TV show version of reverse flash.

And oh god is that the will smith dead shot? Please tell me no.

I wouldn't mind Firestorm.

My thing is I just don't want the shitty TV show versions. as an alternate costume fine whatever but that's it.

The TV version of Reverse Flash is quite good, though I suppose you are not a fan of the show, but that is fine. Obviously it not going to be just like comics which some people expect, but Reverse Flash from the tv show is awesome.


Well-Known Member
The TV version of Reverse Flash is quite good, though I suppose you are not a fan of the show, but that is fine. Obviously it not going to be just like comics which some people expect, but Reverse Flash from the tv show is awesome.

Not if you're familiar with the various Reverse Flashes of the comics, no. The TV version is ridiculously lame by comparison.

The Rival/Professor Zoom/Zoom/Inertia all blow the cliche badly written TV version out of the water.

The TV Zoom only seems awese because its the better part of a show that's otherwise total shit

I'm sorry I cannot STAND the CW show. It makes me cringe and roll my eyes every few seconds, due to the just plain awful writing taking what should be interesting characters and making them bland and cliche.

Turning Barry Allen into Peter Parker

Giving the flash a "team" like Arrow. Why the fuck does the FLASH have a "team"?!

Turning Girder from this politically incorrect blue collar golem made of industrial debris, into a low budget Colossus who is a hack writing Hollywood bully completely with cliche "I have to stand up to my childhood bully" bullshit from The Flash.

Turning Pied Piper from the friendly ally criminal into a cliche "jealous weasel" and making him into a copy of The Shocker power wise so the name doesn't even make SENSE anymore.

Then turning Firestorm into this angsty hothead. HEY DUMBASSES HIS POWERS ARENT ACTUALLY FIRE! the flames represent chemical reactions and fusion, his powers are Full metal Alchemist style alchemical transmutations.

Turning Captain Cold into a cliche "ice cold killer" who stole his gun, which defeats the entire fucking point of the character. (The point is he's a regular blue collar guy with a code of ethics who manages to go toe to toe with a living god like The Flash.)

And so on and so forth.

Then for Reverse Flash they just kinda make up unrelated characters and slap the names on there.

And just general hack writing like the sixth or seventh episode is Barry getting an ego as his powers go to his head and he has to learn a lesson in humility. Since fucking WHEN?! all episodes prior he's been insecure and obviously not the type to get an ego like that. They just pulled out a cliche plot to fill an episode even though it doesn't make a lick of sense.

Then moronic wastes of power like just running back and forth on The Mist instead of making wind funnels to deal with him.

And generally making him a total moron who has to have his support team tell him how to use his powers all the time.

Honestly it was so bad I couldn't even finish the first season.

And yet the only good DC show, Constantine, was cancelled -_-


Well-Known Member
Not if you're familiar with the various Reverse Flashes of the comics, no. The TV version is ridiculously lame by comparison.

The Rival/Professor Zoom/Zoom/Inertia all blow the cliche badly written TV version out of the water.

The TV Zoom only seems awese because its the better part of a show that's otherwise total shit

I'm sorry I cannot STAND the CW show. It makes me cringe and roll my eyes every few seconds, due to the just plain awful writing taking what should be interesting characters and making them bland and cliche.

Turning Barry Allen into Peter Parker

Giving the flash a "team" like Arrow. Why the fuck does the FLASH have a "team"?!

Turning Girder from this politically incorrect blue collar golem made of industrial debris, into a low budget Colossus who is a hack writing Hollywood bully completely with cliche "I have to stand up to my childhood bully" bullshit from The Flash.

Turning Pied Piper from the friendly ally criminal into a cliche "jealous weasel" and making him into a copy of The Shocker power wise so the name doesn't even make SENSE anymore.

Turning Captain Cold into a cliche "ice cold killer" who stole his gun, which defeats the entire fucking point of the character. (The point is he's a regular blue collar guy with a code of ethics who manages to go toe to toe with a living god like The Flash.)

And so on and so forth.

Then for Reverse Flash they just kinda make up unrelated characters and slap the names on there.

And just general hack writing like the sixth or seventh episode is Barry getting an ego as his powers go to his head and he has to learn a lesson in humility. Since fucking WHEN?! all episodes prior he's been insecure and obviously not the type to get an ego like that. They just pulled out a cliche plot to fill an episode even though it doesn't make a lick of sense.

Then moronic wastes of power like just running back and forth on The Mist instead of making wind funnels to deal with him.

And generally making him a total moron who has to have his support team tell him how to use his powers all the time.

Honestly it was so bad I couldn't even finish the first season.

