

Premium Donor
Xiaoyu needs to just spank both Lili and Asuka and then teach them some new fighting techniques. Xiaoyu is an T3 OG who was busy trying to get some amusement park business started and to make Jin her b-... consort.


Serious note, I wonder if Oscar is going to beat Feng's ass again (if her T5DR did take place). Lili should have something a bit more pivotal to do within the story. That goes for many others like Paul for example. The one thing I am not a fan of how some good characters are wasted and put into some comedy relief status or shafted entirely. Then again, this is a fighting game and it is not necessarily the wisest choice to play them exclusively for the story for obvious reason, considering how crazy some of writing was to begin with. It more of a minor gripe if anything. However, based on some recent trailers, Tekken 7 is looking to be a highly entertaining game and we should definitely count onf Harada-san and his team to dosh out a nice solid... and complete game.

I'm also hoping that the non Mishima characters will have well done story chapters of their own, I hope they be serious about Lili's story since that snippet from Eliza's trailer kinda gives it a humorous vibe. I'd I had it my way I'd say remove the silly sleep thing from Eliza so it can darken her image as a character, and I hope they keep the story where she was trapped underneath the Rochefort mansion and she's vengeful. XD

And I hope Jin and Xiaoyu can have a good connection in this game, I feel bad whenever Jin kind of ignores her although she has feelings for him, I also hope Jin and Lili have a remade confrontation in the vein of that T6 preview where they were both fighting and then Hwoarang crashes in
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Active Member

I'm also hoping that the non Mishima characters will have well done story chapters of their own, I hope they be serious about Lili's story since that snippet from Eliza's trailer kinda gives it a humorous vibe. I'd I had it my way I'd say remove the silly sleep thing from Eliza so it can darken her image as a character, and I hope they keep the story where she was trapped underneath the Rochefort mansion and she's vengeful. XD

And I hope Jin and Xiaoyu can have a good connection in this game, I feel bad whenever Jin kind of ignores her although she has feelings for him, I also hope Jin and Lili have a remade confrontation in the vein of that T6 preview where they were both fighting and then Hwoarang crashes in

I've had this little fanfic in my head for awhile where if Heihachi ends up dead, Lili takes control of her father's business and uses the remaining Rochefort resources to take advantage of the now leaderless Mishima Zaibatsu. Raiding all of the Zaibatsu's assets, she would disband it and her family business would take its place as one the worlds most powerful corporate entities with Lili at its head. It would probably never happen, along with all the other story lines I have in my head for the other characters, but I guess that's why it's a fanfic.

I really do hope the other characters get some interesting stories. I don't mind if they're a little humorous, but would like to at least see them trying to accomplish more serious goals than in some of the past games. Additional story modes for different characters might not be a bad idea for future DLC.


Premium Donor
I've had this little fanfic in my head for awhile where if Heihachi ends up dead, Lili takes control of her father's business and uses the remaining Rochefort resources to take advantage of the now leaderless Mishima Zaibatsu. Raiding all of the Zaibatsu's assets, she would disband it and her family business would take its place as one the worlds most powerful corporate entities with Lili at its head. It would probably never happen, along with all the other story lines I have in my head for the other characters, but I guess that's why it's a fanfic.

I really do hope the other characters get some interesting stories. I don't mind if they're a little humorous, but would like to at least see them trying to accomplish more serious goals than in some of the past games. Additional story modes for different characters might not be a bad idea for future DLC.
That could definitely happen, and I myself feel like Lili will take on a similar role to what Karin had in SFV. I also hope they continue adding on to the story as well, it's definitely easy to do and patch in over time

Project Bokuho

Lady Helena's Pet
Premium Donor
Read 'em and weep guys. You're axed haha!



Premium Donor
Devil Kazumi will likely be playable on console, the guest artist JB style made a artwork for her that's being included in Japanese preorders for the game and it'll also likely be her alternative character panel on console:


Premium Donor
Tekken is rated M, YE-YEAH!!!

It's rated for mild sexual impact which is likely due to the revealing outfits and maybe there's gonna be some sexual content in the story mode, Nina had rape subtext in her background so that's likely for her chapter and we can likely expect some flirtation between Heihachi and Kazumi.


Well-Known Member
Tekken is rated M, YE-YEAH!!!
View attachment 22659
It's rated for mild sexual impact which is likely due to the revealing outfits and maybe there's gonna be some sexual content in the story mode, Nina had rape subtext in her background so that's likely for her chapter and we can likely expect some flirtation between Heihachi and Kazumi.

Wait, rewind, have they really mentioned Nina having something like that in her chapter?!