And yet the only good DC show, Constantine, was cancelled -_-

As I suspected you are comparing Comic book version of character with the TV version of the character. These are 2 different takes on the character. Yeah they are different from comics but does that make it bad? No. It's a decent show. Though it's your opinion on it, but Barry did get an ego a lot of times like when he had Zoom beat than he got overconfident and result was having his powers taken away.

Again, TV versions of characters will be different from comics. Captain Cold in comics is boring, but tv version of him is. Very interesting.


Well-Known Member
As I suspected you are comparing Comic book version of character with the TV version of the character. These are 2 different takes on the character. Yeah they are different from comics but does that make it bad? No. It's a decent show. Though it's your opinion on it, but Barry did get an ego a lot of times like when he had Zoom beat than he got overconfident and result was having his powers taken away.

Again, TV versions of characters will be different from comics. Captain Cold in comics is boring, but tv version of him is. Very interesting.

Other way around. TV version of Cold is ridiculously boring (its just the same criminal you've seen on TV hundreds of times, just he has an ice gun now) while comics Cold is actually interesting and has some depth.

And I know TV show versions will be different. That's not what makes it bad.

What makes it bad is that its just BAD all on its own. They literally strip out anything that made the Flash characters interesting and replace them with these bland generic CW stock characters. And the writing is so hacky its cringe inducing.

Just saying "this is a different take on the character" isn't some get out of jail free card. See how well that shit worked out for the last Fantastic Four and Batman v Superman?!

If you're gonna make a comic adaptation, then make a fucking adaptation. I don't wanna see your retarded "interpretation" that always misses the fucking point.

Like the Nolan movies got away with it because despite not even TRYING to adapt batman characters, the writing was amazing so they are good movies in their own right.

Keep in mind I'm not some kind of purist who hates any kind of change to the characters. I just have some semblance of standards. They aren't even HIGH standards. The cw flash just doesn't even meet THOSE standards. Like my standards are just "needs to at least be somewhere in the ballpark". Nope, the writers couldn't even handle that much.

And it honestly is depressing to hear people think its a good show. Its like what the fuck is your frame of reference?! Do you people even HAVE standards, or are we just proving the "mindless television" stereotype right?!

Granted I didn't bother with the second season, I've been told it gets better but these were the same people who said the first season was so good and that was an outright lie.

And again. I could overlook all the bad changes if at least the writing was good. But it is GODAWFUL.

If they put Zoom in I hope its the original Hunter Solomon since he was the best version with his time dilation powers making him totally OP. The eobard Thawne version (professor zoom) was JUST an "evil flash" and nothing more to him


Well-Known Member
Other way around. TV version of Cold is ridiculously boring (its just the same criminal you've seen on TV hundreds of times, just he has an ice gun now) while comics Cold is actually interesting and has some depth.

And I know TV show versions will be different. That's not what makes it bad.

What makes it bad is that its just BAD all on its own. They literally strip out anything that made the Flash characters interesting and replace them with these bland generic CW stock characters. And the writing is so hacky its cringe inducing.

Just saying "this is a different take on the character" isn't some get out of jail free card. See how well that shit worked out for the last Fantastic Four and Batman v Superman?!

If you're gonna make a comic adaptation, then make a fucking adaptation. I don't wanna see your retarded "interpretation" that always misses the fucking point.

Like the Nolan movies got away with it because despite not even TRYING to adapt batman characters, the writing was amazing so they are good movies in their own right.

Keep in mind I'm not some kind of purist who hates any kind of change to the characters. I just have some semblance of standards. They aren't even HIGH standards. The cw flash just doesn't even meet THOSE standards. Like my standards are just "needs to at least be somewhere in the ballpark". Nope, the writers couldn't even handle that much.

And it honestly is depressing to hear people think its a good show. Its like what the fuck is your frame of reference?! Do you people even HAVE standards, or are we just proving the "mindless television" stereotype right?!

Granted I didn't bother with the second season, I've been told it gets better but these were the same people who said the first season was so good and that was an outright lie.

And again. I could overlook all the bad changes if at least the writing was good. But it is GODAWFUL.

If they put Zoom in I hope its the original Hunter Solomon since he was the best version with his time dilation powers making him totally OP. The eobard Thawne version (professor zoom) was JUST an "evil flash" and nothing more to him

Sorry but comic book version of the character is boring, especially when there are much cooler characters(no pun intended) like Mr. Freeze and Killer Frost.

People have the right to like what they want. Majority of comic book fans enjoy it too and know it not going to be like the comics. What you think is good may be bad to others and what you may think is bad may be good to others.

Also as we are on the subject, DC has written many bad comics with many bland characters.


Well-Known Member
Sorry but comic book version of the character is boring, especially when there are much cooler characters(no pun intended) like Mr. Freeze and Killer Frost.

People have the right to like what they want. Majority of comic book fans enjoy it too and know it not going to be like the comics. What you think is good may be bad to others and what you may think is bad may be good to others.

Also as we are on the subject, DC has written many bad comics with many bland characters.

FYI killer frost has NEVER been interesting aside from the justice league cartoon which was a completely new version that was actually good.

And freeze was literally forgotten until the 90s cartoon gave him the frozen wife thing which is literally the ONLY interesting thing about him.

Both of those are examples of shows doing different takes of characters that are BETTER than the originals. The CW captain cold on the other hand does the opposite

They took those blue collar guy who accidentally invented a gun that slows down molecules with ice as a side effect (do you really think a regular ass freeze gun would mean anything against the Flash? The original version actually slows him down, that's how Cold can go up against him), and organizes other blue collar criminals into essentially the cities mafia with a strict code of conduct.

The TV show version? Just a regular ice cold killer who steals a freeze ray (which also means he can't make another if you take it away, I don't care how much baD writers say he disassembled and reassembled it that doesn't mean he understands it), who really enjoys being an over the top supervillain. Not only should he not be a threat to the flash AT ALL as they wrote him (again bad writing) but there's no depth to him.

And you can like something that's fine but that doesn't make it GOOD. Hell I love the super Mario bros movie. Its still a badmovie XD.

But also the primary reason I suggest Hunter Zolomon Zoom over the other reverse Flashes is because he's the only one who actually has different powers, which means more gameplay variety. Zoom isn't a speedster like Flash, he's a time manipulator that winds up looking like super speed. He doesn't move the same, have the same speed trails, or have the same abilities.


Well-Known Member
I don't really care much about Killer Frost, but when comparing to Capitain Cold? She is more interesting.

And at the same time it doesn't make it bad either. Average rating for show is 85% so it is well received. Now I'm not saying that the show is hollywood tier, so it not the greatest, but not bad either. It is decent.

I really don't have a problem with the Flash as I enjoyed the potrayal of the characters, the only problem I have with it as some others also do are main villains being only speedsters and shows focusing on pairings. Gotham has flash beat as they don't focus on that stuff, but other than that I'm fine with. Arrow is a different story tho.


Well-Known Member
First off, sorry for the poor picture quality, I took it from my phone. Anyway, I wanted to show you guys Wonder Woman new improved face. Ed Boon actually took my advice when I told him to give Wonder Woman some make up and darken her hair. I'm so grateful he listened to me. Now I can say, she looks beautiful now. :)


Premium Donor
First off, sorry for the poor picture quality, I took it from my phone. Anyway, I wanted to show you guys Wonder Woman new improved face. Ed Boon actually took my advice when I told him to give Wonder Woman some make up and darken her hair. I'm so grateful he listened to me. Now I can say, she looks beautiful now. :)
View attachment 21896
He did listen! She looks much better now, definitely a good improvement imo


Well-Known Member
Standard Donor
Is there a video of her new look? Maybe its just me but I thought her face looked fine before, I like my wonder woman to look a bit mature and natural.
Edit: she does look a bit prettier I'm glad they listen to feedback :)
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Well-Known Member
if rumors are true, i am dying to see how beautiful starfire and poison ivy will look considering 'beauty' is like a major part of their characters.


Well-Known Member
Is there a video of her new look? Maybe its just me but I thought her face looked fine before, I like my wonder woman to look a bit mature and natural.
Edit: she does look a bit prettier I'm glad they listen to feedback :)
I'm glad he listen too. Her alpha Version was too plain and kinda manly looking. This time around she's actually pretty.


Well-Known Member
Wonder if any MK characters will make a cameo in one of the new DC movies too... I'd freak out if Sub Zero showed up in Justice League 2.


Well-Known Member
im totally here for vixen but beast boy is also rumored so im honestly wondering how they'd separate the two since both of their powers include animals. booster gold as been rumored since day 1. zoom, eh. dr. manhattan should pretty much be all but confirmed by now. a choice. if true pretty much confirms that darkseid is the main villain of the game which was also a rumor but with a star studded cast, she'd just fade into the background like killer frost did in the first one.


Well-Known Member
im totally here for vixen but beast boy is also rumored so im honestly wondering how they'd separate the two since both of their powers include animals. booster gold as been rumored since day 1. zoom, eh. dr. manhattan should pretty much be all but confirmed by now. a choice. if true pretty much confirms that darkseid is the main villain of the game which was also a rumor but with a star studded cast, she'd just fade into the background like killer frost did in the first one.

Tbh I think Grail would be pretty popular, she isn't to known but she's a newer villianess so that could explain why. Plus she'd probably rival Wonder Woman (and is the daughter of Darkseid) which would make her more then just another jobber